Ptsd the new plague

Discussion in 'Support Our Troops & Hero's' started by Dan031, Jan 19, 2018.


do you know a family suffering from ptsd.

Poll closed Jan 26, 2018.
  1. Yes

  2. No.

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  1. Dan031

    I've been working through a real good dose. 9 years in the Patricia's. We're the ones with all the records in sniping and my Batalion took the hit from friendly fire in afghani land. Two six hundred pounders.
    Anyway I was starting anew prodject a 95 camero I bought from a pal in trouble. Needed cash. I haven't been able to start as I ve just spent two months with my Son watching him die. He was self medicating with alcohol for ptsd. Drank every night to sleep. Hard working kid who fell from not being able to cope with his ptsd.
    Today and everyday our best and brightest are thundering in.
    I'll be back to finish what I started.
    But for now I'm useing All my energy to forward the development of treatment centres for this disease in Canada.
    If it wasn't for the military there would be no freedom and soldiers can't find theirs.
    Please call your political rep senator. MP if your in Canada.
    Today my boys are heading to Africa to seek out Isis training camps.
    First in The Feild. Go Patricia. Save as meny as you can. Come home safe.
    Also a long time member of the Canadian and American joint task force once called
    The Devils Brigade. Fight beside our Vetrans. Be their voice.
    Z28/Ken likes this.
  2. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Don't have any family suffering from it, but I do know some vets who have shown signs of it. :(

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