My two favorite girls... sorry not the best shots just spur of the moment

Discussion in 'Show & Shine' started by istoleacamaro, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. istoleacamaro








    well theres tiffany and marissa, neither of them were really ready we were jsut bored and i said lets go take pictures... the car wasnt clean and it was too bright out and the sun was always in her eyes... enjoy
  2. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Zack, those are really nice pics for neither "model" being ready. :thumbsup:
  3. sdavis2702

    so which one is which? Tiffany is your girl right? i think i remember correctly
  4. austin1

    cool, that one is the one u have on facebook.......
  5. The93Z

    i only see 1 girl, or is it just me. Man you never tell me nothing, i didnt even know you did a berger
  6. istoleacamaro

    you knew i had a berger i always posted it up in the threads about what berger panels are and stuff... and yeah tiffanys my girl :)
    gotta love all of those fingerprints once its all done lol... shes due for another wash
  7. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Tiffany or the car? :D
  8. CamaroChica

    Very nice!!!!!! got the best of both worlds huh?? :) (i like her shirt btw!)
  9. Standard-Z

    Great pics.
  10. kebie05

    both girls are lookin gooood....
  11. istoleacamaro

    haha funny.... and thanks kristen we were just on our way swimming but had some time to kill
  12. Meatyshells

    my picture has 3 girls in it muhahaha

  13. istoleacamaro

    i have 7 pictures :) back atchya
  14. Meatyshells

    o well i have more pictures, (bigger ones) but i didnt want to take over your thred :)
  15. istoleacamaro

    i cant wait for her to get back and see these :( i miss her so much and shes only been gone for like 3 or 4 days and she gets home sunday... i cant wait!
  16. GunEmDown10

    Very nice photoshoot!!!! :guitarroc GED10
  17. Shortee

    nice pics!! I really like the second to last one!
  18. NevadasCrimson

    im sure you cant wait... so you can con her into more pics? :p my gf never wants to be in my car pics :[
  19. Mr.Wolf

    she looked like she having such a good time
  20. istoleacamaro

    your right she absolutely hates pictures :( but for some reason she felt like being nice to me that day lol... and yeah we were having lots of fun... stupid parents :( im ready for this week to be overwith
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