Photoshop Tutorials

Discussion in 'Chop Shop' started by z28-4-Chris, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    I am going to explore doing it with my current domain since I have tons of space on that server I just gotta figure out the ftp access part.

    I don't know for sure that I will do the but it is just an idea I am playing around with :D
  2. z28-4-Chris

    Okay, because that would be asking alot from you, and we dont want to put you out like that. If you have extra space on your current domain, that would be fine.
  3. brandonz28

    no need to put in a bunch of extra work, we have made it by like this for awhile now ;)

  4. BigBadWhitey

    Chris, any idea where i can host a 24,xxx kb video?
  5. z28-4-Chris thats where mine is hosted

    They allow up to 100mb
  6. Irish350

    its cool if we dont do videos, right... like screen shots are okay? or does that tool that brandon posted before take videos?
  7. FeartheZ28

    ok here it is Glowing text and fadeing...
    ok first put your text down

    then open the layer bar. and click on blending options

    then and glow outline in and out.. thats it...
  8. BigBadWhitey

    Sweet! Gunna try that with my font sometime!
  9. BigBadWhitey

    This is the tutorial on "Rim swapping"

    Kinda hard to follow, might add subtitles tomorrow.
  10. z28-4-Chris

    That looks good both of you, and if everything works out with the domain, we should be able to post larger filesizes.

    thanks for the contributions!
  11. SmokinSSz28

    Once i get my new comp. ill get back into photoshop and ill post up some Tutorials
  12. z28-4-Chris

    Yea, either add subtitles or use screen shots. I found that using screen shots were easier than using the video thingamabobber.
  13. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    Alright I can setup an FTP account for all the choppers to use on my domain :D I will have directions and login info posted up later so you all can uploading things there and link directly to the files :D
  14. FeartheZ28

    how about a password to get in .. so weere all sneaky and have a lil clique thingy!
  15. z28-4-Chris


    Everyone wont have privilages though right? you dont want everyone posting stuff in there do you?
  16. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    It is going to just be one password for all who are designated. I will issue the username and password to those who are official choppers.
  17. brandonz28

    AWESOMENESS! we get an ftp...FTW! thanks chris!

  18. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    NP, I will have it all setup later this afternoon fo you all and I will PM the instructions/ login and password to the official choppers probably this evening. I have 5GB of space there so we should have plenty of room ;)
  19. Irish350

    sweeeeeeeet :cool:
  20. Irish350

    TUTORIAL: Color Changing

    Okay, to begin: this tutorial works with EVERY color you could think to change a vehicle (or whatever) to, except white. which im sure will have its own tutorial soon enough.

    I decided to use Matt's (LE1 Hawk) Firehawk for this tutorial, because every time i see it, i have a cargasim, and i was feeling a bit lonely when i started :nana: . so without further ado:


    STEP 1:
    Select the entire area to be changed using the lasso tool, or the magic wand. for this i used mostly the lasso while holding ctrl, to add peices as i saw fit.

    NOTE: the following three steps dont really have any order, as long as you add a layer for the color (as opposed to drawing it on the background)

    STEP 2: add a layer. this will be colored in using the existing selected lines.

    STEP 3: now, with the background layer selected, go to Image>Adjustments>Desaturate

    STEP 4: okay, now make sure the car (or area you want to change) is still selected. click on the new layer, and color that in with the color you want to use.

    STEP 5: first, select the color layer, and change the opacity until it seems clear enough to see plenty of color while the details are still visible. now, make sure the area being colored is selected (if you think you might have messed up, alt+click the layer on the Layers window/tab. this will select that whole layer, which should be the colored area). click on the background layer, and then go to Image>Adjustments>Brightness/contrast. tweak the bars until the color looks nice and realistic. this step makes pictures with a lot of texture look really good.

    Teh End: this is what Matt's car would look like were it black with white overlays... and dont mind the PONTIAC on the headlight cover.. i made it kinda goofy. :chuckles:
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