New Video Section Rules

Discussion in 'Videos' started by Extinct, Sep 6, 2004.

  1. Extinct Staff Alumni

    Hey guys,
    I figured it's about time for me to reconfigure the video section rules. So here it goes...
    1) There will be nothing above PG rating. I know we have a lot of young members on this website, and I want to keep it like it has been, a family website! This includes foul language, nudity, and any violence. I want to keep this section apart from other websites that have chick fights, and extreme violence.
    2) Moderators will have the final say... If we decide that there is something questionable and it is decided that it must be removed, we moderators will stand together and back eachothers decisions.
    3) No violence!!! If it is a war video, PM me the link and let me check it over. However, I don't want to see college girl fights, bar fights, the senseless harming of animals, or anything of the sort!!!
    4) Three strikes and your out... I am instituting a "three strikes and your out policy." The first strike will merit a so called slap on the wrist and you will receive a private message from me and perhaps the administrator. This will also alert us and we will keep a close eye on the perp from then on. The second offense will land you with more private messages and the moderators discretion to take action. The third strike will result in loss of membership at if the administrator and moderators agree on it at a meeting pertaining to the subject.

    Let me note that all of you are starting with a clean slate with offenses in the past forgotten. Help us keep this site clean, and if you see something that you think is questionable please alert Jason or me. I love the way the site is running now, but let's keep from having any of us moderators having to act out.

    See ya on the road,
    Matt :wavey:
    Forgiven likes this.
  2. 1996camarors

    wow I think you covered it. ( Now to start my plan mmuuhhaaa)
  3. Ep180

    I didn't think it would be that big of a deal if I put a warning next to it, like "PG-13" Over 75% of the videos I have or get have some sort of sware word in them, even if its just one word. I don't know how I'm going to do this :(
  4. Screamin_99

    Matt I had A Idea to get over this.. but we can't get totally through it I dont guess.. my Idea was to some how make every user post a Birth-date.. and if they are over like say 13 they can see the PG-13's.. but how we go about doing it is crazy. but I mean for one thing it will be kinda good.. If they are old enough they can get a passage to view the viedo say its a pg-13 but now im totally against the posting of nudity or completly swearing! but say their not old enough to view it they get a file not found? would this be too hard because even the simpleiest viedos that we normally post have music that swear. and look at it this way they are gonna see more on T.V. than on here so.. I understand totally and im not gonna leave the site because of something like this but im just saying kids get more from the music they d/l and see on T.V. sure its a family site but this idea would be awsome if we could get it to work!
  5. Ep180

    I second what screamin said. All the videos that I have play some sort of music that swares, even if you can't really hear it. I relize that it's a family site, and I'm totally against posting porn or anything like that. But I'm still not sure how this is going to work out.

    Btw I have a new video that just came out, pretty sweet, but does sware in the song that goes with the video. Not sure what to do.
  6. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    The only problem with that is say my nephew is at my house and visits this site. I like most people here dont sign off so he has all my access to this site since he is on my computer so that means he could see any of the videos he wanted to. A lot of people on here have children so I am sure this would pertain to them too. I really dont think Matt was saying it was going to be so strict that if one curse word is in a song that its not allowed but we will let him answer that one.
  7. Extinct Staff Alumni

    Thanks Glenn,
    I am definetly not that much of a hardass!!! I am saying if there are like videos were people after a race are yelling FUC SHT FUC FUC FUC FUC!!! That will not stand!!! But if they say like damn or something easy like that, I am not gonna get all anal over it!! And that idea Screamin' would never work...I talked with Jason and we agreed that noone would go around and "ID" everyone!!Lemme know if ya got any questions!!
    See ya on the road,
    Matt :wavey:
  8. Screamin_99

    lmao well its just a thought guys sorry for any incovience but im a dirty FOUL MOUTHED lil southern boy!! BWAHAHAHAHA .. I just think this way most ppl might get in trouble not realizing the viedos are bad. not that I dont think this is going to be problem or anything just, I never took what you said glenn about younger kids getting onto the computer but. im not a moderator.. I was just trying to look for a simple solution and guess we found it.. DONT DO IT OR GET IN TROUBLE...

    lol just like school gaw... lol j/k well kinda
  9. BigJ41069

    yea i got a question.. what if we post a warning of the content on the video. because we have a video of all are races of imports and muscle cars. i wanna show everyone here how we do are car deal here in houston so can i send to someone here on this site to edit when its done or what?
  10. knightmarez28

    How about a little enhanced security, for example... if one's rated PG 13, or whatever, click on the thread and a box comes up (similarly when you have a PM) and asks for a password unless otherwise set up in the control panel. I mean, it's similar as putting a password for Windows, or other software, e-mail, etc except it's for any videos not rated "G" or "PG" Just a thought.
  11. Icedog

    There are so many places to go and see whatever you want, I don't know what the deal is with having some standards to limit things that do not add to (speaking only for myself) why I came to this site. has been a place I have really enjoyed - and the fact that its kept in great shape by the moderator's is why I enjoy it so much - I have friends I've invited to this site (they are mustang people) and the first thing they told me is "Wow, this site is great! They keep it clean and don't let people flame others" One guy told me that "man, this place is great! I have a V-6 mustang and the Ford site I go to the guys bash me because I have a V-6. The chevy people treat me better then the guys at the Ford site, and I have a Mustang!"

    I guess with all this I'm trying to say. I'm sure I'm not the only one that enjoys this site due to the moderators keeping this a place clean for young and old fast car fans! Thanks Moderator's!
  12. Extinct Staff Alumni

    :Matt blushes: Well Icedog, I am glad you and your friends can enjoy the site. But the moderators only deserve a small chunk of the credit. Our great members deserve most of EVERYONE STAND UP AND PAT YOURSELF ON THE BACK!!!!

    See ya on the road,
  13. Phantompooper Staff Alumni

    *Pat pats himself on the back.*

    I agree Icedog, and I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep it that way!!
  14. Camaroblood

    I back the mods up 100% I agree with everything I have seen them do! Great job guys!! Keep up the good work it is noticed and apprecaited!
  15. Vega

    College Chick Fights? Where? I am so there!
  16. SScoulter

    On a side note, feel free to PM me any video's that are NOT appropriate for this site. :biglaugh:
  17. Phantompooper Staff Alumni

    Sam, I had to pull the last video you posted due to the graphic nudity and explicit scenes. Those movies are best viewed in the comfort of your own home in the presence of somebody special to you. Could you please not post that again? I can go the rest of my life without having to see your hairy ass again, thanks.
  18. SScoulter

    :rotflmao: :bart: :rotflmao:

    Sorry man, I know it's not a pretty sight. lol.
  19. Phantompooper Staff Alumni

    And I thought that Bart Simpson smilie would never see any use......
  20. camaro_guy201

    im backing the moderators on this one, as they already said there not gonna be "hardasses" about it so i see no problem at all, great site guys keep up the good work
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