Where are the official surveys?

Discussion in 'Site Suggestions. Questions and Official Surveys' started by WheelyFast, Feb 6, 2020.

  1. WheelyFast

    not sure how to find them. Thanks
  2. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    What official survey's? We don't have any surveys on this site.
  3. WheelyFast

    It was posted under Site News, but when I went back to find where I saw it, I noticed it is not highlighted anymore although it is still there. My mistake. Did not notice that before.
  4. WheelyFast

    Is there a way for me to know when I can list my rims and tires for sale? I do not qualify now because I dont have enough posts. image2.jpeg #ad
  5. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    You do have enough posts, however you need to be a member for one month to post a for sale thread. Once you are eligible it will allow you to post in the appropriate section.
  6. WheelyFast

    ok. I hoped it was one or the other. Guess I have to wait to upgrade!
  7. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I do apologize about that. We had some spammers come in here and make the required posts (it was 50 back then) in like a day just so they could post a for sale post and never ship the item. So we had to put a time limit on being a member and those posts have all but stopped.
Similar Threads - official surveysForumDate
Are we official?Site Suggestions. Questions and Official SurveysDec 20, 2006

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