My Camaro Lineart!

Discussion in 'Show & Shine' started by analog, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. Greg Norris

    thats the one!!! lookin good so far! thank you for doin this. I have no artistic ability
  2. The93Z

    I like the second picture. took me a while to catch on to it though for me to see the hood.
  3. analog


    2 hours later and its complete!

    enjoy dude :)
    Lineart-2.jpg #ad
  4. guitarisawesome

    Woah! You're a champ! Good job bro! :D :D
  5. analog

    thanks :D :cool:

    im started to work on a Cavalier from a guy on another forum, so ill post progress pics of it as well :)
  6. L0tuS

    thats pretty tight nice work
  7. Greg Norris

    THANKS A LOT!!! THATS AWESOME! do you still have a copy of it overlayed on the origional? like you showed on your first post? If you do, could you email it to me? [email][email protected][/email] (no lie, thats my email:chuckles: )

    thanks again!
  8. analog


    i saved the PSD with the pen tool lines on it, but when i reopened it, they were all gone!!!

    next time im going to export paths, that should save it. **************** though!

    i dont have the lines anymore, that picture is the only one with the lines :( sorry
  9. brandonz28

    like this?

    Untitled-2.jpg #ad
  10. analog


    what did you do? probably a overlay or something, right?

    but yea, that works.

    i just miss my pen tool paths :( the PSD is useless without them.
  11. brandonz28

    i was going to just erase all the white, but then i did overlay first, but changed it to color dodge

  12. Greg Norris

    nice, thank you both, that'll work perfectly.
  13. guitarisawesome

    I had's mine so far. :thumbsup:
    lines.jpg #ad
  14. Greg Norris

    Ive got a friend on another forum who's going to use the line art pic of mine and some shots of the car to make a transformer of my car. YEAH!! Ive got a copy of one he did for a buddy of mines 86 I can post up when I get home.

    and of course, I'll put up the version of mine when he's done.
    I jus think it would look sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad@$$ with a decepticon symbol on the stinger hood of my car!!!
  15. brandonz28

    are you using the pen tool?

  16. analog

    thats what i was wondering...

    kinda looks like he did for some parts, but kinda looks like he didnt for others... :scratchch
  17. guitarisawesome

    haha....trying my best...for the straight lines i just use the poly lasso tool and color that in...haha! I can't keep my hand steady enough for that long.
  18. analog

    so THATS why your lines are thick :)

    i use the pen tool and when im done, i just go

    right click>stroke path and then i make sure the brush size is 1, and i simulate pressure
  19. guitarisawesome

    yeah, well i have a picture blown up so its blurry and i use the pen thing, but i suck at keeping lines straight, so i'd rather not F up something that could look cool.
  20. brandonz28

    i would strongly suggest seein if you can find a pen tool tutorial and trying it out... its all i ever use now

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