*lol* for the guys..."THE APPLICATION"

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by z28camarocarri, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. z28camarocarri

    this thread needs to come back to life!!!!
  2. CamaroChica

    sooo what happpened with all of the other applicants! ??? lol ;)
  3. GradeZ28

    wow.. this thread has 2482 views LOL
  4. z28camarocarri

    they failed miserably;)

    nah....I talked to a few, still have my one favorite lol but thats never gonna work out lol.

    I just like reading them cuz its fun!!
  5. Cam-aro

    1. Name - Cameron Jared Covert
    2. Age - 19
    3. Location - Joplin, Missouri
    4. Height - 6'1"
    5. Weight - 170lb
    6. Hair color - Dirty Blonde
    7. Eye color - Blue(my top feature!)
    8. body type? - Defined/Fit
    9. do you work out? - Yes, Hopefully Everyday
    10. favorite food? - Pepperoni Pizza, Sloppy Joes, Chili
    11. what do you drive? - '98 Blazer LT
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? - Best Buy Audio Installer
    13. What are your three main goals in life? - Be A Wonderful Husband/Father, Be Successful, Be Happy.
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? - In 5, Starting career I want. In 10, Succeding in career I want.
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? - Manners, Open Doors, Not Commanding, Very Open To Suggestions, Etc.
    16. are you romantic? - Can Be, but it's not good to try 24/7.
    17. whats your ideal girl? - Kinda tall, fit, athletic, fun personality, not afraid to express herself.
    18. perfect date? - Getting away from everything, go out in a field, by the creek and just talk and relate.
    19. any bad habits? - Gained bit of an ego, sometimes too caring to others(get stuck in that best friend role, psh)
    20. is your car important in your life? - The three Camaro's, the 454 Truck, the Hemi Dodge... all were very important to me, they were me. Once you get away from that aspect, you learn a little more about yourself.
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? - We'll talk about the BlueZ, loved the body, the spoiler, ground effects, the hood blisters, such a gorgeous flow to her.
    22. is it modded? - Extremely modded
    23. show or race? both? - Much of both, 3rd Gen's didn't get better than that car.
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? - It's a turn on, but I'm not looking for gear heads.
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? - Personality, how friendly and open they are. How honest and true, they don't put up a face, they show who they really are in the beginning.
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? - Nope, gives me more to rag on them about if I do know something they don't, I think it's fun to have someone of same or near equal knowledge.
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. - Honest, Outgoing, Understanding
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? - Girls: He's cute, lovable guy, can talk and make you laugh all day, though sometimes he does think he's the greatest man alive. Guys: He's F'n crazy, cracks me up, but he's cool and keeps it real about things, though he has a knack to exagerate at times
    29. is family important to you? - Use to be, things fall apart and you begin to learn more about those close to you, I vow to never let my future family turn out like my current one.
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? - My dog, Autumn, is my gurl, love her to death though she sheds year round! Love dogs!
  6. Green95z

    1. Name Josh Ratliff
    2. Age 18
    3. Location Kentucky
    4. Height 5'9"
    5. Weight 150
    6. Hair color brown
    7. Eye color hazel/green
    8. body type? skinny, but in shape
    9. do you work out? Yea
    10. favorite food? Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwhich w/ Sweet Tea
    11. what do you drive? 95 Z
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? Yea, Maintenence Technician(Janitor lol)
    13. What are your three main goals in life? succeed x3
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? school, living well...
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? Yea, I do the little things...open the door on a date, pull out her chair, ALWAYS pick up the bill, etc...
    16. are you romantic? If I need to be...
    17. whats your ideal girl? Cute,fun to be with,ambitious,motivated
    18. perfect date? Nice dinner and then a walk on the beach(cliche but it's what i want lol)
    19. any bad habits? Nail Biter
    20. is your car important in your life? Very,My car is a part of me...but it's not the most important part.
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) The drivers seat b/c it's all mine
    22. is it modded? Lil bit...
    23. show or race? both? All go
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? Yea but I dont want her to know more than me lol.
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? Personality, and Values...
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? Intimidated...no. She would be a great friend.
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. Ambitious,Outgoing,Careless
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? He's the one that will talk to anyone, (guy or girl) Always there when needed, will do anything he can to help
    29. is family important to you? Very, W/O family I would be lost...
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? I like all kinds but I'm allergic to cats.
  7. Bones Z28

    Ok Carri, I'll stop being lazy and fill it out lol.

