*lol* for the guys..."THE APPLICATION"

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by z28camarocarri, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. freebirthz28

    1. Name-Patrat
    2. Age-42
    3. Location-va
    4. Height-5'9
    5. Weight-250
    6. Hair color-dirty blond
    7. Eye color-blue
    8. body type?-F
    9. do you work out?-only my led foot
    10. favorite food?-pizza
    11. what do you drive?-85 camaro z28-71 dodge demond
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do?-retired
    13. What are your three main goals in life?-win the daytona 500,own the new camaro,and live forever.
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?-rulling a small island country
    15. are you a gentleman? How so?-southern gentleman
    16. are you romantic?- like a pirate
    17. whats your ideal girl?- mine.
    18. perfect date?- 1965
    19. any bad habits?-smoking and drinking and driving to fast
    20. is your car important in your life?-only when im in it
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)-t tops
    22. is it modded?-yes
    23. show or race? both? -everyday driver
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars?-as long as she smells good
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl?-none its like magic
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars?-nope, ill spend $ if i have to
    27. describe yourself in 3 words.-crazy irish man
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like?-nutz
    29. is family important to you?-yes
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds?-dogs
  2. Bungle

    Introduction to Bungle

    1. Name Justin
    2. Age 35
    3. Location Dubai, United Arab Emirates
    4. Height 6'0
    5. Weight bit too much - Heavy bones!
    6. Hair colorLight brown
    7. Eye color Blue
    8. body type? stocky
    9. do you work out? yes and swim
    10. favorite food?steak
    11. what do you drive? 04 Chevy Lumina SS, 91 Z/28, Nissan Patrol, Ducati 916
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? Business Development Manager
    13. What are your three main goals in life? enjoy my self, see the world, retire comfortably
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? married, kid, 5th gen, 10y - whereever life leads
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? yes, i hold doors, am courteous,
    16. are you romantic? most of the time
    17. whats your ideal girl? shares my interests, loves to travel, laughs at my jokes
    18. perfect date? great, place, good food and drink, great company
    19. any bad habits? trying to please everyone
    20. is your car important in your life? yes
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) having the right vehicle for the job
    22. is it modded? the Z and the Patrol are
    23. show or race? both? show mainly
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? of course
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? personality
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? no
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. sociable, loyal, presentable
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? probably call me names...
    29. is family important to you yes but my family has always been separated by distance
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? i have 2 cats
  3. Desert Rat

    here's an old dredged up topic, but it looks fun enough.

    1. Name Andy
    2. Age still 36
    3. Location Mesa, Arizona
    4. Height 5-10
    5. Weight 220
    6. Hair color brown
    7. Eye color blue
    8. body type? hunk....of something
    9. do you work out? I work on my vehicles and do some hiking
    10. favorite food? too many to list
    11. what do you drive? Z28 / Frontier / Xterra
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? supplier manager in a credit card division
    13. What are your three main goals in life? retire young, see a few places on my list of places to see, and go out with a positive balance in the Kharma bank
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? still working in 5, nearing early semi-retirement in 10
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? Yes and no. Chivalrous, yes, but I still tend to burp and fart and stuff
    16. are you romantic? probably not enough, according to my wife
    17. whats your ideal girl? flat head and pistol grip ears (just kidding!) someone who is attractive, confident and is not so girly she's afraid to get her hands dirty
    18. perfect date? A camping trip
    19. any bad habits? I've mostly quit smoking. I still drink and still enjoy a dip of Skoal now and then
    20. is your car important in your life? duh...all 4 of them are.
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) I'll talk about my Frontier...that's my real baby, as beat up from trail abuse as it is. The best part is the solid axle swap. I also really like the interior of the Z
    22. is it modded? (Truck - extremely modded, Xterra - very modded, Camaro - lightly modded.
    23. show or race? both? just drive
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? A girl MUST like cars
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? making sure my wife isn't watching :D
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? not at all
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. fun, intense, nuts
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? generous, leader
    29. is family important to you? despite what it's put me through lately, yes
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? Yes. we have 3 cats and a dog. I hate ****************er spaniels and ferrets
  4. Badass94Redz

