The Bad Side Of Street Racing & Wreckless Driving.

Discussion in 'Street/Strip Racing' started by Randy L, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Brandon

    to be honest, I would have probably street raced more if somebody was actually willing to race me. But now that I have been to the track, I have no desire to street race. At the track there is always somebody to line up against, and you get a time slip.

    ...But that doesn't stop me from getting sideways in corners sometimes:D
  2. sujomatt

    lucky me no one tries racing me and im not 1 to look for a race. only ppl that i have ever raced r my close friends on clear highways. lol
  3. zguy00

    interesting thread. i was just wondering if some of the highways had unlimited speed limits like in Germany, would people race? i was watching the discovery channel and the cost of a german licence is $2000 and you have to be 18. they say german roads are the safe. i'm sure drivers do race in germany, but most likely at high speeds rather than from the dig. just my 2 cents.
  4. Wild Willy

    A German Driving license takes days to earn, and you have to show that you can control skids and slides- it truly is a privilege to drive there, and, if you drive carelessly or stupidly, the privilege will be taken away-

    I *might* admit to street racing in the sense of leaving a red light, punching it and getting up to 50 or so, but no more on a public highway around other drivers- other drivers that swerve suddenly without warning, or turn across 3 lanes of traffic, or stop suddenly without signaling- any number of things that would cause you to crash if you weren't driving in control, with a reserve of traction and reaction time-

    I don't have problems with people driving fast, or doing drifts, burn-outs, whatever. Just don't be doing them on a street where kids on bicycles might come by, or my wife may be going to the grocery store-

    As drivers, we are all vulnerable to other motorist's bad decisions, and, when you see other drivers doing stupid or dangerous things on the street, you just want to make them 'grow up', to realize how stupid and dangerous it is- sooner or later, they will have a close call, if they are lucky, or worse, and then they will be forced to admit what all the rest of us have been trying to tell them- that it isn't worth the consequnces, which can include loosing their car, their license to drive, there friends or their own lives- pretty big stakes to be just playing around for-
  5. JMann94z28

    i have only did 150 in my car one time,it was when some guy on a crotch rocket pulled next to me and looked at me then took off, i knew i couldnt catch him so i said what the heck, there was no traffic out that night,but the thought of hitting an armadillo or a posseum or something with a tire and splitting my car and maybe me in two, then about 5 minutes after that my old opti started spitting then straightened itself back up,it was something i wont do again unless on some salt flats, i wonder if they have z28s in germany?
  6. Fbodfather

  7. Brandon

  8. JMann94z28

    people that dont need a license or a sports car,they shouldnt even be allowed to breed
  9. Sassy8722

    Hmmm what an interesting post. I know this thread isn't really for opinions, but I am going to give mine because I also have a story, not a very interesting one, but still a story.
    People try to race me ALL the time. I don't know why, but anything from trucks, to ricers, to beat up old granny cars, it seems they all think they can beat my car. Every time I see this I just laugh because I think these people look stupid. One because I know I could beat most of them (those quick little cars will never match the power of ours), and two most of these people do this in the middle of five o clock traffic with tons of people around, come on it's stupid.
    I'll admit I did race once, I couldn't help it, there was a Camaro and it was just teasing me so I went. I only got up to 53 when I saw the cop. He (the other driver) took off and I got pulled 53 in a 35 (I guess I could've said I was dyslexic), $275 ticket. I drive ALOT safer than I used to, even though I never thought I was driving dangerously. I know I am a good driver, I think if you are not a confident driver it will make you a worse driver (like those people who hesitate to turn and by the time they do you are right on top of them)., but I have been pulled about 10 times for speeding, got three tickets luckily, and one warning (78 in a 55, I got lucky). I like to drive fast, but I don't drive stupid. I am very observant, you know my mom and my boyfriend like to pick on me saying I can't drive, but they have both been in wreckS and I have never been in even one, though I have avoided MANY.
    I will admit that sometimes when I stop at a light if someone is teasing me I will take off quick when the light turns just to show them I am not just some dumb girl, but I NEVER go over the speed limit, I just reach it and drive. Then they end up passing me looking at me like "huh?".
    There is nothing anyone can say to make street racing ok. If you want to kill yourself, that is one thing, but half the people posting on this thread are talking like they are the only ones who use the roads. This is just not true.
    And of course alot of people don't even think of animals. Even if you do block off the roads for street racing, deer can't read. What if a 100 pound deer runs out in front of you while you're going 140?? No you may not hurt someone else, but you will surely regret racing if you live.
    I say keep it on the track no matter what. If you can't afford it then you can wait. The ticket or hospital bill you may end up with will cost more anyway. And if you could afford the fast car you're driving, then you should be able to go to the track at least once in a while to get your fix.
    Don't endanger yourself and others.
  10. jtt00z28

