Revealing Jasons Camaro at G14

Discussion in 'Show & Shine' started by BdNflnc, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. BdNflnc

    Heres a video Jasons nephew took as I pulled up in Jasons car as we revealed it to everyone at G14.... not the best video but you get to hear peoples reactions.

    My favorite comments are:
    Scott Settlemire - Hooooly cheese and crackers!
    Matt or Glenn, I think - Awwww ha haooooh, now thats cool
    Kristen - You're a slyyyyyy one!

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    And then a couple pics I took before we finished the car.


    And this one was taken either monday or tuesday night at 7pm, and we loaded the car on wednesday. Talk about workin down to the last minute! :biglaugh:
  2. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Great vid and pics and even a better time being there in person.
  3. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Amazing job! :2thumbsup
  4. richard96

    Thats cool. I wish I was there. The paint is perfect, great work Landon.
  5. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    here is the pic from Monday night at 7:00 and we loaded the car wed night. The next pic is actually me talking to Glenn on the phone, while we were working on the car..... didnt have a clue what I was doing, nor who was helping... lol
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  6. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    some , more pics.. including one in action from the artist..
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  7. CamaroChica

    No Landon, I believe you and your party traveling from Louisana were the SLY ones! LOL

    Nice video! Sure turned out pretty! :)
  8. pmr253

    I didn't know you hand painted the Camaro on the sides, that's awesome.
  9. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    Here is a cool shot I did a few weeks ago that shows the overall graphics from a bird eye can click on the pics for larger views..

  10. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Car is absolutely stunning and the owner is very deserving of something like this!!!
  11. BdNflnc

    No Kristen, I meant thats what you said in the video. :)

    And that was hilarious when I took that pic of Jason talkin on the phone... Glenn was tryin to trick Jason into sayin what he was doing to the car and the conversation was something like this:
    Glenn: So tell me... how hard is it to install the belt? (Thinking supercharger)
    Jason: Who says it has a belt?! :)
    Glenn: Ohhhh, you BETTER not be doing what I think youre doing!!!! (Now thinking turbo)
    Jason: Hahahahahahahahaha!

    I had to be really quiet while they were on the phone so he couldnt hear me, and then we busted up laughing when he hung up! :)
    Sorry we teased you so much Glenn!

    And thanks for the comments!
  12. pmr253

    You probably need that since you still had a tons of work still left.
  13. BdNflnc

    Ya, the laughter helped carry me through! :)
  14. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Yeah those were funny after I was let in on the joke :) We have so many great memories and I am just lucky to be a part of a few of them. I was absolutely floored when I seen the car and happy as well that it didnt have a turbo on it ;) You both did great at keeping it a secret and keeping quiet when I was on the phone.
  15. Ryatt-Motion Staff Alumni

    Very awesome pics. I love to see the work in progress pics.
  16. 1995tealz28

    Very very nice work!!! :clapper:
  17. BdNflnc

    Thank you!
  18. LS1DER

    WOW. The car looks incredible. Awesome job Landon
  19. Forgiven

    Car looks and sounds great, It would be good to have some great video of it.
  20. pumpkinman

    great looking car and sounds very nice as well....

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