Lots of prayers needed

Discussion in 'Z28.Com Family Support' started by Z28Chic, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. Z28Chic





    I need as many prayers as possible. My dad is 82, he has always been healthy as a horse, never had any major health issues except a massive stroke in 2000 & a massive heart attack in 2003. I took care of him from the time I was 17 till I was 25 or 26 & then I moved out & I got my own place because I wanted to actually experiance life after my diagnosis & knew I had to make the most of my life. Even thru the stroke & heart attack that stopped his heart, he had a strong sense of humor & swears nothing can take him down because he's Indian :crazy:Obviously not true cuz I'm far from healthy but hey why not humor him.

    About a month ago, he developed flu like symptoms & he went to the doc & they diagnosed him with an upper respitory infection & gave him over the counter meds. He was stubborn & wouldn't take them, wouldn't eat & would drink. Finally (keep in mind his dr appt was March 10th) yesterday he called 911. They took him to the crappiest hospital ever, that when I went for a kidney stone, the dr confirmed with a CT scan I had a 3mm stone in the ureter, flat out bluntly told me to my face that he wasn't going to give me anything for the pain because he believe I was a drug seeker. I was like wth, of course I want drugs, it friggin hurts like heck!

    After my Dad got there at 1:30pm, at around 7:30pm I called & complained that they need to get him in a room or he's gonna get a ride back home & he needs help. Well he didn't get into a room till 10pm & they did a CT scan & confirmed he has phnemonia & that his kidneys are shutting down. Then my brother called me today & told me that they don't think he has phnemonia & that all his issues are caused from his kidneys & he is now in full renal failure & we aren't expecting him to make it another 5 days, tops.
    I'm torn up by this because I have 2 say goodbye 2 both of my parents before the age of 28.
    The beautiful women you see in the bottom pictures was the greatest mother ever that I had to say goodbye to when I was 7 years old. I lost her to breast cancer. As you can imagine, my bond grew very strong with my Dad & I have always been Daddy's little girl. He called me after he called 911 to let me know he was going to the hospital & he said "thank you for all that you have done for me, you are my Angel" I broke down & cried. I understand he's 82, but I feel like I was robbed of time from both of my parents. I don't know if I should be angry, sad, depressed or what.
    The tops pictures are of me & my dad at happier times on this past thanksgiving which will probably be his last so I will treasure these pictures more than all the others.
    All I'm asking is to say a quick prayer for him. Just take 20 seconds & just pray that if God can't let him stay, to let him go peacfully & pain free. I can't see him suffer. I don't know if I can take anymore trauma of seeing him suffering. Between what I seen them do to him from the stroke, heart attack & the phnemonia he developed from being on a respirator, that turned into MSRA, I can't handle anymore.
    Thank you for you thoughts & prayersl
  2. masonb51

    Prayers from me indeed!!!! I hope all goes well for your family and keep that head up, we are always here to support our fellow members anytime.

    No matter what happens be thankful you have pictures and memories, and that you are able to say you remember him on good days and bad. We are here for you!
  3. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Dear One, I lift your Dad up to our Father. I ask Him to give your Dad peace and comfort. I also ask Him to give you peace and give you both strength.

    Your Mom was a very beautiful woman. I see that you got your looks from both of your parents. :)
  4. SmokinWS-6

    Prayers are with u and your dad........Your a strong woman Laura...*lease keep us updated on how things are going and if you need anything please don't hesitate to call...........we all love you.
  5. sonia

    My prayers are with you and your dad. Please keep us updated .God bless.
  6. richard96

    Very saddened to hear of this. My prayers will be sent for you and your family. You are very fortunate to have a special relationship with your Dad. I am sure you will cherish that forever. I am sorry for your pain.
  7. Forgiven

    Dear Lord I pray for Laura and her dad. Father I ask that you may give her the desire of her heart to not see her father suffer. I pray that you will stay his pain and keep him from suffering. I also ask that you sustain Laura through her difficulties, comfort her in the losses she has had, In Jesus name.
  8. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Amen Brother. I pray this in agreement with you.
  9. LS1Tuner_06

    we are all here for you and I hope everything goes accordingly.
  10. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Just a little update. Your prayers have been answered. Her dad is doing much better, with getting his color back and starting to eat. She told me that they are expecting to let him go home in a couple of days. Thank you all very much for keeping him in your prayers and thoughts. God is great!!!

