typing on tablets issue

Discussion in 'Site Suggestions. Questions and Official Surveys' started by NastyZ, Jan 16, 2019.

  1. NastyZ

    hay there figured i would toss this up just as as a heads up

    I am getting an issue typingtreplyre on this site characters get mixed up etc. ... only site it happens on. Just figurex i would passp it on. .. maybe there is a conflict between tablet keyboards etc. ( above me)
    like sometimes after i hit space after a word.... characters get added.... or using autocomplete will only retype the characters that are already inithe message body, orowill add the first character of the word ontoothe end.. . .. <--- see lol

    just trying to help by letting you know
  2. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Are you using apple, android or windows mobile?
  3. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Yeah, the more info the better. Which browser on that device?
  4. NastyZ

    sorry, usiusi using google chrome browser on Android ... on Samsung galaxy tablet 10 "
  5. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Okay, I have an Android tablet with Chrome and will give it a try shortly.
  6. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    I have one too, but I changed my password on this site a while back and now I can't remember it lmao. When I get it figured out, I will do some testing as well.

    Edit: figured it out. Why would I choose that password.... lmao
  7. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    This is a test on a Lenovo tablet using chrome.

    The following is all auto text .

    I will be there at all auto correct is all auto correct is all auto correct is

    I love it when it just repeats lol .

    I have done no editing to this post . Using onscreen keyboard .
  8. NastyZ

    sounds good. I have autocorreca turned off . ItIis just 3 words at the top of thetkeyboard that show up as suggessugge <-- suggestions I amatyping this unedited to show youy exaexac whatwhapphap when i hit the suggsugges

    it seems there is an issue when I hit either the space bar.. . or use one of the proposed suggestions . LOL You can see how annoying itican get with all the corrections .. just figured i would shares this with ya

    any suggestions would be welcome
  9. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Very interesting. I didn't have that issue with mine, this may be something with that specific tablet on that specific firmware. I'm sure when Ken has some more time he will look more into it.
  10. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Sorry for the delay, and I didn't get a chance to test it. I had my hands full with a forum migration for a client, and everything that could go wrong did (out of my control, their hosting company had older versions of server software than required, and refused to upgrade it).

    Anyway, I'm looking into this now.
  11. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    That sounds so much like JustHost! "We have top of the line equipment that is out of date" lmao.
  12. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    This is a test from my tablet
    Testing with Google keyboard seems to be working ok
  13. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Do you know which keyboard it's using? Samsung or Google GBoard?
  14. NastyZ

    Actually I am using the swiftSwif swiftkey keyboard on this tablet. This is the only place it happens lol.

    No rusb or anything, just figure i should tosstit up Maybe later ( going car shopping later) i will disable this keyboard and go with the genaric one on this tablet and see if there are issues

    thanx thus far gents
  15. NastyZ

    K, now I am using the default Samsung keyboard. No issues with the suggestions doubling up etc.
    Its a shame. I really liked the ease of the swiftkey keyboard. Problem is it said it was possible for all my keystrokes to be captured by there company etc...... so that has turned me off of it

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