    Since it was a sticky I didn't think it would matter the last post was a year ago. I'm not here to sway anyone one way or the other, just my story. Not to be a 'donkey' or anything but I don't really want a buncha people telling me what an idiot I am either, I've told myself that enough already. I've learned the HARD and EXPENSIVE way about speeding/wreckless driving....

    I don't remember if I posted but last Oct I was arrested for speeding and reckless endangerment, 115 in a 45. I honestly wasn't racing, just speeding. Well I was convicted of 114 in a 45, which was just the speeding ticket. I only got my license suspended for 1 year Mar09-10, no community service, no driving class (I took one on my own accord though). Well I am eligible for a provisional license which means I can drive to and from school or work and that's it. In order to get that I have to have proof of insurance, a couple other forms filled out. Well, I have shopped around for car insurance and I need liability and collision and for 6 months the cheapest I have found is ~$1200!!! Like I said, I have learned the HARD AND EXPENSIVE way about speeding. Of all the choices I had that night, somehow I decided that was the best way to solve my problems. Definitely not! I LOVE to go fast but it is just not worth it to me. Yes, much more terrible things could have happened and I'm so lucky they didn't but even from a financial side of things I just can't afford to go fast anymore. That's my story.

    On a positive note!! I should be driving again soon and as soon as she gets a good detail I will have some new pics up. A few things have been done so I'm looking forward to showing off and seeing what you guys think.
  11. Randy L Staff Alumni


    That is a good perspective about the "other" cost of street racing. I'm a hard-head, and most of the times I need to learn the hard way NOt to do something.

    It takes a tremendous amount of self control to keep from enjoying the power of our f-bodies on the streets. I pray we all learn from the mistakes of others.
  12. Red Sleeper2

    Just have to share this:
    Had a crappy start to the work week, Monday and Tuesday for some reason really blew this week. Just had a really bad start to the week and nothing really to look forward to for a few weeks. Got stood up on a sale for the car last week so that didn't help. Decided to take the car to school yesterday evening just to run it because it's been sitting at the house for about 4 months or so. Had about all I could take with my class and left a little early. (too many stupid people asking pointless questions we don't have time for in a 8 week mini)

    Just minding my own business on my drive home when a guy on a cruiser motorcycle pulls up next to me. Really nice looking bike with LED's on it, it looked really good. He reved up and that's all it took. I spun through 3rd so he jumped me about 4 car links and I held that distance. As we came up on a decent curve in the road as he started to let off. I kept on it until I got close to the curve, held about 90-95 as I made the curve. Would have been fine but the pavement changed in the curve so I lost traction. While power sliding I kept in it, pulled it out and passing him at the same time. Straightened up and gave it all it had. I don't know how fast I was running but the tenths dial on the trip was turning rather quickly. After a little over a mile of holding it I let off and started slowing down. He caught up about tow or three miles down the road and gave me a thumbs up. Said it looked bad ass when I was going around the curve, he had never seen anything like it in person. I told him I needed to change my pants after that.

    I was smiling the whole way home after that. I was relaxed, relieved, and stress free. :biggrin:
    I just forgot how good it feels to have decent power and not much weight. I have a few issues with the fuel pump and alt but I'm considering fixing them and getting some use out of the car for a while and keep the miles off my truck.

