The Bad Side Of Street Racing & Wreckless Driving.

Discussion in 'Street/Strip Racing' started by Randy L, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. wise690

    I do not condone street racing, but i will not deny that I have done it myself. If you decide not to street race and abide by all laws, good decision. You won't ever regret it. If you know that you are still going to race and goof off anyway, know and understand the consequences and that you still face them, even on the most deserted backroads.

    Here are some pics I recently found, for the original purpose of the thread. The wreck happened a few years back where a teenage kid flew down the main street through town, racing a Dodge truck through traffic. The race and crash happened when all kinds of innocent people were around. I'm not sure of the speeds (somewhere around 100, speed limit is 40), but obviously, they were going pretty fast to have torn the car in half around a pole and bend the pole almost all the way to the ground. I do know, he recieved felony charges and that both halves of that car are sitting in an impound lot. One of my friends has the article hanging on his wall. I'll try to get ahold of it and scan it. I hope this serves as a good example. Take it how you want to, but this could happen to you, could happen to me, could happen to anybody who does decide to do this kind of stuff.

    Mods please let me know if these pictures are too graffic.




  2. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Vega your not getting the point of this thread at all. If it was to argue the fact that our cars go fast and people can hurt themselves in them then yeah you have a point to argue but this thread is to post up things that might discourage someone from street racing due to the postings others put about their experiences whether it happened to them or someone they knew or something they read about. I said it up above that I am not denying our cars go fast and they can hurt someone whether it be wreckless driving or what not, but we are trying to get to those members that might read this and decide not to do it. Why do you want to keep arguing about people are going to do it and how these cars are designed, and what commercials GM has up? Do you just not understand the concept of this thread? If not please read the thread title once again. And no I dont drink any Fanta drinks to answer that question :D
  3. nightrunnerz28

    you know its all up to the person if they want to put there life on the line street racing or being foolish on the street. everything about street racing fills good and it fells even better when you win. but i would ask never race with some one else in the car. and the story i have is this. last summer my girlfriend and i were heading home from here parents house we got on the turn pick and it was about 9:30pm and out of no were a vette pulls up next to me and we took off we were weaving in and out of traffic my tack was reading 145mph and then 150 i never looked over to see my girlfriend was crying i never heard her scream my name and when i did look over to see her and i seen she was crying and shacking a cold chill came over me. knowing i could of killed the one i love and killing my self at the same time i pulled over in a truck stop and just held her for a good 30 minuts and just keep saying im sorry. now im not saying dont street race because i dont care if you do im just saying be smart about it. i still street race and i most likely wont stop but i will never have some one in the car with me my life is one thing but who am i to mess with someone elses. just plz be smart if your street racing and i know a lot of kids 16 to 21 think they will never get caught or never wreck but at one point or a nother you will it took my girlfriend to make me relize that im not super man and i can die and i can be hurt im 19 going on 20 next month the sooner you learn your not super man the better you will be. and as every one else said but in my own words IF YOUR GOING TO RACE RACE SAFE AND NOT STUPID!!!!!!!
  4. Gatorhead

    Is this supposed to prove something? I could list 100 different things that are attractive to potential buyers other than going fast.

    Also just because you do not have a passenger does not mean you are saving an innocent life. If you are racing and lose control there are innocent people all around you.

    In contrast to all the other things that have been listed as being worse than street racing none of them are as easy to eradicate.
  5. nightrunnerz28

    sorry if i worded things wrong my point was fear when you add fear to the factor it should make you stop and think what you are doing. now if you want pros and cons then lets start with Cons- if you u crash- insurance goes up or they drop you, car is destroyed, you get hurt or killed, you hurt or kill some one else, law suits, depending on what happends you could destroy your life, and most this add up to some large amounts of $$$$$.

    Now for the Pros- nope i cant think of one

    the point of my last post was it took fear to make me relize i could destroy my life or the life of someone else so i am sorry for not making that clear
  6. DustinZ28

    this needs to be stickied!

    my sisters husband works at a fire department, they got a call this morning about a wreck. they show up on the scene and a new corvette has went under the back of a pickup truck. they said the guy had sprayed his car and ran into the back of the truck, he died in the helicopter on the way to the hospital. dont think he was street racing, probably just wanted an aderaline rush. My sister called me and told me this because his husband had been thinkin bout me all morning and told me to be careful, its a sad thing the way people go down.
  7. Gatorhead

    Fear is a legitimate motivation for anyone and for any reason. I didn't mean to scrutinize you, I just wanted to make it clear that the ones in danger are not only the ones involved in the actual race.
    There is absolutely nothing that justifies street racing.Even showing off is no good and consequencces far outweigh the benefits.
    My wife does not want me to finish the car, she thinks that I will kill myself in it.My truck had more power than what the camaro will, but I wasn't racing when my accident occured. I shudder to think of what it would have been like if I had been, as I had said before that was under normal driving and there was absolutely nothing I could have done about it.
  8. Fbodfather

    Let me explain a few things here......