    1. Name -----Dave Scott
    2. Age---- 20
    3. Location ---Northwest burbs of Chicago
    4. Height ---6'-3"
    5. Weight ---180 I know that for a fact ha lol. (Trying to gain weight the good kind lol.)
    6. Hair color ---dishwashy Blonde
    7. Eye color--- Blue
    8. body type?--- WTF is this well I guess sporty, I like play sports and I'm addicted to weightlifting now but I'm definitely not buff lol.
    9. do you work out? ---Just explained that. Helll yeah it's an addiction
    10. favorite food? ----Any Italian or Mexican food I could eat for days.
    11. what do you drive? ---Come one seriously lol. m6 Z28 Camaro and a V6 DD.
    12. do you work? ----yes, what do you do? Yeah partime at the Home Depot and I'm going to college right now go Redbirds!!!
    13. What are your three main goals in life? ----Some wealth (Living comfortably not having to worry about bills or any payments) Happiness, I'd love to have wealth but I'd never want it to drain me. And to
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? I am really into business sales, honestly I see myself in some sort of business company in sales hopefully making some serious money. Otherwise school was a waste.
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? Definitely I'm kind/ outgoing, always have a ear open and a shoulder to lean on.
    16. are you romantic? Well... lol I'm creative. I think my humor makes up for it.
    17. whats your ideal girl? Personality over looks. I have to bee physically attracted to them but I'll take a honest sweet-hearted gal over an attractive "B" anyday.
    18. perfect date? Anywhere really. I feel like I've known the person for years and easy to talk to/makes me laugh.
    19. any bad habits? I point out the obvious sometimes.
    20. is your car important in your life? Oh yeah but honestly if shes a serious girlfriend I'd let her drive it.
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)
    22. is it modded? Somewhat this winter is the big project. I converting over to a street/track car.
    23. show or race? both? Both, somewhere in the middle.
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? Definitely, they don't have to but an interest never hurts.
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? The connection, and personality. If it's not working out at the beginning chances are it's not mean't to be.
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? Naw, not as long as she let's me drive it a couple of times lol.
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. Funny, easy-going, ambitious
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? My friends are schmucks lol. Seriously tho, they would say I'm an esy guy to talk to, funny and car crazed. I get that a lot from my buddies. I'm the tech of the group, if anyone has car problems they come to me.
    29. is family important to you? Faimly is very important. Family comes before work school anything materialistic. Let's put it this way, I'd give up all my cars, possesions, and some internal organs for family lol. But it's true.
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? God yeah. Dogs FTW!!! Not a big cat fan probably cause I'm alergic but Dogs rule!!!!
  8. wilde1988

    1. Name Andrew Wilde
    2. Age 18
    3. Location Champaign, IL & St. Louis, MO
    4. Height 5'11"
    5. Weight 180
    6. Hair color Brown
    7. Eye color Hazel
    8. body type? Medium Build
    9. do you work out? Yes
    10. favorite food? Pizza
    11. what do you drive? '97 Z38
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? Full time student :twitch:
    13. What are your three main goals in life? Have a family, be able to retire early, and owning a Corvette one day
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? I see my self working a lot trying to get established in 5 years. In 10 years I see my self as being recently married and having a solid job.
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? Yes, I respect ladies and they should be respected
    16. are you romantic? I try
    17. whats your ideal girl? Nice, funny, attractive, and someone that I have stuff in common with
    18. perfect date? Going to a baseball game then out to dinner
    19. any bad habits?I bite my fingernails
    20. is your car important in your life? very
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) I love standing behind it and listening to the exhaust
    22. is it modded? yes
    23. show or race? both? Neither really, just my DD
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? Of course
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? :scratchch I'm not really sure
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? Both
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. Nice, fun, & (a little) shy
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? That I'm a nice guy who's kind of goofy sometimes and spends too much time on the internet lol
    29. is family important to you? Very
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? I'm a dog person
  9. 1997blackz28

