Yall I really need some advise

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by MyfirstZ, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. Forgiven

    Just saw this thread and you got good advice. Nobody is attracted to someone who clings or runs after them. She made a choice and was honest to you, she showed you respect. It is good to know this now than later. Only date someone who is honest in all things, then you will know they will not lie or cheat on you.

    When you get older you will realize that many of the couples you see now who look so good together will go through breakups and worse, relationships are tough to go the distance on. Choose well. This girl sounds like a keeper, but so are you. Find another like her who is compatable with you and appreciates what she has.

    Too often people take for granted someone who treats them well, later on they will kick themselves for making the mistake of letting them get away.

    And for you girls who may read this....you know how exciting some guys can be? The macho kind who you are trying to impress? Well for what it is worth a slightly boring appreciative guy is a better bet for the long run.
  2. MyfirstZ

    I will second that comment! Thanks man I am trying to move on but everytime I do it seems like there she is again somehow trying to keep herself in my life. I really need to know whether or not I should call her. I know that it is my descision to make but I want to do this right and so far yall haven't steered me wrong.
  3. Camaro Queen

    No do not call her. I know you have worked up what you want to say to her but they are not meant to be hurtful so leave it go. If she calls you then yes by all means tell her what you need to tell her but do not call her just to get in the last word. Part your ways and move on.
  4. MyfirstZ

    Thanks. I am hoping that this girl didn't get scared because my aunt told her that I just got out of a 2 year relationship and she said she doesn't wanna be the rebound girl. :( I was like what the crap! Why did you have to go and tell her that! Ohh well things will work themselves out if it is meant to be. My aunt is supposed to tell me what she says today that is if the girl went to class today...So I'll be updating yall later on tonight after I get off work. Hopefully I'll have good news!
  5. MyfirstZ

    Well my aunt didn't go to class Monday so she didn't get a chance to talk to her. She has a class with her today. I say today because it is 3 in the morning...Well it's kinda wierd how people show up in my life because I went into a gas station the other day and swapt numbers with a girl that I wanted to date my Sophmore year and last night a girl that I went to high school with messaged me on Facebook and we also swapped numbers and I talked to her for like 2 hours on Facebook tonight. Things are going good so yeah. Hopefully I will have some more good news later on. :)
  6. Camaro Queen

    ohhhhhh you is playing the field well for a man just out of a 2 year relationship... Keep your head up and have a little fun before you settle back into another solid relationship.

    Me... I dont think after 25years of marriage I would even know how to start dating again. hahahhahahahaha. But then again maybe I am too old anyway. Too set in my ways also. Not to mention my dogs would probably scare off any man with intentions. ahhaa
  7. MyfirstZ

    Well thank you Nora. I am trying to keep my head up but I think I am going to get rid of my Z really soon because I just got my first ticket...I was being stupid and I got clocked doing 120 in a 65. I luckily didn't go to jail or anything but I do have to go to court...So yeah. Me and my brother were just playing on the interstate. He has a 07 Mustang V6. He also got a ticket for the same thing. I Just know that there is no way I am going to be able to pay the insurance plus make the payments that I have while going to school and working only part time. I am gonna hate to see her go but I might get another one when I get older and can really keep from doing things like this anymore.
  8. Camaro Queen

    just remember that car is not what got you the ticket. You have to be mature when you own a car of any kind. You could have gotten that same ticket in any other car or truck. Be safe and do not screw around and you will be good. Insurance on the other hand I understand.

    That ticket is going to be one hefty price to pay for 10 seconds of fun.
  9. MyfirstZ

    I know. It's just really tempting to go that fast expecially knowing that I can. I was actually going 140 but I guess that he clocked me after I hit my brakes. I just think that I should get rid of it until I am older and can drive a car like this and not be tempted. If I am in a truck like I have then I will not be tempted to do anything like this because trucks aren't meant to go that fast. I just think that it would be in my best interest to sell the car, plus I have a TON of memories with my ex in that car. I think that it will help me move on faster. I just can't wait to get my 85 Chevy truck done. I love that thing so much and it don't even have a driveshaft :)
  10. transamws6_97

    sell the z for another car or do you have a daily drive already? you know even when you are older if you get another fbody you will always be tempted to go fast...after seeing friends get seriously hurt doing stupid stuff on the road i hardless ever go over 100...im just too paranoid but dont get me wrong i like to have fun in my car. just remember youll never get the money out of your car you put into it

    btw im 21 and have 4-5 tickets i dont even remember with about 5-7 warnings for stupid stuff like excessive acceleration etc and my insurance is actually cheaper than when i was 16
  11. MyfirstZ

    I have another DD. I haven't really done anything to it because of certain financial reasons. I just think that it would be best for me to sell the Z because of the stupid competition that is going on with me and my brother. He thinks that I got the car just to out do him which is not true at all. Plus my grandma gives my mom alot of crap about me having it because she thinks that my mom helped me get it and she didn't. Plus unfortunatly I had to buy a car to realize that I am more of a truck guy. I have a 93 2 door Tahoe that I love to drive. That was my first vehicle and I was gonna keep it and make it into my 4X4 toy until my mom made me give it to my little brother that doesn't even have his permit. All in all I just think that getting rid of Uri would be something good for me to do.
  12. red_84

    Bump. I am curntly in a similer situation. She moved out of my house and broke up with me a few weeks later (we were engaged) and said that she still wants to be friends but has also said that the break up might not be perminent. She said that she just needs some space and time to figure out what she wants in life and make sure she is ready to be married again. She has been married before; first husband ruined her life, last one didnt support her and was never home. She is 33 and i am 27. I will also say that we do still sleep together. What does that meen and what should i do? Thanks!
  13. TSAEB

    Wow the last post before this was 2008 . Lol I would hope a 20+ year marriage person shines in right now

    As for me 27 married for 3 years. We fight ALL THE TIME . Lmao but never have I doubted I wanted to be with her. " need space" wtf? Since when is dating like buying a shirt and Macy's ? " do i want it ?.... Is it me... Do you make me look fat? Ok wait there I'll be back ... Maybe " .

    Bro your 27 that is baby age now dating to me does not get difficult to you hit 60. My pops found the love of his life at age 50. Chunk duce have fun move on . And if she gets her life straight later on . Good. And for her sake your not married By then to a good women with 2 beatiful kids by then.
  14. inlada

    as a girl ,i give you an advise , There are plenty of fishes outside , There is no need to close your eyes and heart . Everyone broke up many times in the life. You will find the right partner in a right moment . 1 year ago ,i thought i loved my ex bf during 5 years and we were nearly prepared to get married ,but we didnt. when my curent husband appeared in our relationship , i recognized that i didnt love my ex bf . Love is a complicated feeling .

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