    This thread was started by, I believe, Randy -- and Jason asked me to post to the thread.

    I went back and dug out the article that I wrote the week after two men died while street racing in Atlanta.

    I think a few of you perhaps aren't understanding what I'm saying.

    I'm saying the following:

    >You should wear a safety belt
    >You should not street race.

    ...and I now understand that I have to 'define' street racing.

    Street racing, to me, isn't going over the speed limit on the interstate. It's pulling up next to a car on a public street and encouraging dangerous driving.

    To wit: I was driving down Woodward Avenue one evening a few years ago in a pre-production C6. A Z28 pulled up next to me with several young guys....they kept hitting the gas and then slowing down -- looking at me the whole time. I refused to be 'baited' -- I guess because I've seen what can happen in instances like this.

    They were so busy doing this that they blew thru a Red Light -- very nearly T-boning a Dodge Caravan.....the Caravan drove up over a curb and onto the grass median to get out of the way.

    TWO WEEKS LATER -- the same Z28 was involved in a high-speed street racing accident on Woodward - three people injured -- one killed --

    Now -- I've read a lot of comments on here -- both posted and those removed.......and I guess I keep seeing remarks that seem, at least to me, to be very short sighted -- further, they miss the point that it isn't only YOU that is at can be a complete crowd of people -- or those in other cars and trucks around you.

    Yes -- we -- and most other manufacturers build high performance cars --

    ...just as gun manufacturers build weapons. That doesn't mean that it gives you the right to point a loaded gun at someone else's head.

    Now -- I can't stop a few of you from doing what you're going to do ......but if I (and others on here) can prevent ONE death or ONE injury -- then I'm glad I posted it.
  9. Fbodfather

    OK -- Gibsonia is next to my hometown - (Mars) and our family dealership is in Bakerstown.

    WHERE in Western Pennsylvania is there a stretch of road where you can do 145 mph safely?

    Guys -- I know it sounds like I'm on a crusade. (I am)

    I know I sound Pious (I don't mean to )

    I DO KNOW that I care about YOU -- and more importantly, I care about the people that you may just maim or kill due to your actions..........
  10. nightrunnerz28

    i understand what you mean there is no place to hit 145 unless your stupid or outlate at night. for the most part i dont race doring the day i dont have the time. when i do go out its very late and there is no one on the rt8 and most of the time i go out to a peice of private land were everynight you can find 30+ cars and its not against the law the people that own the land let us race on. and most people around pittsburg know the place im talking about (miracle mile)

    now befor you get the wrong idea i do agree that racing needs to be keep on the track but im not against street racing because no matter how much we try we can never stop street racing. but if people do more to help limit street racing buy having events for racers and spectators for example during the summer in western pa we have the Flashlight Drags its all old school racing. and its held at different air ports every weekend. you pay 20$ to get in and race all day and you race as much as you want. if we can get more events like this around you can take large groups of kids and adults alike off the street and give them a place to race. im all for these events its safe and fun + the police and firedepartment are there so if anthing happends such as a fight or crash they are there to help. you tell me about people trying to do more to have events like this and i would gladly donate money for the cause.:respekt:
  11. Fbodfather

    ah yes! The Flashlight Drags -- you are correct -- a great group and it takes the dangers off the street and into a controlled environment....

    I haven't gotten to one of those events (too much time on the road!) -- but hope to this summer!
  12. Heliskiier

    There is no such thing as a "safe" street race...streets are made for us all to drive around on with each other. I'm tired of watching kids getting killed around here doing stupid things. Yeah, I've done it. Will I ever do it

    Few have any idea of the havoc they can create in others' lives and the pain that never ends. If you kill yourself on the track, that's one thing. You knew the risk and assumed it as did the driver beside you. You kill someone on the street while racing and no matter what your intent, you are a murderer.
  13. 94ZHawaii

    This is a great pos!! Thank you guys for putting this out there for people to read.

    I have street raced in the past(only human), and I had a similar experience that Nightrunner had, and it also stopped me in my tracks, but instead of my girlfriend, it was my wife, the mother of my two children and I let an idiot with a loud dodge truck get the best of my better judgement. I let off at about 140 after I had passed the truck, and slowed down, only to hear my wife crying and telling me to stop and pull over. It was then I realized that my stupid rash decision to show the guy up could have cost me my life, and the life of my wife, and my kids wouldn't have parents.

