*lol* for the guys..."THE APPLICATION"

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by z28camarocarri, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. VetteC5RFrEak

    I ain't the dirtiest. Man, I am only on this site like from 5/6pm-11/12 4/5 days a week. So you can't call me a dirty whore! Ain't like I am on EVERYday....

    - Chris
  2. VetteC5RFrEak

    Look whose talking! Whore back at ya'! Takes one to know one!

    - Chris
  3. z28camarocarri

    Boys quit it! You know we let ya in here to have fun....not whore up.

    stop before ya get a kickin in the groin (kicked out)
  4. Irish350

    charlie murphey?? lol
  5. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Please keep this on topic or it will get yanked. There are a lot of posts here that could be done via PM instead of responding back and forth to each other.
  6. z28camarocarri

    some people dont reply to pm's (cough cough) :p (sorry im done now)
  7. Fire Chicken of Doom


    I got lost in this thread cause of all yalls.
  8. Night Sta|ker

    1. NameTyler
    2. Age 20
    3. Location Macon' GA
    4. Height 5,9
    5. Weight 154
    6. Hair brown
    7. Eyes hazel
    8. Body type skinny lol
    9. Work out not really, play sports
    10. favorite food pizza
    11. What do u drive :rolleyes: oh a TransAm and a Z28
    12. Work Yes... Does matter
    13. My only goal Um grow up thats it :D
    14. This is where i see my slef later Same place here on this site
    15. AM i a gentlmen No because i tend to speak my mind
    16. Am i romantic Its for sissy
    17. whats your ideal girl? IDK
    18. perfect date? Anywhere but home
    19. any bad habits? Nope Well I drink everynow and then
    20. is your car important in your life? Kinda
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)
    22. is it modded? Noit yet
    23. show or race? both? Race
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? Of course wish i could find one :D
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? If she has a brain
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? Nope
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. I dont know
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? I Wouldnt ask them
    29. is family important to you? Yes espically my two little sisters
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? Not an animal person
  9. BBCAM

    as you may have gathered Im old and married !!!:biglaugh:
  10. z28camarocarri

    its all good :) its all for fun and it also helps EVERYONE on the site get to know one another better too!
  11. 12sec94z

    1. Chris
    2. 21
    3. Columbus, Ohio
    4. 5'11"
    5. 165lbs
    6. light brown
    7. brown
    8. athleteic
    9. somtimes
    10. i eat anything, but i do love chipoltle
    11. 1994 Z28....Yeah!
    12. I work in the IT dept. A an insurance company
    13. Successfull carreer, A good wife, and stay a kind in my heart.
    14. Enjoying life with a family
    15. Yes i am i go out of my way to help out. And i treat women with respect.
    16. Yes i am. I am always thinking of somthing to make woemn feel special.
    17. Not to picky
    18. Just spending time with somone i like.
    19. when i party sometimes you can find me with a cigar or cigerette
    20. I do like my car and i have alot of time in it but its replacable.
    21. That blue bottle in the back seat......:biggrin:
    22. yes and soon it will be very built..:clap:
    23. both, gotta look good when your wearing out some rice!
    24. Not a high priority but i guess it could be nice
    25. I dont know i guess its that unexplainable factor
    26. No, i would welcome it and learn from it. Hell when somthing needed done then i would make her go do it :biglaugh: .
    27. The total package
    28. I dont know you gotta ask.
    29. yes they are.
    30. I love animals have owned it all from dogs, cats, lizards, snakes, ferrets, fish......on and on........
  12. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    I never did get around to filling this out for you all so here goes.

    1. Chris
    2. 22
    3. Charleston, SC
    4. 5'7"
    5. 175
    6. Dark Blonde
    7. Blue
    8. B+
    9. Used to alot more than I do now
    10. Anything Italian!
    11. 94 Camaro, 04 Z71, and sometimes a neon
    12. Yes, I am a Network Engineer for an IT Company
    13. I don't know, I dont' think much further ahead than a couple of days.
    14. Hopefully alive, and living a pretty comfortable life :)
    15. I try to be as much as possible but my wife calls me souless :(
    16. Not really, but I do try sometimes :)
    17. My wife
    18. Never had one
    19. I used to smoke and drink, but not anymore
    20. Yes!!!!!
    21. Everything, I love F-bodies
    22. Yes
    23. Mainly Race mods
    24. Yes and No
    25. Truthful
    26. Nope, I commend them.
    27. Funny, Truthful, outgoing
    28. Probably call me an Arse hole!
    29. Yes
    30. Yes, Cat's/Dog's Ferrets :)
  13. brandonz28