    1. Name: Dan
    2. Age: 23
    3. Location: Chicago burbs
    4. Height: 6'1"
    5. Weight: 200lbs
    6. Hair color: Brwn
    7. Eye color: Hazel
    8. body type? in shape i guess
    9. do you work out? Yes
    10. favorite food? chinese
    11. what do you drive? 97 z28
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? I am an EMT
    13. What are your three main goals in life? become a cop, live a fulfilling life, have no regrets
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? as a cop, still as a cop
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? yea i try to be
    16. are you romantic? at times
    17. whats your ideal girl? good sense of humor, easy going and fun
    18. perfect date? both parties have a good time (usually something that just kinda happens turns out to be the most fun)
    19. any bad habits? I kinda like to gamble (not compulsive or anything)
    20. is your car important in your life? yea but it's not the end all be all
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) sound
    22. is it modded? yea a little
    23. show or race? both? both
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? Yea i think that would be pretty cool
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? sense of humor
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? nope someone to help me with sh*t i don't know how to do lol.
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. loyal, honest, friendly
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? funny, easygoing, good time to be around
    29. is family important to you? yep
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? cats are good

    that was kinda fun, never done anything like that before.
  10. Silver35thZ

    1. Name Joseph
    2. Age 18
    3. Location College Station, TX
    4. Height 5'8
    5. Weight 130
    6. Hair color Dark Brown
    7. Eye colorBrown
    8. body type? Fit, Athletic
    9. do you work out? yea, 3 times a week
    10. favorite food? mmm..chicken fried steak!
    11. what do you drive? '02 Z
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? full time student
    13. What are your three main goals in life? go to law school, raise a family and fix up my cars
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 5-hopefully heading to law school or to get my masters. 10-working for a law firm, starting a family
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? always gotta open the doors for the ladies and pull out the seat for them to sit and ALWAYS say please and thank you
    16. are you romantic? i've been told i am. Once back in high school i asked out our lead drum major of the band by gettin the whole band to sing this song to her that we played. it was suppose to be "hey heeey baby i wanna know if you'll be my girl" but i pulled some strings and the song went like this "hey heeey abbi we wanna knooow if you'll be joseph's girl"
    17. whats your ideal girl? petite, sense of humor is key! nice style, cute, outgoing and overall good personality
    18. perfect date? depends on the girl, but picnic in the park and then drive-in movie...yes drive in, not a typical movie date
    19. any bad habits? i tend not to study for tests i have in the semester...so procrastination
    20. is your car important in your life? it is important, but its not my main thing...can't pay more attention to your car then your girl..thats just wrong
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) the way that LS1 sits in the engine bay. lol and i also like when tuner cars pull up next to me at a light and they rev and then i rev up and they know they stand no chance..haha i love it
    22. is it modded? a little bit. K&N filter, flowmaster muffler, cut out on the i, skip shift removed, 4 inch tips, and increased airflow to throttle body by remvoal of the honeycomb after the lid box
    23. show or race? both? i don't want it to be all show cuz i wanna kick some butt at the track but when its parked i want people to be like daaaaang that looks sweet
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? its a plus
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? sense of humor!!!
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars?nah, just means i'll learn what i'm doing wrong haha
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. funny, interesting, unique
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? "he seems shy, but once you get to know him his personality comes out and hes the guy that can always make someone smile"
    29. is family important to you? very! i love my family, i miss them so much since moving here to college station for college. i miss my entire family and especially my nephew
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? yup! dogs and i've had cats before and they're cool but i would rather pick a dog
  11. zguy00

    ok, i'll play

    no, that pretty much sums me up in a nut shell
  12. War Department

    This thread ROCKS! Carri...I'm so glad you brought it back to life! :)
  13. z28camarocarri

    hehe.....had to :) Im still waiting for mr good camaro guy to come along. we missed our deadline of BG this year, so now we gotta shoot for detroit next year lol.
  14. BigBadWhitey

