Prayers/Support needed for my Neighbor..

Discussion in 'Support Our Troops & Hero's' started by MasterZ, Oct 23, 2010.

  1. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    A neighbor of mine recently returned from overseas is going thru a tuff time, please keep him in ur thoughts and prayers.

  2. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Will do
  3. Forgiven

    Well said, a good word can make a person's day...or life perhaps. I will pray for this guy in that he once again has hope. Hope is so necessary for daily living. We have no idea what he is going through.....for freedom, for us.
  4. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    When he returns home I am going to try and talk to him. Maybe take him out and grab a beer and just see if I can give him a shoulder to lean on.
  5. Forgiven

    Definately get him out and see if he is willing to talk. As much as possible he needs to open up, sometimes it is easier to do to someone you do not know so well. Hope you guys can have a good visit.
  6. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Very good bro, I'm sure that will do more to help him than anything else. Knowing that you have friends that you can lean on is really important in times of need. I know that I burnt a lot of bridges in my life, and didn't have friends when I needed them (like when my dad died). But, you have to pull through, and with a friend like you Jason, it should make the journey a lot easier.
  7. MasterZ Staff Alumni

    what is sad, is I think he is only like 21-22 yrs old... he still has his whole life ahead of him...

    I am gonna offer to take him out in the car, maybe try to get him into the car scene or something... Will also be kinda appropriate with the flag on the car and all...
  8. Motaboata

    Best thing is to be supportive. Here @ Waler Reed they put me wit a "high risk" Soldier. He tried OD on Lithium. He has his good day and bad. Still trying to recover he is.. So just be support of and someone to lean on. If he needs someone who has been there and done that and seen that then have him Email me...Been to Iraq 2x and I went through something very similiar when I got deployed. Never tried to OD or anything like that but def was some !#*!#*!#*!#*... he will be in my thoughts...
  9. richard96

    Thanks guys/gals for your service.

    This is a tough deal. Jason, you are a good man. I definitely think that would be cool to hang, drink a beer, and ride in the ss. Hopefully you can shed a little light on what he has to look forward to.

    I just watched The Hurt Locker. Even though its a movie, it put some perspective on what these guy/gals go through.
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