Z28.com's YouTube Page

Discussion in 'Videos' started by Tony, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    What's up everyone! Have you noticed the new sidebar with the link to our YouTube page? If not, check it out! I know I have been slacking at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, but things are about to change! I do the YouTube thing full time and it is how I make my living and as small as the Z28 page is on YouTube, it is doing fantastic!

    But We Need Your Help!

    If you saw Pete's video on the new Monetization rules that YouTube has pulled out of their butts, any channel with less than 1000 subscribers and less than 4000 hours of view time in 12 months will no longer be able to monetize their videos. The view time is not a problem. I'm getting well over 4000 hours (240,000 minutes) of view time in less than a month. But we need subscribers to keep this channel alive!

    Below is the link to subscribe to our channel. Once you click on the link it will ask you if you want to subscribe. I ask you all to hit that subscribe button and help us out and be sure to ring that little bell so you are notified when we come out with a new video. And we will be coming out with new videos here very soon!

    To all that are subscribed, Thank You! If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see in a video on our page, post below and let me know. I have an LT1 4th Gen Camaro and most of the work will be done on that car. However, I may be able to get my hands on other years, especially if there are some members that are close and want to come by and have their car on video. So post up and let us know what you want to see!

    MikeyZ28SS and FANTA-Z like this.
  2. MikeyZ28SS

    2 subscriptions added this morning! Working on a couple more!
    Just hit add account to have multiple accounts/subscriptions. :)
  3. PeteD

    I did........It sucks as you mentioned. But there just is no alternative. Subed to the channel also

    Wish I could get that many views...LOL
  4. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    That is awesome Mike! Thank you so much! I tried to get a video up for everyone to thank them today, but man, my shop is a little more dirty than I thought it was lmao. Two straight days of cleaning. Hoping to have a thank you video up tomorrow for everyone!

    It takes time Pete, that is for sure. When I first started out on YouTube back in 2010, dude, I was bouncing off the walls when I hit 100 subs. 500, I couldn't believe it. 1000, dude, I was on cloud 9! When I hit 10,000 subs, that was just absolutely awesome. Now, I'm north of 17,o00 and I'm still a small channel. The issue with my other RC channel is that it is very Niche' as is a Camaro only page, but I have some plans to try and help with that.
  5. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

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