married peeps in here

Discussion in 'Z Lounge' started by Camaro Queen, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. Camaro Queen

    Ok I have a question..... What would you do if your spouse sold something of yours without your knowledge?

    I am asking cause one of the DJs on a local radio station jsut sold her husband's truck. Now the kicker is they got married on 7/7/07.

    so how would you feel and how do you htink you would react after you found out?

    Me personally, I would be beyond livid. If Jim ever sold something of mine without my knowledge it would be a cold day in hell before I forgave him. Especially my vehicle. I realize that our vehicles are an equal purchase but to not consult me would be wrong. We consulted in the purchase and we should consult in the sale.

    Now before you post up in here this is just a question and Jim DID NOT sell anything of mine. Please lets keep this civil and watch the language.
  2. SexyHawk

    yeah....I'd be pretty well pissed....I think anyone would be. Chris would probably leave me if I ever tried to sell his car behind his back (that doesn't mean that I didn't think about it a long long time ago ;) lol...)
  3. Desert Rat

    I'd be highly pissed. I'm on my second marraige (just had the 5th anniversary a couple weeks back). What I learned from the first one is to keep finances separate. We have our own bank accounts, credit cards, etc. Things are so much more peaceful that way - we never fight / argue about money.

    Oh, and all the vehicle titles are in my name :)
  4. Camaro Queen

    all of our finance and personal property is in both names. We dont argue about money. I guess we are fortunate as it is said to be one of the main reasons for divorce today.

    My grandparents divorced when my mom ws a todler and then remarried when I ws like 12. My grandma never put any of the utilities or her home in his name. It was all kept in hers only. Basically I dotn think she trusted in completely but she knew she loved him to remarry him. They are both passed now and I beleive they were both happy in the later years of life but there are things my granpfather did that I think was wrong. Another story another time.
  5. Firehawk409

    At this moment in time if i came home to see that my wife sold the Hawk I'd take her out for a nice dinner at a VERY expensive restaurant.
  6. Krazzycowgirl

    I sell my husbands stuff all the time lol.

    But I tell him beforeo I am selling it. lol.
  7. 96 Z-Ragtop

    I don't know what I'd do,

    but :twak::blastin::uzi::smashfrea:rocket::bash::chairshot:flamed: comes to mind.
  8. 94greenbandit

    I think I would strangle my wife and she knows that. We have everything together and it is fine that way. I handle the money anyways.
  9. Bowtie_Z28 Staff Alumni

    And that is why your name isn't on the title :chuckles:
  10. L0tuS

    um if my wife (hahaha "wife" that will never happen) sold my car i would be doing some OJ stuff
  11. pumpkinman

    if my wife was to sell my car i would sell her to get my car back:chuckles::clap::nana:
  12. Camaro Queen


    Julia you know I love you but I have to laugh. Wait till Jim comes in and sees this he is going to bust up laughing.
  13. Camaro Queen

    Sounds reasonable to me. :chuckles:
  14. SexyHawk

    I'm not your friend anymore...:no:
  15. Camaro Queen

    Hahahaha... I coudnt help it ... it was funny. Besides yo are the one who opened up and said you had considered it at one time. LOL.
  16. BBCAM

    My wife keeps telling me she would sell my car to one of my friends for three dollars ...and give one dollar each to my kids ... I really don't think she would do it, but that's why I hide my titles...
    seriously we keep everything seperate, I used to give her my checks at the end of pay periods, and she would drive whatever I gave her to drive sometimes it would be in my name, sometimes hers, and a couple of them were in both our names ..never had any issues and always consulted each other before anything was sold for any reason unless it was one of my projects ...then she just gets a cut of the profit from the sale and that keeps her happy...
  17. Camaro Queen

    Wow I would have a fit if my husband jsut gave me something to drive. Not to mention everyting in his name. I can understand his hunting vehicle in his name.... that I dont mind but then I would not expect a share of the profit when he sold it. Nor would I expect him to get a share of something thatwas mine. It is interesting to hear how others handle their personal property and money. But hey as long as it works then that is all that matters. Marriage is much more then items or money.
  18. BBCAM

    I really diden't mean it to sound like I just give her any old POS to drive, LOL.. I actually find something she likes and then she just says yes or no as to keeping it .. and it seems to keep her happy if I share the profits from my project cars ... especially now with me only making money from selling my (projects)
    she always has taken care of the bills and stuff (im bad at most math) so it has allways worked better If I give her the money and she takes care of it all
    but I always had a job before so now it does get kinda tough when we get thin on money .. but I learned along time ago it's not worth fighting about money ...
  19. Camaro Queen

    Oh good for a minute there I was beginning to think you were not as nice as I have always thought you to be. LOL. Sorry.

    After my Blazer was totaled by my daughter Jim was sooo wonderful and he spent hours and who knows how many miles to find me a new truck/suv. He knew I ws going to be really picky so one day he took me along with him cause he thought he found exactly what I would want and I about cried because it didnt feel right when I sat in it and I passed it up. I felt bad that I was so picky but you know if it does not fit then I woudl hate it all the more if I had gotten it. We actually saw something on a lot that I like and he didnt even think that it woudl appeal to me. We didnt buy that one but one very simular to it. We also found the Z at the same time. Man I love him for all he puts up with in me.
  20. 96 Z-Ragtop

    I must have a 1 in a million wife. She is a CPA, so I don't have to mess with the family bills and such :thumbsup:. She is my BEST friend, a great mother:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:. And we work together:crying:

    We don't always get along, nor does she share my love of cars, even though we own an auto parts store :dizzy:. But I can honestly say that she respects my passion for cars, to the point where she doesn't test drive a new car that she wants. She values my opinion, and trust I know what she wants in a car. So she leaves all the rest up to me.

    She is the coolest non-car person I have ever met:clap:

    Anyhow.....she knows how much I (AND MY BOYS) enjoys my Z and would never do anything to change that....much less sell out from under me.
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