    1. Name-Jason
    2. Age- 18 in 2 weeks
    3. Location-maryland
    4. Height- 5-10
    5. Weight- 145
    6. Hair color-brown
    7. Eye color- dark blue
    8. body type? skinny
    9. do you work out? sometimes
    10. favorite food? chicken
    11. what do you drive? 95 gt mustang
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? I work in a finishing area of a imagery business
    13. What are your three main goals in life? Get married, get a good bit of money, and be happy
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? I couldnt tell you
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? I am respectful towards girls, and would never force them to do what they dont want to
    16. are you romantic? some times, but not as of lately
    17. whats your ideal girl? Honestly? Blonde, well endowed(sp) lol, skinny, but not bone. tan and has a wonderful fun loving personality
    18. perfect date? The race track
    19. any bad habits? drink too much soda
    20. is your car important in your life? sorta
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) the roar of the exhaust
    22. is it modded? yes
    23. show or race? both? both
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? YES
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? Make sure they arent crazy
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? YES
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. Fun, sweet, and an a-hole at times
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? Loves his car, is pretty cool.
    29. is family important to you? Yes
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? Yes, dogs and cats
  5. RatedZ

    1. Name Dan

    2. Age 33

    3. Location Maryland

    4. Height 5'11

    5. Weight 203-206

    6. Hair color What hair? I don't have much left. It used to be brown.

    7. Eye color Blue/Grey

    8. body type? A tad thick in the middle, but not fat.

    9. do you work out? No.

    10. favorite food? Chicken, subs, turkey, and pizza.

    11. what do you drive? A 1994 B4C Camaro and a 2005 Subaru Impreza WRX STi.

    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? Yes. I work at Advance Auto Parts.

    13. What are your three main goals in life? To make my wife happy, contribute to the household, and be financially comfortable.

    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? Continuing my 3 goals.

    15. are you a gentleman? How so? Absolutely. I'm a good listener, trustworthy, and supportive of my family, wife, and friends. I'm always willing to help someone out.

    16. are you romantic? Not really. I'm not the touchy-feely type. Occasional snuggling is alright, but I'm not into being hung all over.

    17. whats your ideal girl? My wife. That's why I married her. She's trustworthy, honest, and supportive.

    18. perfect date? Just a nice dinner and a quiet night at home.

    19. any bad habits? Plenty. I leave dirty clothes on the floor, dishes in the sink, scratch myself, and lift my leg and fart.

    20. is your car important in your life? Very much so. Cars are my only true passion when it comes to hobbies.

    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) Enjoying them for what they are. The Camaro for its American V8 feel, and the STi for its excellent handling and sound.

    22. is it modded? They both are.

    23. show or race? both? Neither.

    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? Sure. It's nice to share a common hobby with a woman, but it's not a necessity. My wife is not a car chick by any stretch, which makes conversation that much more interesting. It gives us one more thing to talk about.

    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? Honesty, trustworthiness, a pretty face, and someone that doesn't sleep around, or hasn't slept around.

    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? No.

    27. describe yourself in 3 words. Trustworthy, honest, sincere.

    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? See above.

    29. is family important to you? Very much so.

    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? Cats, dogs, pigs (I want a pig), and ducks. (I want a duck)
  6. LS1Tuner_06

