Thank you to everyone here!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Z28/Ken, Apr 24, 2020.

  1. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    During hard times, it helps to find things to be thankful for, at least it does for me!

    When I logged on this morning, I thought how nice it is that whenever I'm here there's so much going on.

    So I pulled up posting stats in the admin panel to share
    : posts.png #ad

    (The big spike in Jan 2015 doesn't count, it was a temporary import test into a temp forum section that was then deleted.)

    I'm truly thankful to those who stuck around, those who started coming back, and those who have joined us since. A special shout out to @Tony, who's been a great source of help through thick and thin. I've learned a huge amount from him, many of you, and my own studying of Camaros, researching their history for articles, and tinkering with my own (2000 Z/28). All of you make this place one of the friendliest bunch of people to be found. There's rarely serious bickering, people are helpful to each other, and it is a testament to all of you.

    Now, back to the chart. When I was approached about taking the reigns here, I was on the fence. My last history with Camaros was back in the mid-1980s. And the community here was all but dead. A dozen or so posts per week and half of those seemed to be "is there anyone left?"

    But I had passion for cars, and experience building car forums so I gave it a shot. It was a hard uphill battle, not just for me, but everyone still around. I worked on ways to increase traffic, such as new software and building the article section but the members here are what's kept the newcomers coming back. And I became a Camaro enthusiast again like I was in my younger days! :)

    The site isn't as busy as was 15 years ago. But considering its traffic was on a downhill slide from 2006 - 2013 it's flat out amazing that it's where it is today, and continues to make slow by steady progress. That's a big deal these days considering so many other forums are dying in the age of "social media".
    Thanks to everyone!
  2. M1dniterider

  3. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Oh, I left out of my post when I started here, it was late 2013. Wow, where has all the time gone?
  4. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    I'm happy to be here and you have done a great job revitalizing the site for sure. This place has been like a family for me since the earlier 2000s and I don't plan on going anywhere :) Thanks for all the work behind the scenes, I for one know what you go through here, and you all are doing a great job.
  5. IrocMyCamaroSS

    I feel responsible for most of the recent activity lololol
  6. 4thand26

    i've been here since 2003 :)
  7. NastyZ

    How do you tell.... but I joined before 2003 i think.....was before my accident

    ****EDIT *** Says i was here 2004 i guess
    4thand26 likes this.
  8. 4thand26

    i just hit buttons and say words, i don't really know whats going on most of the time
    NastyZ likes this.
  9. 4thand26

    hey ken, can you post these stats up more frequently so we can see how the site is doing?
  10. mullettcar

    i was here around 2007 then left but i came back about 3 yrs ago under a diff account . later found my old account lol
    and i never plan to leave there is a great group here now and im loving it.
  11. KYWes

    March 4, 2003 for me joining. That was a few months after I got my Z28. This is my favorite Camaro site.
  12. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Covid-19 had an effect, that's for sure. About a 1/3rd drop in monthly posts. I'm guessing because people were going to less shows, tracks and hanging out with friends less, so there was less to talk about. But weirdly at the same time posts went down traffic first went down but starting going up. I think more people started going online when they were couped up in their homes. We're seeing both posts and traffic going up right now as more people get vaccinated and can get back to some of the things they used to do.
    IrocMyCamaroSS likes this.

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