Z28 YouTube Channel Update

Discussion in 'Videos' started by Tony, Jan 22, 2018.

  1. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I finished cleaning (okay, "finished" is a very loose term here lmao) half the garage today, enough to where I could get the Camaro in the one clean bay. I have been meaning to shoot an update video for you all for quite a while, and today, I finally did it. It's a short video, but it is letting you know what has been going on, and also asking for your suggestions. Post up and let me know what you want to see!

    chewy1010 likes this.
  2. PeteD

    Will def be watching. Got some things lined up for mine as well. Just need to find an armored car upside down, no security with doors open and full of money bags!!.....LOL

    Did't this place used to be called Z28Camaro.com? Started by a guy that went to More Performance just outside of Charlotte NC? Or am I thinking about a different one. If I am, so sorry.
  3. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Nope, this site has always been Z28.com. I never understood, with a 3 letter URL, why it never took off like it should have. Well, actually I do understand, but it's a horror story and I hate horror stories lmao.
  4. PeteD

    Cool. Was just curious.
  5. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    This place was a lot bigger in the past, and we took pride in being a family site and used to do a lot of things together. There was some changes that really didn't need to be done in the past and everyone was pushing to move things to Facebook and in my honest opinion it killed the site. The original owner decided to sell and Ken and Tony have done a lot to build it back up. I left for a while because the whole sale and people bailing took a little toll on me but I decided to come back and hang with those that stayed, and with all the new people joining. Z28 is in my blood lol.
    Z28/Ken likes this.
  6. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    It was definitely a lot more active in the past, that is for sure. And that is exactly what we are working to regain. The issue with facebook is you can't monetize anything over there. So the site will not make any money. Everyone wanted me to do the same thing to my site and I did do some stuff over there, but I have all but quit using any kind of social network because the reward of new members is about 1 in 100 posts. I have just over 1000 people watching my FB page, and my click through rate is less than 1% to my site. Just flat not worth it.

    Ken is doing an amazing job of bringing this site back. It's one thing to start a site, but it's a complete other beast to revive one that has been killed and has a bad rep out in the world. The biggest negative that I have read on the net for this site is it was a "click" site and if you were not in that click, then you would be ignored. I have seen this on multiple sites. That was back then though and I'm not really reading that much anymore. So all we can do is keep working hard at bringing this site back and most importantly, just have fun and enjoy some great american muscle!
  7. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Well I have to disagree with "what you hear or see". We never have been a "clique" site and always invited new members in and enjoyed new members. But no matter what ya can't please everyone, and out of all the other Camaro affiliated sites out there we were and are by far less clique and rude to members and repeat questions. I for one am happy to see the site building back up and maybe one day we can get back to having some member meet ups and get to know each other outside of the keyboard world.
  8. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I knew I was not spelling that correctly lol. But I do agree with you Glenn and I should have been more clear. I based my own website off of what Z28 used to be, and that is family friendly, was pretty harsh on abusive language and wanted a nice clean forum where anyone can ask any question no matter how beginner the question is or if it has been answered before. I just remember reading about that and likely it was all brought on by someone that didn't want to follow the rules.

    No matter though, we are definitely growing back and better than ever in my opinion. The great thing about starting at the bottom? You can only go up from there!
    FANTA-Z likes this.
  9. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Wow, up to 508 Youtube subscribers today! Big bunch added since yesterday!

    Tony deserves a lot of credit too! While I worked on new articles, finding lost articles through the Internet Archive and bringing them back, search engine optimization, etc, and posting when I could... my Camaro knowledge was thin. Tony stepped up and helped users whenever possible to no post was left unanswered. There are others too who have stepped up posting as well, and I really do appreciate it. Every day it's active here, sometimes slow sometimes pretty busy, but the key is it's active!

    Yesterday my son helped me get one of my trickle chargers out for my truck, since I'm doctor ordered not bend to pick up stuff, and he looked over at the Camaro and asked if we could hook a charger to it because he really wants to help out and go for rides when I'm healed (torn rib muscle and broken rib)! Boy that felt good, I really want to get back in it! Its also so very nice that I've learned so much about Camaros, both history wise and mechanically... my family had two Camaros back in the 1980s and it's like being a teenager all over again when I get in it!

    The folks here are great, both the newcomers and the old school members coming back. :) Its amazing how trouble-free moderating here is.

    Hey, in the time I typed in the above we added another Youtube subscriber!
    FANTA-Z likes this.
  10. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Well, I kind of padded the count yesterday. I own I think 11 youtube accounts and I used 7 of them to subscribe lmao. So yea, if that doesn't tell you how bad I want this to happen....

    I think the best thing you have installed on this site yet is the Unanswered Topics button. That little button helps keep those that are introducing themselves (most of the time) and asking questions from never getting a response.

    But I find this fun. I have been here since 2004 and yes, it was more active back then, but there is something more comfortable about it now. Something more relaxed. Not quite sure what it is though.

    I can't wait for you to get that car going. That should be a lot of fun!
  11. PeteD

    I think you guys are doing a great job myself. I know about the clique sites. I belong to at least 3 of them. I can post almost anything and never get the first response. Oh well. Still got to try....

    Dang. Wish I could get to 500....LOL Much less the 1000
  12. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I'll get to the 1000 mark, but it may be a little late. I'm going to keep pushing though. I have a pretty good understanding about YouTube SEO and how to make things work. It's time to start looking in the bottom of the bag for the down and dirty methods lol.
  13. MikeyZ28SS

    What's the timeline you need to be at 1000+ by?
    I've got 10 grandkids, 4 kids, and most have an account. Plus the Misses & I. Only have 2 of the Grandkids subscribed so far, been crazy busy lately... But will make a concerted effort before the month ends.
  14. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    This needs to happen before Feb. 20th. On that date, they pull us from the partner program. Thank you so much Mike for the help!!!
  15. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    And just so people know, there will be a new video on Friday!
  16. chewy1010

    I tell you what Tony, y’all just keep up what you’re doing. I don’t know anything about the history of this site as I haven’t had a Camaro in probably 12 years until a couple months ago. Between you, Fanta-Z, and Ken, this site has been invaluable as I resurrect my ‘97 that was wrenched on by some people who have no business with a tool in their hands. I’ve been obsrcto LS1/LT1’s site but never bothered to even register. Always felt more comfortable asking my 4th gen and LT1 rookie questions get. Y’all keep up the good work! And I appreciate everyone’s dedication.
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