    1. Name Cody Campbell
    2. Age 18
    3. Location Pineville, Missourri
    4. Height 5' 8''
    5. Weight about 140
    6. Hair color brown
    7. Eye color brown
    8. body type? small, but athletic
    9. do you work out? 3-4 days out of the week.
    10. favorite food? lol, i don't neccassarily have a favorite. I love food!
    11. what do you drive? 01 arctic white z28
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? work for a return warehouse for walmart. : )~
    13. What are your three main goals in life? finding the right career, marrying the one for me, and being happy with what i succeeded at in life.
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? in five years, getting in good with the company. also even tho it sounds a bit rushy but hopefully 2-3 years i can find a great girl to get married too. i want to have a kid atleast by 23-24.
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? definitely. i was raised to treat every woman and man with :respekt:. i believe in good moral values.
    16. are you romantic? i can be but it's the hardest. i love the outdoors so i like going to the park and walking and just talking to eachother.
    17. whats your ideal girl? one who know's what she wants and is doing what she can to get it. has a stable head on her shoulders. has the same interests. and has to atleast, like my car, lol.
    18. perfect date? ha, never has to be perfect. just being able to see the girl i'm in love with is perfect enough for me
    19. any bad habits? hmm. used to be biting my nails...but i quite that quite a long time ago. soo, getting on to ppl for being to close to my car or being touchy touchy with it...i have a bad habit of tellin em to just STEP AWAY! lol
    20. is your car important in your life? i worked very hard to get my car. i absolutely love my car. it's an understatement to just say it's important to me.
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)lol, well, basically i love my magnaflows! i make sure the tips are always shiny also! lol, ppl ask me why i'm on my back in the dirt trying to clean off metal that's just going to get dirty anyways, i just tell them cuz i just want them to look good and it's my car and to not worry about what i do.
    22. is it modded? not yet. i have 3 more years to pay off the car. i will continue to do some minor appearance mod's for the time. and am then hoping to get a turbo set-up
    23. show or race? both? i'm looking to do both!
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? i wouldn't mind at all!
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? isn't a party'er. doesn't smoke and doesn't drink. i'm not into that kind of stuff at all.
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? not at all, i think it would be awesome. put that with some pretty decent looks and she would have me hooked for sure!
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. thoughtful, friendly, outgoing.
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? they would most likely say i'm just a very good, kind person.
    29. is family important to you? VERY important to me. i couldn't live w/o my family.
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? yes, and i have 3 dogs, two cats, and seven horses! i pretty much like all animals.
  7. reese's93Z

    newb ohio

    1. Name Zachariah Reese
    2. Age 25 soon 26
    3. Location ohio
    4. Height 6'3"
    5. Weight right now 290, but tring to go back to 220
    6. Hair color br
    7. Eye color mood changing
    8. body type? more to love, for now lol
    9. do you work out? i do now
    10. favorite food? italian
    11. what do you drive? 93 black Z28
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? yes, warehouse
    13. What are your three main goals in life? be happy, be successful, be the best at everything i can
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? dunno
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? yes, i respect everyone and do as i would like to be done
    16. are you romantic? hopeless
    17. whats your ideal girl? she is my equal, loves cars and working on them, getting dirty, 4x4in, watches ufc wuth me, u know, no girly girls lol. oh and she has to at least want an fbody lol.
    18. perfect date? depends on the mood nad whats going on that night
    19. any bad habits? lots
    20. is your car important in your life? very, but not #1
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) everything about it
    22. is it modded? god yes lol
    23. show or race? both? i like to go to shows, i love to race, but i liketo watch too.
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? eff yes
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? her eyes, they tell u everything u need to know
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? no that is grounds for fallin lol
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. tall dark and handsome lmao
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? funny, fun to be around, like to make people smile
    29. is family important to you? very very
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? dogs mostly
  8. LS1DER

    1. Name Brent Thompson
    2. Age 26
    3. Location Columbia, ky
    4. Height 6'4"
    5. Weight 155
    6. Hair color Brown
    7. Eye color Brown
    8. body type? Is bean pole a type?
    9. do you work out? If I did I wouldn't be 155 lbs at 6'4"
    10. favorite food? CHICKEN
    11. what do you drive? 98 Z28
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? Hydro power plant electrician
    13. What are your three main goals in life? Grow closer to God, my wife, and my kid(s)
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? pretty much where I am right now, but you never know.
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? old fashioned
    16. are you romantic? Used to be more so than now, but I still have my moments
    17. whats your ideal girl? Her first name is Jennifer, she's 5'7", and B-E-A-utiful
    18. perfect date? Playing air hockey with my wife and then steak n shake
    19. any bad habits? my cars
    20. is your car important in your life? see above answer
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? the suspension, it handles marvelously
    22. is it modded? slightly
    23. show or race? both? daily driver and show
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? of course
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? she found me so I wouldn't know
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? no, that is sweet
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. nerd, dork, geek
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? I don't know, you'd have to ask them
    29. is family important to you? very
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? NO!!
  9. slow95TA

