New Video Section Rules

Discussion in 'Videos' started by Extinct, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. VetteC5RFrEak

    I didn't even know we could post videos :-D. this is only my second time venturing outside of the 3rd gen area, there is so much more to this site I didn't know haha. But those rules sound great to me.

    - Chris
  2. VETTEpwrdZ28

    matt, your a gentleman and a thanx for taking the time to post the rules so clearly,...but i was wondering, you didnt say anything about posting video codes in a thread,...i dont think you guys would allow it but i was curious...thanx
  3. Randy L Staff Alumni

    I agree with letting the site stay clean throughout. This was the most critical thing that led me to here and made it my second home....folks were polite and courteous.

    I love the KISS method...Keep It Simple Stupid...I support keeping the site clean 100%, a PG rating is appropriate.

    Problem is that these days, even PG looks like more things will be accepted...look at PG-13! What will come of us then?!!!:shocked: :nono:
  4. Old SchoolNewDay

    I guess this isn't a technical video site. Just checking out the forums. So this is for the aspiring cinematographers that drive Z28's!
    Maybe the family or lone exploits of the Camaro owner.
  5. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    When this page was created, we were having a lot of issues with what members were posting. People like to take videos of their cars. From first start-up's to track runs and post them on here. I'm about to do a lot of videos that will be posted on the forum.
  6. 4thand26

    I'm glad this page is being brought back, if I may say one thing to the newer folks, for your own safety, try not to imitate youtube and post blatantly illegal driving on here,
  7. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Yup, what he said.
  8. Old Fart's Z28

    Things have changed lots since 2004 it was hard to get videos on the internet then but street racing ain't changed. Still kills people who think it won't be them.
  9. Old Fart's Z28

    Also if you got them I'd like to see tech video
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