Why dont we have COM anymore????

Discussion in 'Car of the month - Discussion' started by 95z28onjuice, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. 95z28onjuice

    I want to know how come there is no car of month anymore? alot of us on here and working to make are cars better and better but there is no chance of becoming com? is there any future in car of month:scratchch
  2. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I think there is talks about bringing it back, it's just that there is some work that they are doing right now with the site, and that has taken a back burnner to it. I know that Glenn used to do it, but he has been down for a while so I can understand that aspect as well.
  3. greg_74

    Make me a mod and I'll do COTM... :wavey:
  4. nemocamaro

  5. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    We really want to do COTM again it is just alot of back end work on ourside and it seems that the majority of the staff including myself are slammed with stuff outside of the site. Fortunatly the site sorta runs itself outside of stuff like that. I know jason is after trying to get it up and running again.
  6. 95z28onjuice

    Thanks for the info chris.
  7. nemocamaro

  8. hot81zmama


    would love to have this back im doing my car now from the ground up :notwrthy::respekt:*z28rocks*
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