Tony Shepherd and his wife need prayers. Please.

Discussion in 'Z28.Com Family Support' started by Camaro Queen, May 23, 2011.

  1. Camaro Queen

    Most of you know who Tony is. He has been along time standing member here. I am also friends with him on FB. The following was posted by him. Please all keep him, his wife and their son in your thoughts and prayers. Thank God someone was watching over them.

    Tony Shepherd
    Please keep my wife Kelly in your prayers. She broke her neck over the weekend on a trampoline accident. Broke C1 vertebra in the neck and also a compacted fracture on one of the mid back vertebra. We are fortunate she is not paralyzed. Thank God for that! She will be fine but has a long painful road to recovery. Get better honey! Love you!
  2. Gatorhead

    WOW! I am familiar with the injury (C1)and can say even with those circumstances she was/is lucky to be alive, yet alone non paralyzed. I am still having a great deal of problems out of mine post surgery. The key to recovery with that injury is stability and imobility. The brace sucks ass, especially this time of year but keep it taught at all costs! Use a pillow in the recliner to put in back of the head neck, it will take a bit to get used to it, but it is the ONLY way. I will include you and your family in my thoughts and prayer's. God Bless!

    She is very lucky indeed. Very good to hear that she has made it this far without farther complications. Wish her the best in recovery.
  4. fast 93 z

    Thank you for the prayers and kind words. Thank you all!
  5. TSAEB

    man im very sorry to hear that i hope with time everything goes back to normal....again very sorry about the accident....i wish your wife a speedy and smooth recovery.
  6. richard96

    Man, very sorry to hear of this Tony. May god bless Kelly with a full recovery and bless you and your son with some comfort.
  7. LS1Tuner_06

    I'm sorry to here this man :( I hope she recovers well and quickly. She will be in my thoughts and prayers pal
  8. Extinct Staff Alumni

    We're here for you and your wife, Tony!! Let us know if you need anything!!!

    See ya on the road,
  9. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Tony, I lift up your wife in prayer and ask our Father for a complete recovery for her. I also thank our Dear Father for keeping her safe and preventing any permanent damage or paralysis.
  10. Forgiven

    ^^^^Amen to that. Sorry to hear of this accident, And I certainly wish her a full recovery.
  11. masonb51

    Damn! This is shocking news!! I'm really sorry to hear this. My family will keep her in our thoughts!
  12. fast 93 z

    Thank you all! Means the world to me !
  13. Camaro Queen

    You are very welcome Tony. I know that these types of truamatic situations can be very hard for all involved. Keep us posted on how she is doing. Be strong... the long road ahead has a shining light at the end.


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