    1. Name- Mike Baucum
    2. Age- 19
    3. Location- Diamond Bar, CA
    4. Height-6'5
    5. Weight-260
    6. Hair color-brown
    7. Eye color-green
    8. body type?-im a big boy
    9. do you work out?- that i do
    10. favorite food?- anything italian
    11. what do you drive? 95 Pontiac TA/69 mustang mach 1
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? AUTOZONE... im just a student
    13. What are your three main goals in life?.... can one be a diablo???? if not have an enjoyable carreer, start a family, and do something ill be remembered for.
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? graduating college.. then 10 hopefully starting a family
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? id like to think so :chuckles:
    16. are you romantic? i can pull off the dinner and movie...
    17. whats your ideal girl? one that wont ask to drive the transmission am
    18. perfect date? dinner and catch the late night draggs at the track
    19. any bad habits? speeding if that counts
    20. is your car important in your life? top 3 most important
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) the dreaded third gear pull.. MUAHH HAAHHH HAAHH
    22. is it modded? a lil :drive:
    23. show or race? both? race.. but its always clean
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? whats the best way to say yes.. YES!!!
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? sense of humar
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? i wanna say no
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. funny friendly and fast
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? always having a good time..
    29. is family important to you? verry without them id be lost
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds?
  10. flak_monkey

    1. Name Chris

    2. Age 22 on Sun

    3. Location ATL
    4. Height 6'0"

    5. Weight 193 and dropping like a rock

    6. Hair color Dark brown

    7. Eye color Dark brown

    8. body type? tall, broad shoulders

    9. do you work out? Yes I do

    10. favorite food? Sushi, Fillet Mignon

    11. what do you drive? A 1987 Jaguar Xj6 and a 1995 z28 Camaro

    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? Yes. I am an IT consultant part time for money, and a computer animation major at SCAD Atlanta

    13. What are your three main goals in life? To further myself as an artist, to be successful, and to make an impact on the art world.

    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? Continuing my 3 goals.

    15. are you a gentleman? How so? Yes. I am respectful towards women and hold them in high regard and try my absolute best never to be crass or inconsiderate. I am also VERY faithful.

    16. are you romantic? Very. I am cuddly too.

    17. whats your ideal girl? Emotionally stable, attractive, honest and faithful, ambitious, intellectually stimulating, no substance abuse problems.

    18. perfect date? something incredibly elaborate and spontaneous. A night at the blues joint is good too.

    19. any bad habits? Sure, but don't we all? I have a compulsive skin picking problem, I act silly when I get nervous.

    20. is your car important in your life? Extremely. I care a lot about my vehicles and have been accused of loving them like pets.

    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? The raw power and absolute wickedness of the camaro, and the supple lines and sex appeal of my Jag.

    22. is it modded? Yes both are modded.

    23. show or race? both? No, they don't look nice enough.

    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? Hell yeah I like a lady who will get under the hood with me.

    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? Trustworthiness, ambition, above average intelligence, attractiveness, similar beliefs, an appreciation for the arts.

    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? No I want her to ride me around in it!

    27. describe yourself in 3 words. Creative, faithful, compassionate

    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? Depends on which friends you ask. The closest ones will tell you the above.

    29. is family important to you? Being dutiful to your family and taking care of your parents when they grow indigent is extremely important to me.

    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? I have a cat, a rabbit, and a small snake. I like hamsters, cats, rabbits, snakes. I do not like dogs.
  11. slygy0

    ok ive seen this way to much so now i have to reply.

    1. Name: Jonathan
    2. Age: Just turned 23
    3. Location: Rhode Island
    4. Height: 6 foot
    5. Weight: 200
    6. Hair color: Brown
    7. Eye color: Brown
    8. body type? Athletic, played a lot of football
    9. do you work out? my job is a work out
    10. favorite food? italian
    11. what do you drive? 2002 z28 t56
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? Yes, ops manager fedex
    13. What are your three main goals in life? successful, happy, family
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 5 years= hub manager of a ground facility, 10 vp of operations for fedex, i know ambitious
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? When i have time to be, ill open doors for women if thats what your getting at?
    16. are you romantic? yes when i want to be
    17. whats your ideal girl? shes gotta drive a stick, and be very goal driven.
    18. perfect date? dragstrip, and yes with cars.
    19. any bad habits? i tend to drive like a moron when i am mad or coming home from work
    20. is your car important in your life? all four of them are. me and my girls are a package deal.
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) nothing like an engine, its a living breathing thing that responds to you. what could be better?
    22. is it modded? They all are, nothing i own goes untouched
    23. show or race? both? both
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? its a must.
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? intelligence
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? not really its an opportunity to learn. heck i had my car tuned by a women, notice i didnt say girl.
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. easy going, kind, spontaneous
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? a little loopy, but smart, very driven
    29. is family important to you? yes
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? i am a dog guy.

