World Trade Center thrad.......

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by JuanMaroZ28, Jul 20, 2009.

  1. JuanMaroZ28

    I dont want this to get political and I hope this isnt a "late pass"..... BUT..... Do any of you guys think the new towers are FUGLY? Personally, from an engineering standpoint, I think they are the worst things being build right now..... I would've rather much have the twin towers rebuilt on a different site. I think we should recpect that site and make it ALL into a memorial. Anywho... here some exhibits on why I think the new towers are ugly...

    Exhibit A:


    The "fat hip" look distracts the symetrical line of sight from WTC (to the right)... Also.... I dunno how attractive that lobby would get with solid walls in the base. I dont think the Architect was thinking standard engineering lines when designing. It looks more artsy fartsy rather than a symbol that NYC world financial center can use right now.

    Exhibit B:


    Whats with the "jungle" look? Its cool to have landscape here and there... but the whole site? really?... How about central park and coney park? might as well remove the towers.

    Exhibit C:


    Observation deck (last level on tower) is not pointing true north, south east, and west. Very desorienting if your up to 1,000 in altitude LOL.... Also, from what I've read, the outside deck wont be open to the public. :(

    Exhibit D:


    Nice Plaza.. but.... What a pain to enter the main lobby. Especially if your ADA access ramps are to maintain a 8% slope.... Also, if your looking to get alot of visitors.. this hardscape isnt friendlly. The old site was at entry level which made it more inviting to guest.

    and finnally

    Exhibit E:


    Ahh yes... WTC 2 and so on (to the right).... UGLY UGLY UGLY. Whats with the middle tower? building a skyscraper or a castle? lol..... and that lil building? come on!... LOL..... Sloped roof eh? I bet the finishing construction workers are gonna really love that one!

    All in all I've been geeking out on this do to an interest my niece has taken on the skyscraper construction (aka structural engineering)..... Me and her a making the old twin towers into an actuall working model in 20 scale.... when done it should be over 5' tall....
  2. Out Of Focus

    Looks pretty ugly
  3. JuanMaroZ28

    yeah... it sucks that we had to rebuild on the same ground that hundreds where lost.... i dunno how many new yorkers are in this forum.... anyone?
  4. 94Zstangwalker

    it is ugly, but if you think about it... when the old towers were built, people thought it was ugly back then, and they became a centerpiece of the landscape...
  5. the_husk

    HAH! you said ARTSY FARTSY. Jeeze you old coot!
  6. DriverExtraordinaire

    I think they are more stylish than the former, my personal opinion would be exact replicas of WTC, I think it would sybolize the US's stregnth and ability to overcome hard times.
  7. ricehammer

    Yeah Juan, I agree with ya. Those buildings don't exactly fit the skyline very well. Looks kind of like NYC will be wearing a grill :chuckles:.
  8. JuanMaroZ28

    hahah... its like that car with that different colored fender that drives around your hood lol
  9. Wild Willy

    I think it is a travesty that this happened 8 years ago, and there is still nothing there- on some of the most expensive real estate in the world- 8 years of dithering, screwing around, one step ahead and two steps back- when a cluster- There should have been a new, bigger, prouder tower there in about 2 years, saying F you to the creeps that brought the first one down- makes the US look stupid, like we can't even do anything any more- 8 years!!!
  10. JuanMaroZ28

    Thats how I feel and I'm not even a New Yorker! lol..... Mr. Yamasaki's design showed greatness and boldness.... I dunno why the new one looks hallow and empty.
  11. guitarisawesome

    That's exactly what i was thinking. I see a good look initially from afar, and then when i take 10 seconds to look at it....just looks out of place.
  12. JuanMaroZ28

    yeah man. alot of the uproar wasnt heard. the own citizens of New York where denied any requests! Silverstein took his money and ran. Sold the property to a super greedy company and they hired some nut job architect (mind you architect not engineer) to design a plastic pleasuring tool in that lot. LOL.... I think its outragous that New Yorkers didnt even get a say in any of all of this.
  13. TC2250

    wow they are fugly...i still remember the day it happened...i was in teh 4th grade...and my teacher told us some bad people blew up a big building in new york i didnt know much about it til i got home..
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