Yall I really need some advise

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by MyfirstZ, Oct 23, 2008.

  1. zeeeman28

    Yes, all in all, when all is said and done, read those two lines and be thankful!!!!

    Yeah, then "MyFirstZ" may have been "HerFirstZ"
  2. MyfirstZ

    Alright like I said I cut the ties between the two of us and didn't say anything to her. Now she messages me on Facebook wanting to know why I deleted her off of my friends list...I am SO confused! I asked a guys wife from work and she said that she has stayed friends with all of her exs too and maybe she just can't see why I can't just do the same, she said just to be honest with her but the reason why I can't be friends with her is that I still love her and can't stand seeing her with such a f***ing looser! I treated her right and did everything for her. And to see her with a guy that she won't even tell her parents about because she knows that they won't like. I mean really, come on...What could I say to her that she would not love to death? Anyways I am gonna give it a few days and get some serious advise on this one because this may be the last time I ever talk to her again. So please all input and advise welcome...And again thank in advance to all of yall. By the way Desert Rat, you are so true....
  3. zeeeman28

    here comes the brain messin with ya again. Let her grobble, sit back and enjoy with a smile on yer face, you need to ERASE her and get on with yer life. Alot of people are gonna come and go in yer life, and this is one of them, she seems like a drama queen so screw her. Just my opinion..
  4. MyfirstZ

    How's this for coming and going...My bank is by her moms work. I have seen her last month when I went to pay my bills at the bank, that is the only time I go there, and yesterday I left my house almost 2 hours later than usualy just so I WOULD NOT see her but no...I get to the last intersection before my bank and I look to my right and see her in her Jeep and blair through the intersection because a car was coming. Well it's not even 30 seconds later that I get a call from her, I debated for a second whether or not to answer it, but I figured that I would be civil and answer it. She answers all happy like and just wanting to talk because she just seen me. I put her on hold for 5 minutes while I was at the bank. She NEVER holds for more than 1-2 minutes! I get back on there and ask if she is still there and she respnds in the most sexy voice "Yeah, I'm still here." I asked if I could call her back and she said yeah don't worry about calling her right back. She would just talk to me later when I had time to call her. I said okay and hung up. Didn't say bye or nothing :) I never called her back...:cool: I know that she was going crazy ALL day long looking at her phone making sure that she didn't miss my call...I couldn't help but smile all day long after that.:chuckles::chicky: I just don't really know where to go from here. What should I do? By the way Zeeman, she HATES drama. She isn't drama but she sure is causing it right now.
  5. zeeeman28

    I dunno, really sounds like she's either confused or playing a game right now. Just know this, SHE broke up with YOU and found a new boyfriend. But hey man, at your age, have your fun. I had a similar situation (and im not saying this is your exact situation) with one of my ex girlfriends who was a little crazy, very physically attractive and she KNEW IT, but even though weren't seeing each other(both seeing OTHER people), she would give me a call out of the blue and I dunno how to say this, but would be 'thinking' about me in the way of just getting together and well, the physical 'thing', and then saying goodbye. I cant get into much detail cuz this is a family forum, but i'll just say this. Have your fun while you're young with whatever situation comes, but ignore when the situation comes of giving your 'heart' to this person and getting burned in the process. Have your fun, and do what you want to do, but dont put all your eggs in one basket with this person when it comes to an honest monogomous relationship. None of this may make any sense to you, but at least "I" know what I'm trying to say to you lol.
  6. MyfirstZ

    I think that she is realizing that she royaly screwed up! She called me AGAIN tonight! She didn't leave me a voice mail which I was surprised about but ohh well. I was at work so I didn't answer. But I don't know what her deal is. But by me ignoring her it is driving her crazy and I am loving it! I have never been through this before but man, it's kinda nice to have a girl chasing after me after she leaves me. Makes me feel really good about myself.
  7. Camaro Queen

    how is her calling you making you feel? How were you feeling before she started to call? If you are feeling better with the situation then leave yourself open for now romance. I know it feels good to be chased but let her hang out to dry for a while. If there is something there between the two of you in 6 months or even jsut 3 then talk about your relationship and see what comes of it. Till then enjoy life and play the field. Maybe you will have a different perspective on this relationship that will open your eyes to a new kind of thinking.