    Z28.com Rocks
  11. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Great News Glenn! Thanks for posting up.
  12. Z28Chic

    Just an update. I finally got to go up there & see him. I printed a picture of myself & showed it to him & he lit up, so I set it on the desk that can be pulled over top of the bed. I got the "good news" from my brother Lynn & he was saying he was sitting up & eating an all that & that he read on the dry erase board in his room that his approx discharge was 2 days. I got excited & I thanked God a million times & on the way up there, I was so excited to finally get to see my Daddy & my brother kept telling me that Dad kept asking how am I doing & how my pain has been.
    We arrived at the hospital & the closer we got to his room the heavier my heart felt for some reason. When we got to his room, his door was open & I almost didn't want to go in. I had a bad feeling. I had asked my brother if he was hooked up to any machines or anything & he said no. Well I got there & turns out he's bruised all over from needles, he has a chest tube sucking a bloody mucous out of his lungs & he's on oxygen because when hes not on it his O2 levels drop into the 70's but with it, it stays in the 90's but he keeps trying to rip everything out & off of him. He also has a catheter which he was trying to pull out too. His eyes are empty. He just dazes off at the wall like there's nothing going on in there. He's hard of hearing, but if I get right up to his ear with his hearing aid turned all the way up & raise my voice, I still have 2 repeat myself quite a few times. He's mixing up words & not making sense & He doesn't comprehend half of what I was trying to tell him. Things took a turn for the worst.
    The way he was breathing, it sounded like he was fighting for his life & he's shaking uncontrollably bad. Things don't look good & that board now says approx dishcharge is 96 hours & they still don't know what is wrong with him. The nurse said they took 10 tubes of blood today to test for EVERYTHING. In his IV they have him on fluids of course along with levaquin & some other very potent antibiotic. Before we left, I sat down & wrote him a letter telling he truly is the #1 Dad & I admire how strong he is & I think that is where I get the power to fight my disease & I told him I wouldn't have been able to fight my disease like I do if it wasn't for him. He was the one, no matter what, when I felt like giving up & feeling like there's nothing left for me in this life, he was there & he'd sit me on his lap (yes at 27 years old & he's 82 & has had a massive stroke that took away his mobility on his right side & the heart attack damaged 30% of his heart) & he'd hold my hand or put his arm around me & he always had a way to make it better. I remember one time he called & said that he was sensing I wasn't doing well & I wasn't, I was falling back into a bad depression & I went over there & we talked about things & I got better. I also told him, for being a single parent & I was still so young when we lost Mom, that he did a good job at raising a good girl. I've never done drugs, I'm not a drinker & I have manners & modesty unline like 80% of the world today! As we were leaving, I broke down & started balling my eyes out & we went to the chapel & I dropped to my knees & begged God to help him heal quickly & just please please don't let him suffer. I'm not doing well now. I'm throwing up, shaking, sweating & my pain is awful, I could hardly climb the stairs to get in the house.
    Please keep the prayers coming! We need all we can get now! Sorry I couldn't report with good news :eek:(
  13. WartHog Staff Alumni

    Dear One,

    I will keep praying for your Dad, you, and your family. I am sorry to see this, but I am thankful you're keeping us pdated.
  14. greg_74

    I'm so sorry Laura. Hang in there and be strong like you have your whole life. :)
  15. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Keep on praying girl and just have faith. You have to remember that everything hooked up to him is to make him better. Before you and I ever met dad was hooked up to all those machines as well and they didnt know what was wrong with him either but look at where he is now. So dont give up on him, and you have a huge prayer network here and elsewhere so use it to your full potential. As always you know how to reach me if you need anything.
  16. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Just got an update on Laura's dad and its not looking good at all :( The hospital has requested that the whole family come up and be with him today, so please everyone keep Laura, her dad, and her whole family in your thoughts and prayers.
  17. masonb51

    Thanks for the update Fanta. She and her fam haven't left my mind since I read her first post :(
  18. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Thanks Mason.

    Z28.com Rocks
  19. CamaroChica

    Ill keep them in my thoughts and prayers. :(
  20. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Another update: The doctors are working on him and think he has a rare disease called "wagners". They are stating his diagnosis is not great but they are going to do all they can to try and bring him back to health. Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts. They need all they can get at this point!!! God Bless each and every one of you!!
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