Welcome to the project section

Discussion in 'Projects' started by FANTA-Z, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Some people have asked for a section to post their short and long term projects. This way people can read and see their project from day 1 to the finishing day and get pointers on what to do and what not to do :)
  2. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    This could be a really useful forum for the ones that are learning about mods and other stuff. I would post up my header swap but I lost all that info when I bricked a hard drive. The more pics you can put up to explain what you are doing, the better. I am about to start my s10 project so you can bet that will be in here. Thanks for the forum Glenn!!!
  3. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Your welcome for putting up the forum but you need to thank Jason for having the forum to put that section :D Its something we have kicked around for a while so why not throw it up and see how it goes :)
  4. pmr253

  5. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Thanks Jason!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin:
  6. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

  7. Paulster2

    Question before I do something wrong: When someone posts a new thread in this section, is it supposed to be theirs basically, where the originator is going to be the only one posting pics and commentary? Or is this to also include other peoples comments and questions concerning the thread? (I hope this makes sense). I know Mark's thread came over from another section, so the extra posts in there are what they are ... I'm just talking about Tony's thread and future threads.
  8. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    The way that I see it, it would be better for others to post in the threads to add ideas and comments. I know that I would love for people to post in mine since this is my first s10 build. Ideas are great. Post away in mine.
  9. Paulster2

    Kewl, Tony. I just don't like to tread on other peoples stuff if that is not the intention. You know I'll post in your thread :biggrin:
  10. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    I agree with Tony. It should be interactive with both the originator and anyone having questions or comments about the project.
  11. Paulster2

    Thanks for the clarification, Glenn.
  12. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Come on people, this has a chance to be a great section. If any of you think there is anything you can add to it post up. I have been thinking about a section that is nothing but links to suppliers like eastwood, Caswell, Jeggs, and Summit for the parts and supplies needed to do a project. It would be a great page for the beginning modder to get started.
  13. nighthawk15

    Awesome! Sounds like a great addition!

    I'm doing one soon that I might document and post up. :biggrin:
  14. nightrunnerz28

    its funny this thread came out the day i asked masterz about putting up a place for projects lol
  15. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

  16. bderlan

    I really like the idea of this thread,i cant wait til more people post up.i know im gonna post my 93 camaro build once i start getting deeper into the project.it was totaled and now ive decided to completely rebuild it
  17. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Start posting it now, that is what it's for. You go from start to finish in here. Look at what I have started with. I won't get the parts for the engine swap until tomorrow. But even then, I still have to get the engine and transmission out of the other car and rebuild the transmission to handle the the engine. I will post pics and tell everyone about it as I do it, or as my wife does it. :shhh: you know that I will be the one doing it all, lol.
  18. Don46

    FANTA-Z likes this.
  19. Don46

    I towed my Z to St. Louis to have Mann’s restoration restore it. It has been in my garage almost 25 years, and I am finally getting done. I will try to post pictures of the progress.
    FANTA-Z likes this.
  20. Don46

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    They started tearing it down, and I have a little more rust than expected. Both rear quarter panels had previously been replaced and they will need some attention. The trunk pan needs to be replaced and the doors have rust on the corners.

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    FANTA-Z likes this.
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