Meditation and Yoga

Discussion in 'Z28.Com Family Support' started by Simone, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Simone

    My life was an utter mess just a couple of years ago (emotionally, physically, mentally, financially... you name it!) and since then I've taken up meditation and yoga and these two things have absolutely transformed my life in every aspect. Does anyone else practice yoga or meditation? What are some of the benefits you've received?
  2. Freebird

    Meditation can really change your life, especially if you're one of those people who usually fly off the handle over the littlest things and easily get provoked, then meditation will help you center and calm yourself so that you can respond more rationally to the things that happen in your life.
  3. Rya

    A lot of people think that meditation is sitting with your legs crossed and your fingers together for hours at a time humming some nonsense to yourself and that's why they tend to steer clear when you talk about meditation, but in actual fact it can be a fun practice that has so many benefits. Everyone should give it a try at least once.
  4. Simone

    I hear you. I used to think like that until things got so bad in my life that I just had to try anything I could to feel better.
  5. Zane

    I have a feeling this thread will inspire and motivate a lot of people to get into Yoga and meditation, especially if you will all share the benefits of these two practices.

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