How to make a sig tutorial

Discussion in 'Chop Shop' started by Ethan, Dec 25, 2007.

  1. LS1Tuner_06

    alright man! sounds good! i'm trying to re upload now.
  2. LS1Tuner_06

    bam! and it worked like a charm...i forgot that last step man! doh!
  3. LS1Tuner_06


    between reading the tutorial and trying to hurry cuz it 10:42 and i got to be up at 3:30am for work that's what i came up with for now! lol, idk, pretty basic, but that's what i got....i'll try more tomorrow. glad i'm finally getting somewhere with this photoshop stuff
  4. Neenjah

    very good first try!
  5. Extinct Staff Alumni

    Great thread....

    See ya on the road,
  6. Ethan

    Good job! I should tell you though If you only saved that as a jpg then you wont be able to put the highlights like I did because a jpeg merges everthing down to one layer. Before you saved the car was a separate layer.
  7. GradeZ28

    whenever you save it to any flat file format like jpg, bmp, gif, png, tiff, etc - the layers are always merged before encoding because these file formats do not store multi-layer information.. only when you save it to a raw type format like psd, are the layers stored in the file seperately, if that makes sense

    if you use gradients, or a lot of colors in the image (such as photos), jpg or png is typically better (there are exceptions!). if there is fewer, more solid colors, then gif is better.
  8. Ethan

    yup, except I never save anything as a gif. Jpg is fine with me.
  9. Neenjah

    i tend to get higher quality out of jpg anyway
  10. GradeZ28

    thats because .gif is only 8 bit (256 color pallet).. but on the other hand, jpg is a lossy format which can cause a large drop in image quality depending on the quality constant used when encoding.
    my bet is that png is going to overtake jpg in the next few years
  11. Jasin

    I agree, I use it for everything in graphic design, normal pictures I'll still keep jpeg as of now.
  12. Neenjah

    I turned my jpg's up to 100% when saving with photoshop. png's been around for a while, I havn't seen it used anymore than any other extension. they take up more space.
  13. Jasin

    they take up more space because it doesnt lose any detail, get a nice graphic and then save it with jpg, do the same with png and zoom in and see the diffrence
  14. Neenjah

    i know theres a difference.. its not great enough for people to care really.
  15. LS1Tuner_06

    not sure as to how you did the gradient part...don't know how you got it to be green and everything?
  16. Ethan

    look at this pic again

  17. GradeZ28

  18. GradeZ28

    Here is a quicky i made.. if you still need explanation let us know and well explain how to modify colors and whatnot.. btw what your seeing here is the beauty of windows xp being ran virtually inside linux :biggrin:
  19. LS1Tuner_06

    here's my newest one...having problems with how you did that glow effect around your car and the thing you did with my username?

  20. LS1Tuner_06

    oops forgot the last part....and tada! lol
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