Security In The Church....

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Bail, Jul 19, 2009.

  1. Bail

    I have been asked to be Head of Security at a Church. This Pastor came to visit our church today. And saw how we operated our service. He asked my Pastor If I could help set up security at his church. But when him and I got together he asked me to become head of his security ministry. Well the only reason why we have security at our church. Is due to deer, wild dogs ,black snakes and folks locking themselves out of ther cars. Oh yea and nature

    But nothing major. Although we did have to parents arguing over a child custody case. Anyway this Pastor has had some problems with his flock. And one of his members has been asked to leave do to him bothering other members while in service.

    You know me I asked him what other issue that you have other than that. And he advised none other than he wants Security in the church. I advised him that Security in the church should not act like bodyguards. There job is to maintain order along with the Pastor if things get out of line. We have 2 guys roving the parking lot cause we are in the country. So does anyone else have security in there church.
  2. richard96

    I didnt think security is necessary in church. Everyone should respect each other, right. That seems funny to me. That guy should be banned anyways. Whats wrong with the cops around there?

    Any help you could offer I am sure would be fine. How do you feel about it?
  3. Bail

    Well I dont mind helping. But I feel like its more to the story. Plus his churh wants to pay me $@00 for being at sunday services and church meetings. I dunno about this gig...
  4. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    sounds fishy to me man...

    I have never heard of a Church having security... other than maybe an after hours security to be around when nobody is there...
  5. the_husk

    So the church will pay you? That in itself is fishy. I'd try to get a little more background info on it.
  6. richard96

    I never liked commercialism in the churches. Does the head pastor drive a nice caddy, beemer or mercedes.....or all 3?

    Would you be leaving your church for that one?
  7. ur jlus

    I work security at my church. The neighborhood is not the best. We look out for our Pastor and the congregation. There have been times when people come and accost members. Mostly we just are there for support in the event of a problem. I am able to carry because of my peace officer standing as a probaion officer. I mostly am considered a last resort if any thing major happens. It's not like we are visable to deter anything but will respond if necessary. A word of comfort and a prayer are the first defense against any problems at the church. We would rather help a person than treat them like the unsaved world would. BTW I would not ask my Pastor for any pay as it is a privelge to serve my church and it's ministry. Prayers and guidance are more than money. Just my .02.
  8. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    I have heard of securitys in a lot of churches. Mostly its just watching the parking lot, and helping others out as well like Bail stated. There was a time though that the security in one of the churches I went to that someone off the street tried to come in and steal the plate offerings while the service was going on. I wouldnt like it if the church used them as body guards and you kind of stood around looking like FBI agents lol.
  9. m6speed

    the church less than a minute from my house the pastor got shot during service and died, this was recent and was all over the news, some mentally unstable guy came in with a gun, crazy stuff.
  10. Bail

    Im gonna take the job and train his people at there church. But I will be missing some sundays at my own. I have a assistant that will make sure the flow of service is ran smoothly. Mean while my Pastor and the visiting Pastor just got out of a meeting 10 min ago. And I now know why he needs the help. So yes its a good thing not a bad one. And he drives a Impala SS so him and I are kool..... 2008 model not the real
  11. dc2250

    Its really a shame that security would even be considered here in the United States at a church of any denomination, but in this day and age of who can be the craziest, its probably not a bad idea to have some type of security at church's.
  12. Forgiven

    Some would need it, others not as much. It would vary as to the area a church is located in. Church people often are viewed as naive and easy targets. As an usher I will take a walk in our parking lot (some years ago some crazed person smashed my motorcyle's guages and the window of the car beside it). Ushers should also be on the lookout for those who enter late wanting to scope out the coat room in winter, etc.

    As previously stated we are to care for those who are hurting no matter what their intent or motives for coming to a church. At the same time a watchfull eye to keep them from commiting more crimes is not out of order. Some people should be ready to remove anyone who would cause a disturbance....these days it would not be unusual for someone who is high on drugs to be in a service.
  13. richard96

    Nice to see its a good situation. Way to go Mike. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
  14. BlueZee28 Staff Alumni

    The only security my church has is an alarm system for when nobody is there....and we have volunteers from the congregation that help with security on the nights we have our car show so we can make sure there is no alcohol or burnouts on the property. That's it.
  15. Reverend Drew

    That seems a little sketchy. I went to a small church the whole time I was growing up and we never had anyone who was "security". The first time the church was broken into in the early 90's we had a security system installed. Now, at my previous church, there was a member who barricaded himself in the parking lot with a shotgun until someone inside would produce him a "letter" to leave the church (yeah, that' was interesting). But the church I go to now has around 25,000 attendees every Sunday and we don't have a designated security guard of any kind as far as I'm aware. I could be wrong, some churches need security because of the parking lot being in the open and the public knowing that nobody will be outside for at least an hour. If it involved leaving your home church to do so, I'd really, really think about it. You don't want to leave that fellowship, but you're a smart man, so you already know that :thumbsup:
  16. Bail

    It is or I wouldn't take the job...
    It is a shame that in this day and time folks getting killed in the church. 2yrs ago a Pastor was ministering to this guys wife. And he came and shot him in service. But the preacher was sleeping with the women. That was some wild stuff.
  17. dc2250

    he shoulda been castrated first,but maybe not IN the church service. A person , anybody ought to be able to put their faith and trust in a man of the cloth without consequences of abuse of that cloth. But it goes on in any occupation and always will.
  18. Bail

    So true Big Older Brother. The sad part is church now days are like going to the mall. Anything can happen.
  19. dc2250

    Ain't it the truth...
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