    1. Brandon
    2. 15, 16 In January
    3. Canada, BC
    4. 5'9
    5. 160
    6. Dark Brown
    7. Hazel
    8. Kinda Rectangular shaped?
    9. Every Now and again
    10. Spaghetti
    11. Legally? I dont, but when i feel Dangerous its a 94 z28
    12. No
    13. Wife, Kids, Cool Car
    14. 5 Years...in collage, 10 years...Still in collage.
    15. Yeah, before i gun it i warn the lady.
    16. Yeah, i try to be.
    17. Tall, blue eyes, blonde hair..you know?
    18. Going to the beach in the morning, going for ice cream, then at night dinner and a movie?
    19. Heavy Throttle foot.
    20. It comes raight after family and friends.
    21. It puts you back in your seat on demand.
    22. Nope
    23. Both
    24. Yes
    25. Shes gotta have some car knowledge.
    26. No, its a good thing!
    27. Hairy, Sexy, Beast?
    28. I have to much facial hair for a 15 year old, and need to shave.
    29. Top of the list
    30. Dogs, and bears, and maby wolves.
  15. nighthawk15

    Am I the only guy here that hasn't filled this out? Guess I'll join in.

    1. William (more commonly Will/Willy)
    2. 16
    3. Washington State
    4. 5'10?
    5. 220
    6. Brown
    7. Hazel
    8. Uhhhhhhhh......lineman-ish maybe?
    9. Yes, working on losing some weight.
    10. Pizza or Buffalo wings
    11. Black 97 Camaro Z28
    12. I mow lawns in the summer and am looking for a part time job of some kind.
    13. Die with no regrets, be good to my family and friends, and be successful in life.
    14. 5 years: Fresh out of college. 10 years: Hopefully in a good job and enjoying life.
    15. Very much so. I always act respectfully (unless otherwise deserved), open doors, etc.
    16. I don't really know.
    17. A girl with a good sense of humor that's fun to be around, has a brain in her head, and won't get pissed off at me when I need to work on my car. And good god am I a sucker for a cute girl, especially blondes with green eyes.
    18. Depends on who.
    19. Staying up too late, leaving laundry laying around, slightly heavy footed.
    20. It's my most prized possession, so yes, but of course family/friends come first.
    21. I can't pick one.
    22. Lightly. Got some more waiting to be installed after the snow melts.
    23. Both when it's done.
    25. Not sure.
    26. Not at all. If she knows more than I do then good for her.
    27. Friendly, funny, and honest.
    28. Heck if I know. Ask them.
    29. Very
    30. Yes. Dogs .
  16. Iwanta69rs

    1. Blake Anthony Kelley
    2. 17
    3. Douglasville GA
    4. 6' 3"
    5. 245
    6. Brown
    7. Brown
    8. Football player type
    9. yes
    10. Mozorella sticks, Burgers
    11. 2000 jeep wrangler on 35"s
    12. yes, quaker steak and lube, watier busser and host
    13. Make over 150k a year, get a vette, meet the woman of my dreams
    14. 5 years hopefully out of college and starting my future...10 years hopefully married
    15. yes that is how i was raised...always treat a lady better than you want to be treated
    16. very much so
    17. Blonde about 5' 6" to 6', slim, athletic type, beautiful, smart
    18. on the beach
    19. wasting money on cars adn random things
    20. yes and no....i love my vehicles but many things come first
    21. i can go anywhere do anything
    22. hells yea
    23. MUD
    24. definately
    25. personality, humor-they have to be able to laugh at jokes and have fun
    26. hell know i think it's sexy as hell
    27. spontaneous, humorous, adventurous
    28. spontaneous, funny, thrill seeker
    29. family before anythign else
    30. yes dogs, cats, birds, fish, etc...........my favorite animal is a moose
  17. Turbo

