No wonder the ladies are confused!!

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by LT1RUNNER, Sep 18, 2008.


    Hi ladies!! Ok now before any man bashing starts I just want to say that men are simple beings and are needs are simple. Or thought process in similar to a dogs needs are ok. We eat, sleep and on occasion hump a leg. Having said that I'll get to the point of my thread. I work in an office with women and just the other day one of the ladies brought all of her old cosmopolitan books. Now I didn't base any solid judgement on women soley on these books and the only reason I even looked at the mag because it had this on the cover. "HOW TO READ A MANS DIRTY THOUGHTS! KNOW WHAT YOUR MAN IS THINKING!". Hmp! So I thought "really?". I'd like to see what a woman thinks their men are thinking!!! The article was on page 84 so I turn to page 84 but this article is about how to do your hair or something like that. So I go back to the front just to make sure I got the right page. Yeah page 84.:thinking: But again that was not the correct page unless I wanted to know how to do my hair!!:cussing: So I go back to the front and look again!! Oh it's page 84 -M!!!! wtf?!? EVEN YOUR BOOKS ARE COMPLICATED!! I could not find page 84-m no matter how I many times I looked. I however did fine "how do dress like a slut without looking like a slut". How do you know if your man is cheating! Why some men pick this kind of girl and not that kind!! JJEEEZZUUSSS!!! There were so many "how to's" and "what if's" that a person could go insane trying to decipher it all?!? Ladies, ladies, please do not believe everything you read in those books!!:nono: As I said earlier men are not far from the dogs as to what our needs and wants are. The thing we have on dogs is that G0D gave us the capability to think, at times, and that's what, on top of the 3 things mentioned for male needs, is why we like sports and usually have 1 hobby that we do. Like I said i'm not judging all of you but some women can, and do, go over board sometimes. Yes they do admit it! I'm not bashing ladies!! I'm not! I'm just trying to clear some things up. I hope nobody is offended because I'm not trying to do that. Can of worms opened, begin flaming!!:rant:
  2. niknik

    All I could do is laugh...
    Cosmo, IMO, is mostly geared towards younger women. I had a subscription in my late teens - early 20's. Now that I'm nearing 30, I read magazines that have much more to do with health and my hobbies.
    It is funny the things you have inferred from just one old issue of Cosmo. Please don't judge us based simply on that :)

    Wow only one reply?!?!
  4. Sassy8722

    This is why I have never read a single issue of that magazine, I honestly think it's dumb. But that is just my opinion. And that article, How To Dress Like A Slut Without Looking Like A Slut WTH?????? Wow is all I can say!
  5. Camaro Queen

    Hahahahaha sorry to drag up an old post but I never saw it before and found this to be a great laugh for the day.

    I do not and never have read Cosmo. I personally think it is for sluts. Sorry but that is how I feel. I also feel if you need to read your man to understand him then you are truly a sorry person. You dont need a book or anything else to tell you about your man. You should know him without help. Just pay attention to them like they do you and no problems. Ok maybe sometimes there are problems but seriously no problem. If you cant then find another man or heck for that matter stay single. It might be safer if you do.
  6. niknik

    Great advice Mom! I look back now and can't believe I actually used to buy that magazine!
  7. flak_monkey

    Cosmo is geared towards the same women who are on the shows like "Real Housewives of Orange County"

    or as I affectionately call all programs in this genre, the "stupid spoiled whore show"
  8. Camaro Queen

    I should not really say that the mag is for sluts. I know some respectable people who read it. But I also know a few sleezy ones who do to.

    I personally do not think some of the stuff in there should be being ready by girls who are under age 18.
  9. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    Like a dog huh? I only wish I could lick myself :D
  10. T-TopSS

    +1 to that
  11. Camaro Queen

    TMI guys... all I can say hahahhaa
  12. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    You only say that cause if we could, we wouldn't need you :nana:
  13. Camaro Queen

    Hahahahahha.... That would not bother me a bit. :biggrin:
  14. flak_monkey

  15. SexyHawk

    LOL!!! This thread is hilarious. I've never had a subscription to cosmo but I do read it from time to time if there's something interesting on the cover. What bugs me about it is that it is geared toward women my age (early 20's) and assumes that we are all permiscuous party girls. It's almost like they have a hard time with the concept that you don't have to be a slut to be an exciting, fun-loving 20-something (says the 23 year old, been married for 4 years, prude, lol).
  16. Greg Norris



    side note... first time I think I've ever used the chicky....
  17. Camaro Queen

    Ladies and Gents... Meet Mr. Norris, the slut of all sluts. :shhh: And yes he really is a girl and not a guy. hahahahahhahahaha

    Man I miss messing with you. :crazyboun
  18. SexyHawk

    HEY!!!! I was just asking Chris where you've been! How the hell are ya? Chris says you should call him b/c he wants you to go paintballing :)
  19. Greg Norris

    Just because I wore a skirt for the presidential election does not make me a girl. tho I do like to touch my feminine side as often as possible. :biggrin:

    been busy with work/school/life/work/school/more work/work/wedding stuff/work/stupid work stuff/wedding stuff/school/and more work.


    Im switching to a day shift after april and planning on having the car back on the road after the summer. I blew my starter out thursday... :(

    but I've got the truck now to dd. but for the money I spent buying the truck, I coulda had the car on the road. :goodbad:
  20. Bryan99hoss

    I like the ones who go home after :shhh:
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