*lol* for the guys..."THE APPLICATION"

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by z28camarocarri, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. z28camarocarri

    lol..... close to 8 weeks and counting. completely opposite of what i ever expected, but he is wonderful.
  2. Krazzycowgirl

    is he from this site? if so did he fill out your app?
  3. z28camarocarri

    nah not from the site. not even really a die hard car guy. he likes them, he appreciates them, he can stand them....he cant work on them. lol but he isnt dumb when it comes to them either.
  4. War Department

    What? New guy? Tell.....
  5. z28camarocarri

    haha. well he's not real new news ;)

    tomorrow is 8 weeks. craziness!

    His name is Mike, 35, married, 6 kids.....

    oh wait wrong story.

    lol anyways. His name is Kris...he's 27, has had the same job for 10 years, just bought his own house this week actually, since his brother decided to run off and get engaged leaving Kris to pay for a mortgage on a house he couldnt afford himself. He's quite the nerd honestly ;) hmm lets see.... he is by far the greatest guy I have ever dated, and I doubt he is going anywhere soon. as he would say "you do things to me that no other girl has ever done" lol. He isnt a huge car freak but he knows a little about them and supports me and my love for them, i was suppose to meet his parents tonight but unfortunitely i was in the garage cleaning carmen. lol.
  6. Krazzycowgirl

    HUMMMMMMMMMMM Dont want to know what you do TO him or with him lol
  7. z28camarocarri

    hahaha thats not what i meant! I promise!
  8. Krazzycowgirl

  9. War Department

    Hahahaha...nice starter! ;) 8 weeks....man have I not been around. :)nono: Kikki) Seems like a good guy already...I better get updates! ;) Pictures....pictures...picture????
  10. z28camarocarri

    LOL he wont let me take a picture! he hates pictures. :(

    I'll give updates as soon as I have some. we arent seeing each other this week cuz of how busy we both are :(
  11. War Department

    While he sleeps....haha...just kiddin', he's going to think your a crazy lady or something. shhhhh...don't tell him yet. ;)
  12. transamws6_97

    1. Name: Darren
    2. Age: 19
    3. Location: Currently Dayton, Ohio but I'll be at Purdue next year
    4. Height: 6 ft
    5. Weight: 175
    6. Hair color: Dirty Blonde
    7. Eye color: Brown
    8. body type? Athletic
    9. do you work out? Daily
    10. favorite food? Philly Cheese Steak
    11. what do you drive? transmission Am/Sunfire
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do?Summer job at Lowes
    13. What are your three main goals in life? Good career, happy family, be financially comfortable
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? Working and living in an apartment 10 years? With a family
    15. are you a gentleman? absolutely How so? I always treat women with respect
    16. are you romantic? Yes I love to surprise my girlfriends with gifts and flowers
    17. whats your ideal girl?
    18. perfect date? Something random and fun
    19. any bad habits? Biting my nails but I'm getting better
    20. is your car important in your life?Yes very
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)The LT1
    22. is it modded?Not enough
    23. show or race? both?Race
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars?Nope havent found one yet
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? Character n personality, but I'm not gonna bs looks are important too
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars?Nope I think its awesome(Carri doesnt intimidate me :nana: )
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. I'm very laid-back
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? Theyd say I'm really fun to hang out with and I'm always there to help if someone needs it
    29. is family important to you? Yes family is the most important
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds?Yes I'm a dog guy but my ex had lots of cats and they were cool
  13. z28camarocarri

    LOL!!!! that will happen soon enough ;) see right now he only sleeps when i sleep, cuz he is weird like that or he just lays there and looks at me because he doesnt sleep well at other peoples houses. so now that he got his house and all....I'll go sleep there and attack him with pictures mid-night. lol ;)
  14. War Department

    YAY! hehehe
  15. Meatyshells

    i just relized there was a ladies section haha
    1. Name-Ryan
    2. Age-19
    3. Location-Chandler. AZ
    4. Height-6 1'
    5. Weight-160
    6. Hair color-brown/black
    7. Eye Color-green/sometimes very light brown
    8. Body type-slim/mucle
    9. Do you work out?-yes
    10. Favorit Food-hot wings
    11. What do you drive?-A Bitch'n camaro
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do?-yes, i work with retarded dolphins
    13. What are your three main goals in life?-Be happy with the girl of my dreams
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?-So much can happen between now and then, i have no clue
    15. are you a gentleman? How so?-yes, compliment, respect, and listen
    16. are you romantic?-hoplessly
    17. whats your ideal girl? -some one i can grow old with
    18. perfect date? -a date where we enjoy just being with each other
    19. bad habits?-twirl my pencil and i tell stories with pointless endings
    20. is your car important in your life?-yes, but there are more important things
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)the looks it gets
    22. is it modded?-yes
    23. show or race? both?-lil bit of both
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars?-every guy likes a girl that is willing to get down and dirty
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl?- some one that makes me happy, makes the other guys jealous, someone i can take home to mom :)
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars?- no i would marry her
    27. describe yourself in 3 words.- impossible to do
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like?- Ryan is a good friend that you can always count on and will always have your back
    29. is family important to you?- yes "friends may come and go, but family will always be there for you"
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds?- yes i love dogs the most i have a pitbull named Shorty

    Im not much of a talker but im always ready to listen. If you have problems tell me, ill try my best to help you out.
  16. z28camarocarri

    Ryan youre such a sweetie. I miss talking though :(
  17. CamaroZ2894

    any ladies on here have AIM...? justs wonderin.. for when i'm sittin here can chill/meet everyone..?!
  18. Krazzycowgirl

    anything dealing with aol sucks lol
  19. CamaroZ2894


    wel if you have windows XP you gotta have the updated AIM,, which is AIM PRO... and it's not bad for something other then a phone to talk to someone anywhere when ever you want..:scratchch
  20. travelingshadow

    1. Name JOHN
    2. Age 23
    3. Location CLEVELAND, OH
    4. Height 5' 9"
    5. Weight 190
    6. Hair color BROWN
    7. Eye color GREEN
    8. body type? SEXY
    9. do you work out? YES
    10. favorite food? SPAGHETTI
    11. what do you drive? A Z28 '94??
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? KINDA, LAB/ENV SPECIALIST
    13. What are your three main goals in life? STAY 23, HAVE A FAM, DO THE RIGHT THING
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? IN THE SUN, RETIRED!
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? SURE I OPEN DOORS, ETC.
    16. are you romantic? IF SHE IS
    17. whats your ideal girl? ATHLETIC, GENUINE, PRETTY, AND INDEPENDENT
    19. any bad habits? BITE MY NAILS
    20. is your car important in your life? YEAH (UNDERSTATEMENT)
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) 130MPH
    22. is it modded? YES
    23. show or race? both? RACE
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? YES
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? A SMILE, POSITIVE VIBE
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? MAYBE, NAAAA
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. SMART CONFIDENT AMBITIOUS
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? CRAZY
    29. is family important to you? OF COURSE
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? DOGGIES
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