    It was then I decided to sell the Z. It was a personal decision, not saying you all should sell your cars, but it took that for me to realize how stupid it was, and that I needed to grow up a little bit more before owning another one again. I am in the process (please don't flame) of building a sick 67 Galaxie 500 (460/C6/9"), but I am older and wiser, and by the time I get it finished, I will be way older! lol

    Street racing = stupidity.

    In my opinion, it is just like playing russian roulette. There are too many varuables involved to even consider it. Racing in general is dangerious, and on a track, the varuables are greatly oncoming traffic, no pedestrians on the street, etc....

    just be smart out there, that is all anyone is asking.
  14. nightrunnerz28

    I think your going a little far to call someone a murderer.
  15. Fbodfather

    well -- actually he's not -- there are people in jail today based on the fact that they were involved in street racing -- and someone was killed.

    In some cases, some cases 2nd degree murder. That would make that person a 'murderer'
  16. niknik

    I've been watching this thread since I joined. I was going to put in my .02 and decided against it at first.
    First, I am astounded at the hard nosed stance that a few of the "pro" street racing people are taking.
    There are some very good arguments on here, but NOTHING can justify street racing in my opinion.
    Yes, my boyfriend has done it. Yes, he scared me to death once while I was with him (this fear comes primarily from not being in control of car that seems to be speeding out of control). Does he still do it? I know that he did recently after getting the mini-tub finished and the suspension swapped out...He ran into a friend of ours that has a Shelby GT500. Now mind you, my b/f is 38 and our friend is 50+ so these aren't KIDS. Did they get hurt? No. Did they get caught? No. But that doesn't make it OK either...
    Have I ever done it? Sure, a couple of years ago, I took my brother's (V6) Mustang out shortly after he got it and ended up at a red light next to a guy that wanted to race me. Did I? Well, yeah, and I hung with him and then let him go (don't remember what he was in, but it was another Stang). Now, since I've gotten my Z, I've only actually had one person rev up at me and after meeting the guy later said he wouldn't have rev'd if he had known it was a girl driving. Other than that, I can only admit to what I suppose could be deemed reckless driving as I have opened my car up a couple of times and hit 100 - 105 on clear straight away backroads.
    I think the lives that have been lost are senseless...Accidents??? Sure, to an extent. I'm sure that NO ONE sets out to kill someone when they line up to street race, but it does happen. Whether it's an innocent person caught in the middle, a passenger along for the ride, or a the driver himself, it just doesn't make any sense for a life to be lost because someone needed bragging rights or an adrenaline surge. Driving at those speeds in uncontrolled conditions has a much greater risk at loss of life or at the very least loss of the quality of life than by taking it to the track to earn those bragging rights.

    A friend's mom once told me that you should remember how many hearts you are carrying with you...there are more with you in that car than just yours...Your parents, your kids, your friends, family --everyone that cares about you will be affected if something were to happen to you while on the road...
  17. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Great post Nikki!!!!
  18. NevadasCrimson

    sometimes the police do take it too far. My friend was at a stop light with his fox body mustang and a firebird pulled up next to him and rev'd his engine and my friend is against street racing so he wasnt gonna race and when it turned green a cop pulled them both over and gave em a ticket for "attempted street racing"
  19. Brandon

    that is BS. i would be irate if that happened to me.
  20. 91z 2 8

    Im gonna be honest and say that i have raced before one the street and the one time was in the middle of the night at like 10 and im under 18 on my junior license, so i shouldnt be driving then. I raced my freinds 07 tibureon and we woulda been done for if a deer or something ran out infront, me in my 91 z28 and his tib ripped down the highway i of course had about 3-4 lengths on him by the time we reached about 125 and i was scared ****************less to be honest, if a deer or somone ran out for some reason, one i would of wrecked my baby and it could of been a person that ran out, i would feel horrible and prolly never drive again. After reading and see the pics of this post i gonna really really think about it the next time something like this happens and not do it. I honestly will prolly never street race again, just because of this, that and kids like me give all nice cars a bad name cause we race, i mean i get dirty looks when im just driving through a neighbor hood i have to go thorugh on my way home from work, and i get told to slow down all the time when im doin 25 just cause my car is kinda loud, i like to think its cause their jelous of my car but thats not true. I also have a story of how i wrecked 2 weeks after i got my permit but i wasnt racing or anything it was just a noobie mistake. Fliped my moms jeep:growl: lol
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