Anyone have the JL Stealthbox?

Discussion in 'Mobile Electronics' started by 97venom, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. johnp94

    OK probably finish tomorrow. Thanks for the encouragement, once you get started on it it gets to be a fun project. I'm going to make it 8 1/2 inch deep. I"m going by the size of the 12 inch kicker sub. Do you recommend it to be deeper. Thanks, John
  2. masonb51

    That's how deep mine was until I added the second smaller box to add air space and depth to it. BTW, I will not be able to help out as much if there are no pics. But if you have the space to add more to the box go for it. The more air the deeper the bass note will be. If you want durability and a quality sound, get some cotton (like from the inside of a pillow) or go to a fabric shop or good ol' WalMart and get some cotton, then after you are all done with the box and the glue is dry and you are 100% ready for final install, stuff that cotton in there till its firm like a pillow, but with plenty of give. This will add a quality to the bass and make it not so...Uneven for lack of better words. Sorry if I am confusing you, but this is something where if you don't like it, you can always just pull the cotton out. Oh and its a cheap enough trick to try, that if you don't like the bass note with the cotton you are only out 5 bucks. I personally would go for less boom and more quality tones. I grew out of my rediculous bass stage a few years ago and don't miss it lol :)

    I'm glad to hear you say its a fun project cuz it really is. I love making new stuff for my Z and when it looks right and fits well and functions the way it should it makes it all even better. A lot of guys on here are all about making there own stuff and I am one of them!

    BTW, if you can, please get some pics of it. I'm excited for ya bro!
  3. johnp94

    Thanks for the help, did not confuse me at all. You gave me a better understanding of the box function and what to do to make it sound right. I can take pics but I haven"t learned how to use photo bucket. Thanks, John
  4. masonb51

    Oh trust me I suck when it comes to uploading stuff, but I got it figured out in no time lol. There are very good and easy to follow instructions to use in the new members section of this website that explain how to download pics to your computer, then upload them to your photo album, or you can just put em on photobucket and copy paste the link in an advanced reply. Don't quote me on this though, I'm way better with my hands than with a computer lol.
  5. johnp94

    OK mason, I finished the box very happy with how it came out. I did not put the wire connector in yet. it is circular, do you recommend me using the jigsaw or is there an adapter circle that I can put on drill and get and even circle? I made my connected box only 8 1/2 by 5 and the depth is only 4 inches. I don't have my camaro here so I wanted to be safe to be sure it will fit. I took measurements at the junk yard today so I could finish. Im pretty sure I'm going to make one for driver side, I have alot of wood left over. Thanks again for the inspiration and encouragement. Send me your email so I can email you pictures of the box. Thanks, John:chicky:
  6. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    No, you must post the pics here!!!! :D
  7. masonb51

    [email][email protected][/email] is the email and good for your bro! I missed your response for whatever reason lol sorry to take so long to respond. And unless you want to get flamed you may look into posting pics here as well lol.

    To answer the question you asked. No matter what you do, make sure the wire connector is a tight fit, this is a good area to use up your silicone glue as pushing the wires onto the terminals or pulling them off may rip out the connector. I used a drill bit with a wood hole cutter around it to make a nice true circle opening. Then if I can, I squeeze plenty of glue into the inside and around the outer lip of the connector. Let this dry for atleast a day before touching it and place somthing heavy over it as it dries to ensure a tight fit. If you have already done this, then don't worry about it unless its leaking, if it is leaking then do what I recommended above. Don't worry about the size of the box, you can tune your amp to make it sound good. Air space is a necessity, but not a huge factor as long as you have some air space in the box. Now send some pics brotha!!
  8. johnp94

    OK I still have to learn to put pics on the site. My friend in New York should be able to help with that. I screwed the wire terminal in. Do I still need to put glue? Thanks
  9. masonb51

    Yes, otherwise you will develop a problem. That air being held in the box is what actually pushed the sub to make bass. If there is a leak, the leak will make a sound similar to...well, you will just hear it lol. Yes glue it well enough so you dont have to do it again and scrape the old glue off and blah blah. Its a pain to re-do a glue job. Glue it, then while its still wet, screw the connector down tight and it won't leak.

    To post pics: upload them to the computer from your camera or phone, then go to photobucket and create an account. Then, Go Advanced on a reply and you will see where you can add a link or html. Use the link from photobucket for each individual pic and post the reply. I believe this is the simple form of posting pics. Or if you do not want to screw with the Advanced reply just upload the pics to photobucket and then copty the actual pic and paste it in a reply. This is what I do most times and it works well. Good luck bro. I'm waitn on these pics!!
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