Photoshop Tutorials

Discussion in 'Chop Shop' started by z28-4-Chris, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. z28-4-Chris

    looks good, maybe fiddle with the contrast/brightness setting to get it looking more realistic.

    Chris, can you move this to the appropriate thread? :)
  2. Irish350

    i didnt realize we were keeping em all on the same thread... :rolleyes:
  3. z28-4-Chris

  4. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    Taken care of.
  5. z28-4-Chris

    Any update on the FTP Christopher? lol (dont ban me)
  6. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    Sorry I have been slammed with work :( I will take care of it tomarrow along with my other long list of things that I need to being work on carri's site :wall:
  7. z28-4-Chris

    Heyyy, no rush at all. Take your time. Do everything else, and then do that.
  8. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    It will all get done tomarrow since I caught up today at work so things should be cool to get some stuff done :D
  9. z28-4-Chris

    Adding Rotors & Calipers to stock rim or rim chop

    Im making another tutorial!! This will come in handy for rim choppers!
  10. z28-4-Chris

    Im having trouble putting it on here.
  11. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    I am trying to figure out the problem works then it doesn't work....i will fix.....
  12. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    Alright well I found the system I setup on that server (linux) wasn't compatable :( So I am converting over to a windows based server and there will be a new username/password that I will send you.
  13. VetteC5RFrEak

    Hmm, quite an interesting thread idea Chris (haha, we gotta start usin' last names here). I could do the color change to white tutorial I suppose. :D
  14. VetteC5RFrEak

    Here is the tutorial for turning anything white:

    Take the original picture:

    Then select the are to be colored white, once selected, Ctrl+C, then Ctrl+V and you will have a new layer:

    Then Shift+Ctrl+U (Desaturate):

    Once you have desaturated the selected area, go to Image>Adjustments>Variations, this window will pop up:

    When that window pops up, click "Lighter" (Look to the right) until you get close to the white color. For this car, it took only 2-3 clicks. Darker images will require more clicks, and lighter images will require less clicks. Then click "Ok." Once you have done this, the selection will now be white. Go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast and adjust the brightness and contrast until you get an image that looks realistic.

    The final step is to select and erase all areas that have lights, logos, vents, etc. In this case, I darkened the vents and logos to make them match the color of the car. Also, I desaturated the color in the light since it did not look right it's original color:

    The final product, with more time and effort the picture will look better:

    Also, there are certain colors and lighting that will make the object harder to turn white. Sometimes you have to do half the car at a time to get it right due to certain lighting.
  15. z28-4-Chris

    looks good!
  16. sdavis2702

    nice tutorial Chris!
  17. SmokinSSz28

    Wow i totally forgot about this thread!
  18. Complicated

    when you are done with this tutorial to give a more realistic look you can go up to Filter > Render > Lens flare

    Then just play around with the settings to give it that little ray of light
  19. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Here is what you can do with just the lense flare. I didn't put any color in the light.

    View attachment 12381 #ad

    View attachment 12382 #ad
  20. Complicated

    I love how that just makes the image come to life!
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