    1. Name Daryld "Turbo"
    2. Age 22
    3. Location Castro Valley CA/ Carson City NV
    4. Height 6'
    5. Weight HA
    6. Hair color Dirty Blond
    7. Eye color Hazel
    8. body type? Athletic/Large (i got a belly but im fit with a bit of muscle)
    9. do you work out? when im not driveing 7 days a week
    10. favorite food? the kind you eat
    11. what do you drive? 2000 Chevy Camaro, 2007 Frieghtliner Classic XL, Just got rid of a 1991 Highly Moded Toyota pick up, and just got rid of a 96 Harley Dyna Wide Glide.
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? Yes, Im a Truck Driver for Werner Int.
    13. What are your three main goals in life? Own my own Trucking Company, Own my own house, Be happy
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 5: owning my own truck and or driveing localy with a nice place. 10: maried maybe 2 kids and makeing payments on a nice house
    15. are you a gentleman? How so? not like in titanic but i do pull chairs out for a lady and i hold the door say excuse me and stuff like that. i also tend to get in trouble for standing up for a girl when i see a guy bein disrespectfull to her lol
    16. are you romantic? i try to be
    17. whats your ideal girl? hmmm thats realy hard to say. loves cars and trucks of pretty much all types and bikes. loves to laugh. knows how to dress up but also knows how to play in the mud when its kool, dosnt try to be all macho like so many girls these days, and i dont mean stong and independant thats awsome in a girl i mean like "oh she looked at me funny im gona go beat her ass", likes to cook about as much as i do and dosnt mind eating it ither lol, not to skiny but not to big. i like eyes eyes are important to me the collor isnt as important they just have to sparkle just right ^_^
    18. perfect date? well i imagine one where i pick her up, wed go to SF or maybe the Oakland marina, have dinner then head to the clif house to this awsome spot i know of where you can climb up on top of the rocks and watch the sunset. then go or a ride the long way home in the Camaro and just drive (i love to drive lol)
    19. any bad habits? i cuss to much sometimes.
    20. is your car important in your life? in a way. the interior says alot about what type of man i am. i like things to look good and i think that reflects on me.
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) lol the sound system. ive had alot of cars over the last 4 or so years and they all had crapy radios with maybe 2 working speakers so it was pretty important to me to get it instaled so i finaly had a nice one, as well as the interior pretty much the same story as the radio. i also like how fast it is lmao
    22. is it modded? yes, sound, interior, LS1 Edit, mufflers, Vette 5 Spoke rims, tint all the way around (except the windshield lol). alot more to come
    23. show or race? both? more show, but soon to be both
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars? yes indeed.
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl? personality. they gota be able to at least pretend to laugh at my wierd ass antics lmao
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars? hell no. id love that. id be tryin to race her all the time. not to mention we could try diferant things on eachothers cars to see what works lol
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. Goofy Gentle Giant
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? wierd at first (maybe even abit anoying) but once you get to know me im hard not to like. im also told im a realy good listener when someone needs it.
    29. is family important to you? Very. i didnt realy have much of a family growing up. state raised me so i try to gather friends and family around me as much as posible. might be one of the reasons why the only friends i have are extreemly close cause maybe i try to hard.
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? i like all kinds, mostly horses though i love horses used to have a few i rode on a rance i used to live on. i loved tending to em rideing em groming em the responsability of feeding them it was alot of work but i got a sence of pride and satisfaction from it.

    Now i think the ladies should hv to fill this ou since it was there idea :p
  18. z28camarocarri

    The application still lives!!!!!!!! wooooooo hoooooo! :)

    so whats your favorite breed of horse turbo?!? ;) Im gonna guess since you worked on a ranch you worked with alot of Quarters, Paints, and maybe some mustangs seeing where youre from.
  19. Turbo

    i had 3 stangs and we had 6 Pertrons we used (pertrons are alot like clidesdales just a little bigger lol) for alot of the non tractor work. we had a stalion but it broke its leg when i was 8 :( beutiful horse. what about you carri? i take it you like horses as wel what kind do you have eperiance with (pardon my spelling the dyxlesia has always made it hard on spelling lol.
  20. Turbo

    oh yeah and when are you gona get the site back up and runnin i was all lookin forward to seein your stuff and i get to the site and its like not working :( lmao
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