    we should make one of these for the women.
  12. z28camarocarri

    sly.....go ahead and make one for the women. most of the girls here are taken. actually I do believe im the only single one still left LOL. and I already filled it out pretaining to guys, but its still nice to see what people have to say.
  13. slygy0

    i dont doubt most of you ladies are taken, i have a great girlfriend who just happens to like wrenching on my ls6 project car as much as i do, its just the curiousity that kills the cats, plus its cool to see what everyone else brings to the table.
  14. Cam02SS

    1. Name- Will

    2. Age- 24, 25 in three weeks

    3. Location- York, Pa

    4. Height- Between 5'7-5'8

    5. Weight- 145

    6. Hair color- Brown

    7. Eye color- Hazel

    8. body type?- Athletic

    9. do you work out?- I probably should

    10. favorite food?- Steak

    11. what do you drive?- 2002 Camaro SS, 2002 Mercury Sable as DD

    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do?- Management

    13. What are your three main goals in life?- Love, hard work & financial security, family

    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?- With a great lady, good job, having fun

    15. are you a gentleman? How so?- Yes, treat ladies as they should be treated. Thoughtfullness, caring,etc. There are also the no-brainers such as holding doors,etc.

    16. are you romantic?- Sure

    17. whats your ideal girl?- I'll know her when I see her

    18. perfect date?- When there is a mutual "click"

    19. any bad habits?- Everyone has one or two

    20. is your car important in your life?- Important as a hobby- yes.

    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)- The idle.

    22. is it modded?- Heavily

    23. show or race? both?- Both

    24. do you like a girl who likes cars?- Yes

    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl?- Honesty, manners, personality.

    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars?- Not at all

    27. describe yourself in 3 words.- Spontanious, adventurous, likeable

    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like?- Depends on which friends you asked hahahaha

    29. is family important to you?- Very

    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds?- Wolves are my favorite, I'm more of a dog person (German Shepherds) than cats.
  15. Jessedale98

    1. Name- Jesse2. Age-20
    3. Location- Missouri/Oklahoma
    4. Height- 6'3
    5. Weight-285
    6. Hair color-black
    7. Eye color-brown
    8. body type?- Muscular (without 6pack)
    9. do you work out? All the time
    10. favorite food? Um anything in the fridge
    11. what do you drive? 2002 Z28
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? I play college football
    13. What are your three main goals in life? Happyness,love,money
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? Finishing school, UFC fighter
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? Yes, find out.
    16. are you romantic? Yes
    17. whats your ideal girl? HOTTNESS with a brain
    18. perfect date? SECS
    19. any bad habits? Work out too much?
    20. is your car important in your life? No
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) LOUDNESS
    22. is it modded? of course
    23. show or race? both? Race
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? hell yes
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? Looks,teeth and how they act
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? No, never found one
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. PROUD EGOTISTIC GENTLEMAN
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? Honest,Proud trustworthy
    29. is family important to you? Very
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? Cats,dogs, ferrets
  16. the_husk

    Yeah, your car could definately outrun my truck, but I could always borrow dads low 11 second truck.
  17. Liquidsmooth

