What's up people????

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by FANTA-Z, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Mase

    Me too !!!
  2. GunEmDown10

    Hey Glenn,
    Saw this post on an email thread, been a while for me too. I think 2010ish maybe. Man, I used to live on this page, didn't always post but loved it!
    Hope all my peeps are well!

    FANTA-Z likes this.
  3. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Yeah we had a lot of fun back in the day. Wish it could get back to that again here in the future, maybe a reunion meeting :)
    GunEmDown10 likes this.
  4. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    we are definitely working on it! I would love to attend my first one lol. Just need to grow a little more before we can do something like that.
    FANTA-Z likes this.
  5. GunEmDown10

    It was off the chain when I started lurking in 2004. When I joined in 2005 the website stats on posts, members, and non-members on the site were astronomical. We were all crazy over the brand dying and the the fact 2002 as the last production year (so we thought). I looked at archived posts last night and took a nostalgic trip back in time. It was good......

    FANTA-Z likes this.
  6. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    We definitely had a great time back then. Working on getting there again. It's just taking some time. It's pretty easy to start a site, but it's hard as hell to revive a site that was killed.
    GunEmDown10 and FANTA-Z like this.
  7. 4thand26

    i took like a 10 year hiatus as well from the site, came back 3 years ago or so
  8. GunEmDown10

    Tony - I'm sure.... thanks for all you do!

    FANTA-Z likes this.
  9. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Between social media and MasterZ losing interest after he got a 5th gen the site suffered a lot. Its been a battle but we have climbed out of the worst of it (maybe 3-6 posts per week when I started here) and its slowly but surely been growing. :)
    GunEmDown10 likes this.

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