Simplied Rules

Discussion in 'New Member Introduction' started by Z28/Ken, Oct 31, 2014.

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  1. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    (Rules updated 1/20/2016 - lightened up guidelines concerning political and other controversial topics, tightened up spamming guidelines).

    These new rules, published 10/31/2014, govern the use of the forums from this point forward. They do not change the fundamentals of the previous rules (link to them at the bottom of this post for reference). Instead, they are a cleaner, shorter version. The hope is that with a shorter version new users will take the time to read them all.

    General Posting Rules
    • Please post your topics in the most appropriate forum section.
    • Defamatory, derogatory, sexist, illegal activity, malicious, and racist topics, images or links are not allowed.
    • Insults directed at other members, as well highly charged posts with the intent to provoke other members are not allowed.
    • Expletives (cussing) are not allowed.
    • Nothing over PG-13 content will be permitted. R-rated, X-rated pictures, sites or links are not allowed.
    • Registering additional user ids (commonly called sock puppets) to get around the rules or temporary/permanent bans are not allowed.
    • "Post padding" simply to increase your post count is not allowed.
    • Posts attacking’s policies, moderators or administrators are not allowed. Address any concerns privately with a moderator or administrator.
    • If you have issues with another user's post(s), another user is trying to provoke you, or have questions concerning anything you might post but are unsure about, please contact a moderator or administrator privately.
    • In order to post something for sale in the Marketplace section the member will either (A) have at least 10 posts or (B) have been a member for at least 3 months.
    • All for sale threads must have a price listed.
    Avatars and Signatures
    • Avatars, and signatures must be work safe. Violating this rule may result in removal of avatar and/or signature privileges. Signature and avatar tests are allowed in the "scrap yard" section.
    • Spamming, business advertisements by businesses that do not sponsor and lottery schemes are not allowed.
    • Promotion of other forums is not allowed. This includes signatures.
    • Excessive cross-posting of the same topic in multiple forum sections is not allowed.
    • Threads or private messages forwarded to the staff which are determined to be "spam" will be deleted and possibly result in revoked privileges or deletion from our board without notice.
    • If you are interested in sponsoring please contact our Administrators.
    Violation of the Forum Rules/Guidelines
    • First Offense -Warnings and/or Infractions will be given via private message, e-mail, and/or Moderator reply in the offending thread.
    • Second Offense – could result in a Temporary Ban which will consist of a Three (3) to Seven (7) day lock of your ID depending on the nature of the offense.
    • Repeated Offense – longer ID lock, possibly permanent ban.
    • The nature of the offense will determine the action to be taken. If the violation is extreme enough, or has been repeatedly warned enough in the past, a member can have his/her ID locked without warning.
    If you feel you cannot comply with the rules above, please refrain from using’s forums.

    Link to previous version of the rules:
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
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