    1. Name RYAN
    2. Age 24
    3. Location CHICAGO
    4. Height 6'2"
    5. Weight 160
    6. Hair color BROWNISH BLOND
    7. Eye color GREEN/BLUE DEPENDS :eek:
    8. body type? 6'2" AND 160 PNDS LOL :)
    9. do you work out? NO NEED
    10. favorite food? ANYTHING
    11. what do you drive? 2000 CAMARO SS
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? CDW - TECHNOLOGY
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? SUPERVISOR - PRESIDENT! (OF CDW) :)
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? NOT IN THE BEDROOM!
    16. are you romantic? DOES BK COUNT? KIDDING! YES
    17. whats your ideal girl? 5'9" NICE, CUTE, FUNNY, SEXY!
    19. any bad habits? I SMOKE, IS THAT BAD? MAYBE NOW-A-DAYS
    20. is your car important in your life? NOW IT IS, LATER NO
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) THE V8 RUMBLE PUTS ME TO SLEEP :eek: THERE'S NO BETTER SOUND IN THE WORLD
    22. is it modded? 95% STOCK
    23. show or race? both? MORE SHOW THAN GO, BUT IT IS AN SS!
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? DUH...
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? I'M GONNA GO OUT ON A LIMB HERE AND SAY PERSONALITY BEARLY FIRST THAN HER FIGURE
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? NO, SHE CAN TEACH ME LESSONS ANYTIME!
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. FUN, SEXAH, CARING!
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? WHEN I'M INTO SOMETHING, I'M INTO IT
    29. is family important to you? VERY
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? I LOVE SHIZUS (SP) (DOGS) CATS CAN GO TO HELL HA HA

  18. Forgiven

    1. Mike
    2. 53
    3. Canada
    4. 5'-6"
    5. 170+
    6. Greying blonde
    7. blue
    8. Average Guy
    9. Used to....
    10. My wife's cooking
    11. 94 Camaro, 83 Jimmy, 85 MaximX
    12. Yes, Draftsman
    13. Please God, Be true to myself, & others
    14. Nearing retirement, contented & Dead
    15. Yes, I treat women with respect in all areas...
    16. Not much
    17. She must love God, not be ugly (you did say ideal)
    18. A warm day in nature, then to the dragstrip.
    19. Small repetitive annoying motions (wife says) also not putting things back where they belong....
    20. Not that much
    21. It didn't cost much & goes 150mph
    22. some bolt ons.
    23. Have shown & raced (it is nothing special)
    24. Yes
    25. She must love God
    26. Not really, I'd be impressed
    27. I am Forgiven
    28. Honest, dependable, somewhat impatient
    29. Not as much as it should be.
    30. Yes, soft furry kind that don't stink.
  19. MeanGreen94Z

    1. Name- Jon
    2. Age- 20
    3. Location- Va
    4. Height- 5'9"
    5. Weight- 140
    6. Hair color- Auburn
    7. Eye color- Brown
    8. body type?- fit
    9. do you work out? yes
    10. favorite food? Japanese
    11. what do you drive? 94 Z, 01 Ram and 01 monte carlo SS
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do?- Painter
    13. What are your three main goals in life? good job, buy a house, get married
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 5, married and happy, 10 divorced and drunk LOL! j/k hopefully ill be a father then
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? yes i open the door for old ladies and pretty girls :)
    16. are you romantic? a little too much
    17. whats your ideal girl? smart, educated, good mom material, and in 10 years MILF material!!!
    18. perfect date? right now, basically any female
    19. any bad habits? i spend WAY too much $
    20. is your car important in your life? to a certian extent
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) my wheels
    22. is it modded? yes!
    23. show or race? both? both
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? yea but not an obsessive car girl, just one that understands i like mine
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? her belief in God, and her hair...if a girl has dirty or rough hair, she doesnt take very good care of herself
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? nope, its not possible :chuckles:
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. falls too fast!
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? dumbass...lol, j/k probably smart in all the wrong ways
    29. is family important to you? very
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? some, but are too much trouble
  20. wiredawg04

    1. Name Nick
    2. Age 21
    3. Location LA
    4. Height 5'9
    5. Weight 175
    6. Hair color Blonde
    7. Eye color Brown
    8. body type? Average
    9. do you work out? Everyday
    10. favorite food? Sonic
    11. what do you drive? 97 Z28
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? Voice Network Systems Tech
    13. What are your three main goals in life? Advance in Job, Money, Masters Degree
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? Where ever
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? Of Course
    16. are you romantic? Probly not
    17. whats your ideal girl? Fun not boring
    18. perfect date? Dinner then Bar
    19. any bad habits? A lot
    20. is your car important in your life? Most besides family
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) It's a chevy From MI so i won't buy anything but!
    22. is it modded? Not yet
    23. show or race? both? Going to be both
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? Yes
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? Low Maint
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? Yup
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. fun, crazy, laid back
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? Complete jerk sometimes mostly nice fun to hang with
    29. is family important to you? Yes
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? Monkeys, donkeys, dogs
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