I'm getting married

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by FANTA-Z, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    I bet you didnt see this coming........................................

    Neither did I LOL. Just thought I would give you all a little humor on a Tuesday morning :) Have a great day everyone!!!!
  2. Camaro Queen

    And I was like "What?" I was excited for you. Now you just burst my bubble.
  3. JuanMaroZ28

    you and your fantasies lol
  4. niknik

    awwww....Glenn..... :(
  5. egott_91

    You're already married...to Amber. Lol.
  6. BdNflnc

    Ha ha, I was like, NO WAY!!! You got me! Thats one wedding you would HAVE to go to!!! :)
  7. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    LOL ya never know I could slip out on that one too :)
  8. LS1Tuner_06

    Nice one! You almost had me!
  9. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    ok little late, just getting home.... but you had me going for a sec.... the emotions as they unfolded went..

    :shocked:shock, :yahoo:excitment, then :growl:anger cause you didnt tell me, to you arsehole:cool:...ya got me:facepalm:...

    :belly::belly:good one
  10. the_husk

    DON'T DO IT MAN! It's only the beginning of the end at that point. :lol:

  11. Forgiven

    What?! You are not married? Too far away to know.....If you find a good woman who loves you keep her...I am so blessed to have the wife I have....
  12. Ryatt-Motion Staff Alumni

  13. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Since this is all a joke I will throw a pic on here of me and my wife :)
    imagejpeg_2.jpg #ad
  14. Bowtiedad_Z28

    Had me at first to. Boy you sure look different with hair. Ahhh the good old days!!!
  15. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Yep I was 16 there :)
  16. MystressZ Staff Alumni

    And still as cute :flirt:
  17. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Awwww thank you Lori :)
  18. richard96

    Good one. I was like WHAT! Then I was like hahaha.

    Nothing is more memorable than a picture with a full head of hair. :belly:
  19. the_husk

    For the right price, i'll grow out my hair and donate it to Locks of Love, and you can have it. :lol:
  20. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Brady that would be a great thing but I would have to say give it to those that are truly in need :) I wish mine would fall all the way out so I didnt have to shave the stuff that I do have :chuckles:
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