Thanks to the family

Discussion in 'Z28.Com Family Support' started by Z28Chic, May 1, 2011.

  1. Z28Chic

    I've just read thru all the posts under my prayers for my Dad thread & I started to cry. We really do have a great family here.
    I just wanted to say "Thank You" for all of your sympathy & prayers. It helped me get thru all of this.
    Things are getting harder now because days keep passing & I can't hear his voice or hug & kiss him. I miss him so much. He was my heart, my world. I was so close to him because after my mom died when I was 7, I would cry & cry thru out the years thinking that God was going to take my Dad away. I'm the baby of the family & he spoiled me rotten, not just with material things, but love & attention. I keep telling myself things will get better in time, but it's getting worse. I also keep telling myself that I will be with him again, but Idk how long I can wait. Ever since he passed, my personality changed. I feel numb & rarely get excited over anything. I try to keep busy to keep my mind off of things, but at the drop of a hat I start crying because I miss him so much. He was a big reason I fought so hard & kept pushing & battling my disease. I knew he needed me. Now that he's gone, I kinda feel like I don't serve a purpose because I can't work cuz of my disease, I don't even cook & I can't clean the house & have it how I want it, but when Dad was here, I had a purpose in life, I took care of him & that made me feel like I mattered. It's so much harder because I'm alone the whole day & I really don't have family & Glenn is the only person I talk to daily but he has a life too so I can't suck up his whole day. There's so many thoughts that run thru my head, like what really happens when we die? Do we really go to heaven or are we just dead & there's nothing after that. I do believe there is a heaven but I kind of question it because seeing is believing & I'm not strong on faith.
    Anyways, I just wanted to thank everyone for standing beside me to hold me up while he was sick. I really appreciate all the thoughts & prayers. It's heart warming to know that I have people like you in my life that I can turn to. I know this is a rough process & it's probably going to get worse before it gets better, but I know I can get thru this with the support of the family. I miss everyone so much & I would love to come to atlanta but there's no way I could afford it :eek:( I do hope to get to see you guys again tho! God bless all of you & I love you all!
  2. Forgiven

    Laura I do wish you well. It certainly will not be easy. I do firmly believe there is a heaven and mostly due to the fact Jesus spoke of it often and the eyewitness accounts of those who were close to Jesus. John said this: "I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life. And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him."
    I hope and pray this can become a reality for you also. Thankyou for allowing us to see a bit iniside your world, it helps us to know how to pray for you. I am continually amazed at the courage it must take for you to continue on, even more now with the great loss of your father. You are a very impressive woman.

  3. LS1Tuner_06

    We are definitely all here for you Laura. No matter what don't give up. Just keep your head up and don't stop fighting like you have been doin. We will always have you in our prayers and thoughts. You are important to us and we all care about you very much.
  4. Gatorhead

    No matter the words written or spoke, they will never comfort you as the words from your father's mouth. That being said, your father has only left you in body, not in spirit. Look for him everyday and he will reveal himself to you. It is their way to let you know they have made their journey and they are ok. He is now a better protector than he could ever have been here on Earth. I also feel that it is important that you continue to be strong for him and in his name. You can and will get through this! It will only make you stronger, and that extra strength may be what makes you heal from your disease! I do believe in God! I believe I felt his touch the day of my wreck. Nothing else explains it, and it doesnt make me an expert, it just heightened my awareness and belief! I have faith in you. I am proud of you. I will continue to pray for you! God Bless You!
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