Changed My Oil Yesterday

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by egott_91, Aug 24, 2008.

  1. greg_74

    Not to bash you or anything but shouldn't you be a sponsor of the site to be posting all this stuff up, just curious, you might want to look into that...
  2. 92camaroLT1

    Oil is kinda like Politics, one of those things that shouldn't be talked about with friends....LOL Everyone has thier own opinion and you just need to go with what works for you. An I apolagize if I offened anyone I was just giving my opinion for the research I did.
  3. Justablur

    i also did my research as you can see above.
  4. egott_91

    I think this thread went a little off topic...:chuckles:
  5. Justablur

    It didn't offend me 1 bit. Everyone has there own opinions . I'm not going to say this is better if i haven't done research and I'll continue to use rp unless amsoil starts going in stock and see how that makes my car run. I love how rp makes mine run so its stays.

    =p still about oil changes buddy.
  6. egott_91

    True...but all I wanted to know was home much longer RP would last since it's a full synthetic! Lol!
  7. Synthetic Oil Guy

    :wavey: Being a synthetic base stock or not isn't the determining factor as to how long the oil will last. As I had previously mentioned, it is the additive package present in the oil and whether or not it is forumlated for safe, extended drain intervals. :)
  8. Reverend Drew

    That's what she said :chuckles:
  9. Synthetic Oil Guy

    :wavey: Hi Justablur. :) I really like that screen name of yours. That's very imaginitive. :)

    "Back in stock"? AMSOIL isn't on back order. You can order it right at my online store and have the convenience of doing something else with your time while my people deliver it right to your door in 3 days. :) You don't even have to waste money on gas. :) Lots of people order things online these days. It's the in thing. Look at e-bay and all the successful online businesses there are now. :)
  10. Synthetic Oil Guy

    :wavey: Hi Justablur. :) Aren't you travelling to a store now, paying for gas to do that, wear and tear on your car and using up your time too? We pay shipping for everything as products on shelves in stores have the shipping factored in to the selling price. This is one major reason prices are skyrocketing on everything, because fuel is skyrocketing in price and that fuel, (or "shipping"), is factored into the selling price, unfortunately. Not really saving anything by purchasing in retail outlets, in fact, you're spending more than you could be because you're already paying for the shipping of the product to the store and then you are paying for your own gas to go to that store and back. So you're getting a double whammy. :(
  11. Synthetic Oil Guy

    Hi egott! :wavey: Hey, that's a beautiful car you have! :) I thought I read someone saying that you were going to sell the car in the spring? Why would you sell such a sharp looking car?
  12. Synthetic Oil Guy

    Mobil 1 is a very good product. I'd use Mobil 1 if I didn't use AMSOIL. :)
  13. Justablur

    lol, Well Did you look at the results i gathered up? Also I seen the price without shipping and its higher than what i get rp here. I live 3 miles away from the parts store so gas isn't a problem for me. I pay 6 a quart for rp. Also i get a 5% discount for being a preferred customer (I just know all of them) :)
  14. egott_91

    Thanks, but yeah, you read that right, I wanna sell it!

    The reason i wanna sell it is so i can buy a LS1 WS6 transmission Am!:thumbsup:
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