Things to do while in St Louis?

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Paulster2, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. Paulster2

    Anybody have a "great" thing to do in St Louis? Just wondering if, of those who have been to St Louis or live there, have anything they like doing while there? I've been a couple of times and have done nothing real exciting. No, I won't have my car (be in a rental car), so doing any real cruizing is out of the picture. So, any ideas? I'll arrive there Tuesday (tomorrow, 21 April 2009), leaving Thursday afternoon.
  2. Gatorhead

    Ummm go visit Laura ???????
  3. JuanMaroZ28

    I played at the Europe nightclub in 2005. I kinda liked the place..... they play everything and its a chill enviroment.... :).... It was pretty funny because i fel that me and my friend where the only hispanics in STL...LOL.... as soon as we walked into the Cheesecake facotry in the mall...ALL EYES where on us LOL!!!
  4. Lethalchem

    The huge museum and Zoo are both cool to go to, and were both free last time I was there.
  5. BlueZee28 Staff Alumni

    The City Museum is a great place to go to. I think adult entry is something like $10. The Zoo is really cool, and is free.

    Above all else, you MUST MUST MUST, visit Fast Lane in St Charles. It's located at highway 370 and 2nd Street I believe. They have the coolest cars there, and they're all for sale. I took the group that came to my GTG 2 yrs ago and they loved it.

    As for food, you should really go to the Old Spaghetti Factory, which is down by the arch. Also, try and catch a Cardinals game, those are the best.

    I'm trying to think of some other things you could do. There's so much it's hard to narrow it down. I think you would probably really like the St Louis Mills Mall, they have indoor and outdoor go-karts, a movie theatre, indoor miniature golf, a skate park, an indoor ice rink where the Blues practice, and lots of good stores.
  6. Paulster2

    Thanks for the info, guys. Unfortunately, most of my day is spent working, which kind of sux ... but then again, I guess that's why I'm here, lol! :chuckles:

    I did eat dinner at Charlie Gitto's tonight. It's the small one on N 6th St (I understand there is a larger one in town someplace). It was kind of kewl because there is a Card's game tonight, so everyone was wearing the colors. If I would've walked in there about 5 minutes later, I don't think I would have got a seat. Great food!

    I'm going to try and check out Fast Lane ... the name just sounds promising! I'll let you know if I get a chance to visit.
  7. BlueZee28 Staff Alumni

    Fast Lane is about 8 minutes from my house. I go there a couple times a year to check out the new inventory. :chicky:
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