Never ever do this to your car!!

Discussion in 'Videos' started by PeteD, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. PeteD

    Unless you are fixing to totally re-wax it

  2. Z28/Ken Staff Member Admin

    Another thing I do when washing a car is to power spray it down before touching it, to get the majority of dust off of it, and all of the big stuff. I don't mean a pressure washer, as I don't like the thought of that much pressure on dirt on the car. I just mean a standard pressure adjustable pressure nozzle on a hose.

    I also stocked up on those Mr. Clean car wash kit refillables when they discontinued the product line. Water just runs off the car after I use the mist setting on it, very little need to dry before waxing it.
  3. PeteD

    Yep. I always hit mine real good with the water wide open. Then I rehit it before washing the area.......

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