Photoshop Tutorials

Discussion in 'Chop Shop' started by z28-4-Chris, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I just wish the window to select the lights was bigger. It was pretty hard to get the fog lights to line up.
  2. Complicated

    lol yea i have that same dream!! I have found an easy way to do it, Just put the lense flair in a new layer, and then move it around once it is created, a lil difficult to get it to work because you have to put something in the layer in order to apply a filter then delete whatever you had put in.

    Its Complicated!
  3. Spyderking69

    wow this thread is the shiznit guys.... i have nothing to add though sorry
  4. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Dude, that is a good idea. And its not "Complicated" you just have to put something in the window and then get rid of it. I love this program.
  5. Complicated

    glad you figured it out!! and glad i could help!!
  6. guitarisawesome

    Here's my little tutorial. This is how to isolate a car and make a different/how to manipulate the background of a picture.

    -The first thing I do is to usually start with a larger canvas, make your new image 1000x300 (for signatures) so you can do higher quality editing.


    -Now that it's open, paste your image into the picture, highlight the entire image canvas and "paste into". Adjust the size and rotate it if you must (image>resize >image size>hold shift and drag one of the outside 4 corners)


    -Now its time to start "un-cluttering" the picture. Press the selection brush tool (A) [​IMG]#ad
    button and select everything except the car itself. This is a basic highlight, so don't actually go too close to the car to where you're touching it.


    -Ok, now its time to get a detailed selection mode. If you're a perfectionist like I am with your chops, you'll want to take your time with this part. It's really what separates you from the rest when you go and look at the quality of chop. You select the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) [​IMG]#ad
    (or lasso tool, if you're more comfortable with that) and begin with small sections of the car by going along the very outside edges of the car and highlighting the pixels just along the edge. Don't select the pixels of car itself; you want to highlight every pixel outside of the car! (Over time, you'll get this done much more quickly, but still make sure quality over quantity of time spent)



    -Ok, this is my safeguard for editing later on. Now that everything EXCEPT the car are highlighted, press copy/copy merged and make a new file (1000x300) and paste the image you have into it. It should look something like this. You'll need it later, so keep it open.


    -Now you can start tweaking your background. Maybe find a cool image to put behind it, or do whatever you want to make the background your own (maybe use some of the filters on Photoshop!). Now you're going to want to have a new layer that you've found your background. Go to Layer>New Layer>Layer and just open a "new layer". You can name them, but its easier to skip all that junk and just get it started and press ok.

    -Highlight a small section of the car itself [​IMG]#ad
    , somewhere in the center, doesn't have to be big, just don't let any of the selection zone touch outside of the car.


    -Now go to the other image you have opened (1000x300 of everything except the car itself). Now highlight the center where the car is missing from the image by using the Magic Wand Tool (w) [​IMG]#ad


    -Now go to Select>Inverse (or Shift+Ctrl+I) and go to edit>and click copy merged. Now go back to the original image of the car and paste into that small section and it should look something like this.


    -Now you can repeat that process as much as you want to edit the background of the image. Paste in whatever background image or paint the background however you'd like. To adjust background images, first go to the layer selection to adjust the certain layers you want and adjust the percentages to adjust how much the alternate images stick out in the picture. (You may want to use the eraser tool on a softer brush setting to make the image flow better). You can see in this signature I'm using 3 different backgrounds and several percentages.


    -Now just add whatever font you want for the SN or whatever you want to have a finishing touch. Resize your image to 500x150 and save it as a higher quality Jpeg or whatever file format you choose (i prefer the highest quality jpegs).


    Random Hints
    -If you're going to add a shadow to the car, make sure everything except the car is selected. With the brush tool select an appropriate brush size (make sure its a softer brush) and give the underside of the car a realistic shadow.

    -If you want a highlighted bar, make sure everything but the car is selected and use the Marquee Selection Tool (M) on the Intersect With Selection Mode and choose which part you want edited to have this sort of bar. It can be a nice touch. You can brush it in whatever color you want. Just make sure to brush it in whatever layers you want it to show in.

  7. VetteC5RFrEak

    Good Tutorial man! Lookin' good!
  8. guitarisawesome

    Thanks chris! :D
  9. VetteC5RFrEak

    So what is the diff between Elements and CS2?
  10. sdavis2702

    awesome... great tutorial Jesse!
  11. Complicated

    Here is a Sketch Tutorial.
    You can leave me feedback here

    In this tutorial I am going to show you how to obtain a sketch-like effect using a few simple techniques!

    First off you need to open the picture that you want to sketch

    Here is the image that I am going to start out with, feel free to use it so you can follow my tutorial better.

    Here is what my layers palette looks like now

    and here is the image that is displayed, I am using a pic of my Malibu.

    Now you are going to want to duplicate the original layer.

    Do this by right clicking on the layer and selecting duplicate or drag the layer to the new layer button.

    Here is the new layers palette.

    Now you need to desaturate this layer.
    There are different ways to do this, but today we are just going to press Shift+Ctrl+U or just go to Image>Adjustments>Desaturate.

    Here is what the image should look like now.

    Now duplicate, the newly desaturated layer.

    Here is what your layers palette should look like!

    Now invert that layer by going to Image>Adjustments>Invert or press Ctrl+I

    Here is what the layers palette looks like and what the new image should look like.


    Now on the inverted layer change the blending mode to Linear Dodge. It is a drop down menu at the top of the layers palette!

    The entire image should have turned either mostly white or completely white depending on the contrast of your starting image.

    Now with the Inverted layer selected Go up to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur

    Adjust the slider to where you have the amount of detail that you want, This is not the final image yet so dont give it too much detail because we are still going to adjust the contrast and make the faint lines appear.
    For starters just do the same amount that I have, and you can mess with it later.

    Now your image should look like mine in the previous picture.

    Now you can either flatten all the layers or just create a new layer and merge them there.
    We are just going to flatten all the images to make it simple.

    To do that go up to Layers and then select Flatten Image.
    Now your layers palette should look like this.

    okay we are almost done.

    The final step is to adjust the brightness/contrast, to give the faint lines more definition.

    Select Image>adjustment>Brightness/Contrast

    Move the sliders to match mine, or just play around with them until you think that they look right.
    This is going to be the final adjustment so make it look the way you want it.

    and here is the final Image!!


    Thank you for reading!
  12. 93camaroZ28lover

    can i find this program on the internet for free id like to do many things to my z28 thanks.
  13. z28-4-Chris

  14. Forgiven

    Keep these coming, I now have the time to practice on my Photoshop Elements I got years ago. Elements is just fine for most of us...costs lots less and does most of the stuff I will ever do.
  15. Simone

    This is a really great thread especially for those of us who are total noobs to photoshop. Thanks for sharing all these great tips and techniques.
  16. k3ll1e_2x

    It is unusual for me to see automotive forums with a dedicated sub-forum for learning photoshop. This is great! I'm learning from the comments. ^__^
  17. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    The thread is pretty old and doesn't have the latest features for the latest editions of photoshop but will work with older versions like 5 which I used.
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