
Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Camaro Queen, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Camaro Queen

    Good Monday to all of you. I did not finish my homework yesterday but I am sure that I will today. Not much happening. We have a winter storm headed this way and they are saying between 12-18 inches of snow. Oh and the lower counties of the viewing area (that's us) may also see ice as well.

    OH boy... loads of fun. Maybe I can get Jim to go out and make a snowman with me.
  2. Tony Staff Member Super Moderator

    We have the same storm heading our way. It will be here at about midnight tonight, and it's supposed to be about like the blizzard of xmas 2009. Oh what fun.
  3. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    We have the storm coming our way as well but they are saying mostly rain with a little bit of snow at the end. Im just hoping the ice stays away :dizzy:
  4. sweet-94z28

    I'm looking forward to the snow because it sounds like they may close work down. I could use a day off.

    Right now I'm working on updating some tool prints and trying to coordinate a safety meeting for contractors we hire.
  5. greg_74

    I've got to sudy for a quiz that I have in my Banking and Financial Intermediation class and then take the quiz and that's it. We're supposed to get the storm here too, hopefully it's snow and not ice.
  6. Z/YA

    Be lazy through out this morning, finish up some of the things I didn't get done yeasterday. Day dream about summer and playing race cars again lol.
    Then off to work at 3.

    Ok and what is up with this snow we have coming! It had its chance to snow and that was December and January!
    But honestly if they are calling for 18in of snow I will guess that it will only be 3-4in if that.
  7. Camaro Queen

    3-4 inches tonight and then another system that is larger is planned to come in shortly after that. Total accumulations 12-18 inches is expected.

    I agree... no more snow. Mother Nature had her chance in December. Once Dec. is done it should all melt and leave so I can go outside and enjoy.

    Greg, I think you will most likely see some ice. It looks like it is going to hit us as well here. More of a mix here but you are just enough south that you could see more ice, especially in the beginning.

    Be safe out there everyone. Winter mix can be dangerous.
  8. Gatorhead

    They predicted doom and gloom with thsi storm, looks like it fell completely apart lol
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