Something I learned from YouTube

Discussion in 'Show & Shine' started by FANTA-Z, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    I know there are many ways to clear up headlights, but I learned a new way that was rather quick. I did both my lights and my girlfriends and it worked just as the guy stated on YouTube. I used a Porter Cable but I do believe you can do it with a hand pad or drill as well, and I used it with Mothers metal Polish. I just smeared the polish on the lights with my fingers and then buffed them to a clear glass and then followed it up with some clear Polish for UV protection. Just thought I would share since it can be done rather quickly with some good results.
    Martin s and MikeyZ28SS like this.
  2. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    20171203_123255.jpg #ad

    This headlight was completely yellow and this was the first pass with the Polish.
  3. PeteD

    Have heard that works pretty well. You may want to give some thought to going back and putting a layer or two of clear on it while it is fresh. To help with the longevity of it
    FANTA-Z likes this.
  4. MikeyZ28SS


    I've used a no name brand of Kitchen glass top cleaner/polish and had similar results. I believe pretty much any super fine polish would work. As for clear coating the lenses after cleaning . . . haven't tried anything like that yet.
  5. PeteD

    Got to be careful with the plastic. Almost anything will clean them. Any bug spray with DEET in it will clean them nicely. but not sure of how it will affect the plastic
  6. WheelyFast

    OFF insect repellant and a clean rag works also. Saw that on uTube also, lol!
  7. Pygus

    A little late but DO NOT use bug spray!
    The reason it works is because it eats away at the plastic, and not in a good way.

    Use 2000 grit sand paper
    and then a compound
    and then a polish
    and then clear coat it with a 2k clear.

    That will give you a very very clear headlight. AND it will be protected from the UV rays with the clear coat.

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