    1. Name
    Brandon(obiously ;))
    2. Age
    21 in Dec.
    3. Location
    4. Height
    5. Weight
    6. Hair color
    blond brown
    7. Eye color
    8. body type?
    not fat/ not skinny, look stronger than i am
    9. do you work out?
    nope, no motivation to
    10. favorite food?
    tough one... um meats good but if im bored ill eat anything/everything
    11. what do you drive?
    94 cutlass and 84 camaro
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do?
    make cabinets
    13. What are your three main goals in life?
    happieness, happieness, happiness
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
    graduated, married
    15. are you a gentleman? How so?
    i try to be, open doors ect ect.
    16. are you romantic?
    to a point
    17. whats your ideal girl?
    cute, funny, crazy
    18. perfect date?
    dinner and hangin out
    19. any bad habits?
    can be moody sometimes
    20. is your car important in your life?
    to a point, if i have to i can live without it
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)
    its a 3rd gen ;)
    22. is it modded?
    not really/yet
    23. show or race? both?
    um lets go with show
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars?
    yes, if not ill convert her, she'll learn to like em lol
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl?
    im not gonna le.. looks are first, but after that dont matter.. its all bout the conection, conversation, and staying interesting
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars?
    i dont think so..
    27. describe yourself in 3 words.
    I Dont Know
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like?
    a brother, that go to guy when you got problems
    29. is family important to you?
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds?
    cats dogs, nothing bigger and unpredictable...ie cows/ horses( ha idk why)

  14. z28camarocarri

    all the good ones live forever away :(
  15. Blackphantom

    1. Name
    2. Age
    3. Location
    4. Height
    5. Weight
    6. Hair color
    7. Eye color
    8. body type?
    9. do you work out?
    Yep family owns a gym
    10. favorite food?
    11. what do you drive?
    96Z 85Z 71 Stang
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do?
    Yep sales at brevard paper dads company
    13. What are your three main goals in life?
    marriage, kids, fast cars lol
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
    Still alive I hope and working making this work place bigger.
    15. are you a gentleman? How so?
    Sure, Love the movies and taking girls out to eat.
    16. are you romantic?
    17. whats your ideal girl?
    Athelic funny and into cars
    18. perfect date?
    Movies going out to eat then going on a drive
    19. any bad habits?
    Not that I know of
    20. is your car important in your life?
    Id sell the car if it was to help out a family member its a material thing it can be replaced later down the road.21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)
    22. is it modded?
    85Z is modded more than I can even count
    23. show or race? both?
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars?
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl?
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? Nope thats all good
    27. describe yourself in 3 words.
    I dont Know
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? Caring and into cars thoughtful too
    29. is family important to you? Very much
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? Dogs im allergic to cats
  16. brandonz28

    good call ;)

  17. Standard-Z

  18. z28camarocarri

    LOL thats some application there ;)
  19. Hark_Z

    1. Brandon
    2. 19
    3. St Louis Missouri
    4. 5'9''
    5. 160
    6. dirty blonde
    7. green
    8. fit, muscular
    9. yes
    10. meat
    11. 1994 Z28 Camaro
    12. Yes, local Chevrolet dealership
    13. get the car running right, find a girl, happily settle
    14. 5-getting my education still 10-working my career job
    15. Yes, I do not take it for granted having someone to put my arms around
    16. Yes
    17. a Cute girl with a great smile that take u away. Shiny dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, always smell good :thumbsup:
    18. never thought about it,not sure?
    19. bad habits: putting EVERYTHING else aside for my car
    20. It is my life
    21. It's black rims whichused to be different.
    22. Yes
    23. Both
    24. Course
    25. so hard to say, shes got to have a 'alluring presence' that pulls you in
    26. Extremely.
    27. lively,outgoing,caring
    28. c0cky, retarded
    29. Yes
    30. Yes, I love reptiles first and foremost. Currently have a leopard gecko "Koopa" and a bearded dragon "Bowser". Reptile make great pets and are so neat. I've always loved them.

    PS: pm me if you fit my 'idea' type. :twitch:
  20. CamaroFox


    1. Erik
    2. 20
    3. Northern Illinois
    4. 5'10
    5. 160
    6. Blonde
    7. Blue
    8. Unknown(no STDs though)
    9. 3 times a week
    10. Macaroni and cheese with tuna or hotdogs
    11. 1994 camaro Z28
    12. Yes, i am a Recreational Activity Director for summer camps.
    13. Succeed, Live Free, Be Happy
    14. Working for companies running marketing campains for them
    15. I like to think so. Respect women knowing they bleed just like the rest of us.
    16. I do not really know...i enjoy the company of a lady beside a open fire
    17. Smart, into cars like me, great conversation holder, great kisser as well as other things.
    18. dinner at Chedders, followed by Mini Golf, followed by late night campfire, and intamacy
    19. tend to spend money on my car more than i should
    20. Most of the time because i have never really had another for an extent of time i always get the lets be friends
    21. Loud
    22. to some extent
    23. Both to some extent
    24. of course
    25. eye contact
    26. ehh not really they are people to
    27. Kind, Funny, Silly
    28. they would respond: Crazy
    29. very
    30. I love my Cats i have 3 and i guess i like cats the most because they have attitude that is obvious to see.

    i am interested in seeking out a female and if you are interested in talking or something just send me an instant message or something and we will go from there. [email][email protected][/email]
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