What are you grateful for right now?

Discussion in 'Z28.Com Family Support' started by Freebird, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Freebird

    A lot of times we come together when things are going wrong in our lives and we are trying to ask for some kind of change, but we have so many things to be grateful for right now. What are you most grateful for today?
  2. Forgiven

    I am most grateful for the salvation I have in Jesus Christ. (See John ch. 3) Nothing gives me more peace in a world that is crazy, evil, sick, etc than knowing that God is not surprized by anything going on down here and will bring justice to all in the end. Second to that is my wife who is such a good friend to me, she is so supportive. What are you grateful for Freebird?
  3. Rya

    I'm grateful for each and every day that I'm given on this earth. I'm grateful that each day is always better than the last and I'm grateful that my life keeps unfolding in such a beautiful way.
  4. Freebird

    I'm grateful for my healthy baby girl and my wonderful loving husband. I'm also very, very grateful for the love and support of the people that surround me. My list is very long. I could go on...
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