Dallas Situation

Discussion in 'Support Our Troops & Hero's' started by Z28/Ken, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Meats

    "Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral."
    Martin Luther King, Jr.
    4thand26 likes this.
  2. 4thand26

    not sure how far the news has spread, one of my best friends and groomsman at my wedding was gunned down this am in San Diego, so far one suspect in custody and look for at least another. The other officer is expected to survive.. I'm not sure how to react or what the appropriate reaction is. I am just trying to support his family and keep emotions out of my mind for now.
  3. Mike B.

    Sorry to hear that man
  4. 4thand26

    thanks. still surreal, the mayor and the chief of police are there now, so many officers came to the house, lots of support from them.
  5. 4thand26

  6. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Just now saw this. Very sorry to hear this, and I hope the other person is brought to justice. This cop killing has got to stop!
  7. 4thand26

    they have two in custody, the investigation is on going. The other officer is going to make it. Motive is unknown, Jonathan was in the gang suppression unit working some rough areas. He and his family are as close to us as you can be without being a blood relative.
  8. Zane

    Reading through this thread, I can see just how strong the emotions are on this forum when it comes to what's right and what's wrong.
  9. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    We have some officers and former officers on the forum.
  10. Zane

    That's really great. Hello to you all from someone who really appreciates the service that you provide to us!
  11. Freebird

    Well said. Those are some really wise words indeed. A lot of people tend to get lost in the heat of the moment and not stop to consider that each individual situation is unique and should be treated as such.
    4thand26 likes this.
  12. 4thand26

    thanks freebird, I just do my best each day to try to have a positive effect on my little universe :)
  13. Freebird

    I'm so glad to be around people like you who strive to make the world a better place anyway that they can. That's the best we can do, really. And every little thing we do, every positive action we take makes a world of difference in the Universe.

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