Need sig please!

Discussion in 'Chop Shop' started by Silver35thZ, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. Silver35thZ

    Hey Ethan, or anyone else willing to take on the challenge.

    I joined another forum (don't worry, it's not another car forum, it's a firefighting forum) and I need a sig for their site.

    I'm open for artistic choices but here is a pic that I would want to be the main thing. I want some lettering, I guess white would be best for the lettering or maybe a red color. I would like ESD#6 VFD on there somewhere and Firefighter/EMT somewhere else on it.

  2. Ethan

    I wont have time/the ability to do it till Tuesday or Wednesday, but I can do it then.
  3. Silver35thZ

    that is perfectly fine with me! thanks again Ethan!
  4. Ethan

    I didnt like the picture you wanted after I put it in a 500x150 window. I made this, see what you think

  5. Timmz28

    hey ethan can i get you to build me some kind of tag i can put on my photos? it just has to have my first name like tim or timothy.

    i was just wondering if you could make a tag with like a camaro, and like Tim Photography or something
  6. Ethan

    Like a watermark logo?
  7. Timmz28

  8. Ethan

    You have to fix your sig first haha :biggrin:
  9. Silver35thZ

    DUDE!!! ETHAN! that sig is siiiiiiick! freakin' awesome man, you way exceeding my vision of what would look good! thanks so much!
  10. Ethan

    :thumbsup: No problem man, glad you like it. Reactions like those are why I do this for free :biggrin:

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