    If you like the chase and truly want her back then go for it but.... remeber she may and most likely will do the same thing again once she feels she is at a stalemate again. Just a warning ... you have to do what you feel is right.
  8. zeeeman28

    ^^^that's the best advice yet, and it's coming from a woman so please listen!!! And one more thing I TOLD YOU it will become yer own little game and it will become FUN!! See, she's chasing you now, I knew if you stayed strong something good would come out of this!!! Dont give in though, seriously and listen to Nora.
  9. MyfirstZ

    I like it when she calls me. It reminds me that I am still in her head. I was/am doing a whole lot better. I don't really think that I want her back but who knows...All I have to say is that if we do then so much will change. I have stepped back and really looked at things and seen some things that will change in future relationships. I don't see her leaving me as such a crushing blow to my life anymore, I see it more as a stepping stone to better and greater things to come. I would still like to be there for her but I can't do that plus make myself happy. I thiink that the part of me that still wants to be there for her is the part that is still holding on to that sliver of hope that things can/will go back to normal. I know that things will never be the same. I don't know what will come of it but all I can really do is pray for her and for myself and see what comes out of it. By the way I am supposed to be meeting this girl that is in one of my moms friends classes. She is my age so I am getting a little excited about this. I think that more so I am getting excited about applying my new found knowledge to my life. Thanks again for all of the support yall and I will keep yall updated on thing to come.
  10. zeeeman28

    awesome man, and trust me, its only a 'sliver' of hope now, soon that sliver will be completely gone and things WILL be great! Good job moving on so quick and good luck with the new one!!!!

    Ps, keep flexing yer muscles and stay tough!
  11. Camaro Queen

    It is good to hear you are looking forward to a date... Means you have grown and become more of the person you always were but was hidden. Even if this is a one time date it is a good thing and you should enjoy it. Who knows maybe the two of you will have a lot more in common and you hit it off to a great freindship and I say friendship for now as you need time before entering into another relationship. Friendship does not mean you cant move one. It jsut means that you are giving yourself time to heal before the move and any decent girl will be glad to help you and will have great respect for your decision.

    Keep us posted.
  12. MyfirstZ

    Thanks so much Nora...Yall really are a great bunch of people. I really don't know where I would be without yall! I just have to remember all of the things that yall have told me and apply them to my life to make this make me a better person. Don't worry I will keep yall posted =)
  13. MyfirstZ

    Alright this makes day number two that she calls me, but she called me twice tonight! I think she is either really confused on why I am not answering her calls and not responding back to her or she really misses me. The second time she only let it ring like 3 times but still she called! I am still smiling :) I am supposed to hear about this other girl on Monday if she is in class, so I am just really speechless on how this is playing out. Yall are probably familiar with the way things go in relationships like when you start to see somebody and then all of the sudden like three or four people come out of the wood work and like you, well that is how it is. I am just going to keep driving her nuts by not answering her calls and hope for the best with this other girl because unless my ex can give me a REALLY good reason for why I should even think about giving her another chance to break my heart.
  14. Camaro Queen

    maybe you should answer and let her know that you have moved on and plan to do some dating. And yes .. it always seems that they come out all at once. Dont rule any of them out. you never know.
  15. guitarisawesome

    I agree with this. A lot of good advice in this thread. :thumbsup: Sounds like you're making it work too. :thumbsup:
  16. MyfirstZ

    Yeah Jesse there really is alot of good advise in here. I just have one question should I let her call me again and then answer it or should I call her?
  17. guitarisawesome

    I'd stick to letting her chase you, so let her call you.
  18. MyfirstZ

    Sounds good to me. I am pretty sure that I know what I wanna say so I will see how everything works out :)
  19. Camaro Queen

    I agree let her call you. If you call her you could give her the wrong impression that you want to play hard to get but not out of range.
  20. MyfirstZ

    Okay today makes two days that she hasn't called me. So what should I do? I see that there are two possibilities to this. One being that she is trying to play the game that I am playing and she is going to try to make me call her by not calling me. Or two she got the hint that I don't want anything to do with her anymore. I know that she still misses me and some of the things that she has done has pointed at her wanting me to move on but she still wants me to stay single and wait for her to have her fun and then once she is done for me to be right there waiting on her with all of the same feelings and be like nothing ever happened. I REFUSE TO PLAY SECOND FIDDLE, expecially when it comes to this...person. I'm trying to keep this G-rated due to the youngins here. But like I said what should I do about her not callling me because I have a bucket list of things that I wanna say to her but I don't want it so seem like I'm gonna be there for her when she falls on her face.

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