    But damn it sure felt good to get on it. Forgot how good that car gets down!!
  13. zguy00

    Yesterday I was heading home from work, rush hour. 3 lanes with limit of 65. I pulled onto ramp and on to 3laner. Supra was next to me but I refused to run. Too much trafic so I keep it at 65. In mirror was a black ferreri running fast in 3 rd lane. Supra gets behind him and off they go weaving in out of traffic. I stayed way behind just waiting for accident or cops. I was proud not to engage, cuz my z is no match for both cars. Plus I didn't want my license taken or possible be in a bad wreck. I just watched and let them do their thing. I have to admit, that supra was fast n kept up with him.
  14. TSAEB

    sorry to be negetive but i just dont see why guys roll race. its pretty lame and very dangerous....i dont mind the illegal part but why risk some ones life who had no say so in the matter. but i will admit I have done my share of street racing...but it was in zero trafffic streets with only the one that could get hurt was the people racing.
  15. 00redsvt

    Well, I cannot street race or I will lose my license. I have already lost it in another state (not for moving violations), so if I get caught here, I will automatically get it revoked. My husband can't street race because if he gets ANY moving violations he loses his job. Period. That is definitely one way to cut it out.
    Back in the day, we were pretty wild. We don't even have a stop light in this Podunk town, and with less than a thousand people, there's literally no traffic after dark, except all the kids trying to find something to do. We used to know exactly how far an eighth, quarter and half a mile was and had it marked on the guard rail over on the "new road" as it was called when we were younger. Everyone would meet at the gas station, you'd run your mouth, race your car, and come back and park. Funny thing was, even our Barney Fife's would get in on it. Unless you were drinking. Then you were going to jail. We only saw one accident in about six years, and I know we were lucky. I'm not condoning it. I'm just saying we were guilty of it, too. Now? My almost 30 year old self is grabbing the door handle if he takes a curve at 70. Nerves of steel are long gone. We live beside the drag strip and get in for free, so it's nt hard to get our fix. We are very lucky.
    Driveitlikeustoleit likes this.
  16. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Yeah, I hear ya. I learned my lesson up in Virginia many years ago. It's a long story but suffice to say I got let go on a warning when I shouldn't have, going far faster than I should be been going. It wasn't racing, I was trying to see what the top end was. I recall sitting there parked on the side of the road waiting for him to come back with my license.... the whole time thinking "man, you've got a wife and 3 kids, why are you doing this on the street".
  17. ZZILLA

    Let me tell you about ca law enforcement!
    They straight up rob & extort money from the people. then shoot them!
    They are Criminal's w/a gun & a badge!
    They have got so many lawsuits against them for unlawful force of a "peace officer" They are extorting money from the public to cover the law suits!
    Its way worse than what you hear! A Fullerton Ca College police accadamy was closed down for de frauding the state!
    I and along w/a growing number of the public are taking action against them! They are some good ones, dont get me wrong! But the majority of them
    are Marines!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
  18. Driveitlikeustoleit

    I think those people standing in the middle of the highway on a dark night must have been hammered.
    they could have gone to a
    country rock concert in vegas to get shot up by our own cia the same spooks that blew up the jogathon.
    I dont think much of the driver that hit them neither.
    I think this country was built by rebels .
    Power of suggestion is a strong weapon against our older community almost like brainwashing.
    They give you drugs without you knowing that keeps you focused on falling in line.
    And make you avoid confrontation with panic attacks meanwhile .
    DC politicans are raping torturing and killing babies to get high off of drinking dorfens in their blood.
    AND flooding america with third world country people.
    If you drove from reno to sac after 8 oclock you would need those racing skills just to avoid the drunks.
    If you dont nascar them youl be swapping paint with them.
    Polishing one skill hones others and make our older deteriorating brains make new brain cells.
    competition of all kinds and risk and sacrifice are why we are free.
    And is why we scare the ones who would enslave us.
    and why you just dont want to think about it just react to it .
    Some people dance to entertain God so Dance
    Some people sing to entertain God so sing
    Some people fight to entertain God and I cant dance or sing
    Jesus said in the Old Testament.
    For those who overcome the demons I will share my throne Like my father did me.
    And when you go through rough times
    Ask God or Jesus to show you the way
    And when a calming comes over you,
    Thats a Angel wispering in your ear
  19. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Not sure what that was about? :warning1:
  20. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

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