My Camaro Lineart!

Discussion in 'Show & Shine' started by analog, Apr 29, 2007.

  1. analog

    Got bored, wanted to do something neat, decided to do some Camaro Lineart!
    Z28-Lineart-01.jpg #ad
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    Z28-Lineart-04.jpg #ad
  2. guitarisawesome

    How long did that take?
  3. Greg Norris

    really makes the car stand out more in the pic. almost like 3D jumping out! wanna do mine? lol
  4. Extinct Staff Alumni

    Looks cool....I personally like the outline pictures a lot.

    See ya on the road,
  5. analog

    hour and a half

    im bored, and its raining. i was gunna go outside and work on one of my trucks or my car, but i cannot... thus i am inside doing stuff like this hahaa

    thanks for the comments :) i had fun doing it. the rim was probably the most difficult part. <3 pen tool!
  6. analog


    heres another. i just finished coloring it (took 20 minutes)
  7. CamaroChica

    thats pretty cool! how did u do that?? is there a computer program that does it for you??? (sorry probably a dumb question lol )
  8. analog

    nope, thats all done by hand in photoshop. i used the pen tool to make the lines, and then the paint brush tool to color it all in :)
  9. Greg Norris

    you never answered my question...
  10. Since.67

  11. analog


    send me a pic, i might.. depends on if i have time. if tomorrow is rainy, ill probably do it. if its sunny (like it is now) ill be outside working on my vehicles :)
  12. Camaro Queen

    those are cool. I am not talented enough to do that even if I had the shop to do it in.
  13. Greg Norris

    unfortunately, I cant access photobucket or myspace from work. but if you go to my myspace, there is a beautiful shot of my car in my parents' driveway in the rain. (the caption is something like "new cover photo for Project Mayhem")
    I need to go out and take some new pics with the new wheels on the car
  14. analog

    what is your myspace then?
  15. Greg Norris

  16. analog

    hahaa, ill just wait till you get home then.

    i have to add you as a friend to see your pics, and i have to have your email or last name to add you as a friend :p
  17. Greg Norris


    I have my page set to private cus I kept getting a bunch of fake myspacers adding me as a friend (and not fake like a 13 yr old boy acting like he's 24, but like porn sites making myspace accounts and spamming my email)
  18. analog

    Heres a pretty decent start ive made on your camaro!

    i didnt know which pic you were talking about, so i picked my fav one :p

    its a bit difficult because ive not had a chance to really inspect the curvatures and inny outy parts of your gen camaro. with mine, its really easy cause if im in question about anything, i can just go outside and look :p
    l_e6c47cc7326d3a1569b28e29fc231fbd.jpg #ad
    Lineart.jpg #ad
  19. guitarisawesome

    You are very patient....i was trying to do this on mine and i gave up like 10 minutes later. Haha!
  20. Ryatt-Motion Staff Alumni

    Great work man!
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