Everyone Please read before posting!!!

Discussion in 'Support Our Troops & Hero's' started by MasterZ, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. midnyte81

    On the behalf of my Brigade in Iraq, we appreciate all of the support and positive thoughts you have towards us, as this is my first Christmas away from my family.
    SGT Milton A. Brown III
    U.S. ARMY
    138 MI/INSCOM
  2. jpz28

    12/25/69 in Phu Loi Cong Country

    I don't remember all the details because I've tried to forget but... Christmas Eve 1969 in ambush position with the Phu Loi Patrol, in the jungle, in the rain, in the mud, sitting like a rock, with a snake and bugs crawling over me and all I wanted to do is catch the cong sneeking down the creek bed.... and here they come now, it was payback time!

    I'd like to be there in Iraq right now with you all and try out some of that new gear you guys got. Kick butt! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  3. Rosair

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all our troops, everywhere. Thank-you and your families, for the sacrifices you are making, to keep our country free and safe. We all hope you will be home, safe and sound, very soon.
    R St Jacques, WO2
    34th Med Battalion

    I would like to thank all of the men and women serving our country. May you all come home safe and soon. -Thankyou
  5. SGTBuD

    From an Active Duty member in S. Korea. Thanks for all your support. It means alot. I know if any military memeber around the world had the chance to read this forum, they would tell you the same... so on behalf of them, Thanks.
  6. 400hpz28

    I am stationed at that base 35thz28 is refering to, and it makes us all happy to hear the thanks that you give us, even here in AZ we are being protested against and they want to shut our base down, but to the ones who still care, thankz
  7. z28maro1981

    :usa: well this is mainly for the 129th spec opps unit USAF. because my wife and father are both deployed at this time. my father is in afganistain. and my wife is in new orleans helping with that mess. i miss them both and pray for their safe return. and my prayers include all service men and women. and specail prayer to brian wonded in falusla iraq USMC DOA. now recovering strong. and to all my buddies over there. come home safe. we all miss ya and want you back :usa: :blastin: :ukliam2: :you rock: :you rock: :newangel:
  8. z28maro1981

    oh and this one is for rocko out in the deep blue for 6months stay outta trouble :thinkingo and your lil neon wont touch the Z ever never has and never will
  9. YD-LUZ

    I stand in awe and honor all of our bave women and man that are serving our country. I've been there, it can be harder than any job I've ever imagined having, especially 9 months in Desert Shield/Storm. I'm a civilian now - - - man, everything I deal with at work sure seems easy.

    Great section for this site - very, very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man - you guys are awesome!
  10. luvgothchix

    I am a contractor in Kuwait on a military base. All of the soldiers that I work with here see in this forum everyday and ask me what I'm reading about today. When I looked at this thread, I called them over and had them read some of your posts. These men and women here really like the fact that some people still are thankful they are here. They only get to see negativity the world is saying about their presence in this region and it really affects them. They are very happy to see a place that shows GENUINE support for their actions.

    Thank you all for the good words for this small but not unimportant group of people doing their part.
  11. chinsz28


    I just want to take this opportunity to tell all of you thanks for your support! It really means alot! We ALL appreciate it. Thank You all!!!

    SGT Chiancola
    2nd Stryker Cav
    "Always Ready"
  12. flak_monkey

    I'll never agree with why you're there, but thanks for doing what you do so that I can do what I do without having to worry at night. I hope you all get to come back home very, very soon. Thanks for your tremendous service to this country.
  13. Morpheus

    I am extremley glad that this site Suports the troops. After spending 4 years in the ARMY, most of that time deployed to some God forsaken land, now that I'm home I do whatever I can to support the boys and girls, in uniform. I am currently studying to be a Fireman, and an EMT to try and help do even more. Thanks again

    Former Sgt. Justin Minor
    U.S. ARMY Infantry
    "Sledgehammer",and "Regulars By God"
  14. jmdespres

    hello all. thanks for all the support. This was a nice welcome home. i have been gone for to long, it was so nice to be home and see you guys/girls here supporting us.
  15. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Thank you for your Service and Sacrifice for our great country. :2thumbsup
  16. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Glad your home jm :clap: :clap: As Jim stated thank you very much for your service to our great country and fighting for my freedom!!! God Bless you and your family.
  17. Camaro Queen

    Welcome home and a huge THANK YOU.
  18. Sippy Cup

    Jason, Thanks for all the Support you continuously show.
    Thanks for the giving the "Window of Opportunity" to those around the globe.
    I'm sure they'll be overwhelmed and grateful.
  19. Bail

    Rt On and thank you guys over there. You all give us the strength and POWER TO FIGHT HERE ON HE HOME FRONT.
    Master Deputy M.L.Scriven
    Stokes County Sheriffs Office
    Danbury N.C.
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