Top coat F11

Discussion in 'Show & Shine' started by FANTA-Z, Oct 2, 2017.

  1. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Well after watching the videos and reading all the hype I had to jump in and test the product out lol. I have to say I am really impressed on how quick it makes your area slick as if its just been polished. It is very quick to apply and remove as well, and its OK to use on any surface, even glass. One of the main reasons I wanted to test it out is for the wheels and the brake dust. I read several testimonies about how great their wheels looked even after many miles being driven, so I applied it Saturday for the first coat, and will apply another one sometime this week to see how it does.

    The product isn't cheap but it could replace a lot of products that you are using on your car right now and as stated before its very quick and easy to use. I am an Adams user myself, and will still use their products from time to time but as mentioned earlier, I am impressed with the results so far of the Top Coat F11.
  2. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Wow, that stuff is expensive! Do let us know how this stuff holds up. Not that I need it, my car needs a new paint job lol.
  3. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    I will definitely keep everyone updated. Its actually cheaper on their website right now, I got it for a little over 60 shipped and have put two coats on the car itself and one on the wheels and still have some left in the two oz bottle.
  4. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Time to purchase the GALLON!!!!!
  5. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    If it holds up that will be my next move :)
  6. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    It definitely helps with brake dust and road debris on wheels. This is a pic of one of my fronts after a couple days driving.

    20171002_155926.jpg #ad
  7. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Not hardly a spec of dirt on it. Very nice. Now, start living down a gravel road like me and lets see how it does lol.
  8. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Well no gravel lol but a 28 mile trek to and from work, some hard driving and braking, and sitting in a chemical plant parking lot lol.
  9. Grumpier

    I use it! It’s great!
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