*lol* for the guys..."THE APPLICATION"

Discussion in 'Ladies Lounge' started by z28camarocarri, Jun 25, 2006.

  1. z28camarocarri

    lol as many of the guys who read in the ladies lounge know, there was a little joke about an "application" for the guys in the "which one belongs to you" thread.....well all in good fun one has been made. Thank you Kikki for your help and thank you Phatompooper for your permission to post :) Have a good time with this guys but also answer somewhat seriously as well. lol. enjoy :)

    1. Name
    2. Age
    3. Location
    4. Height
    5. Weight
    6. Hair color
    7. Eye color
    8. body type?
    9. do you work out?
    10. favorite food?
    11. what do you drive?
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do?
    13. What are your three main goals in life?
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?
    15. are you a gentleman? How so?
    16. are you romantic?
    17. whats your ideal girl?
    18. perfect date?
    19. any bad habits?
    20. is your car important in your life?
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)
    22. is it modded?
    23. show or race? both?
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars?
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl?
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars?
    27. describe yourself in 3 words.
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like?
    29. is family important to you?
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds?

    **any further comments please add here**
  2. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Im doing this for fun since Im an old fart :D

    1. Glenn
    2. 36
    3. Kentucky
    4. 5'9"
    5. 195
    6. dark when I have any ;)
    7. Hazel
    8. Average
    9. Sometimes, mostly in winter. Too busy in summer
    10. Steak
    11. 95 Camaro Z28
    12. Yes, I am a chemical operator at Arkema. We make Plexiglas
    13. Be proud of who I am, get married, and have a few children
    14. Married with children and driving a 5th Gen Camaro ;)
    15. I think so :) Still old fashion at heart, open doors, etc.
    16. I think so and try to be
    17. Someone that likes the outdoors and thats not afraid to get dirty. Of course if she likes cars thats a big plus since I am working on mine constantly LOL. Looks arent as important as to whats in the heart and how she carries herself.
    18. Dont know if there is a perfect date :) I would have to say as long as both parties were interested the whole night, had a lot of fun, and would like to get together again for a second date, then that would be perfect enough for me :)
    19. Modding the car ;)
    20. Yes, sometimes too important
    21. I guess I would have to say that it runs 10 second 1/4 passes and its still street legal and is driven quite often on the street.
    22. Yes
    23. Both
    24. Oh yeah doesnt everybody?
    25. Well I have to be attracted to her at first. This can be both physically, or mentally, or both of course :) A positive attitude towards life, and family is a must.
    26. Nope that would just mean I would have help working on the car and I could help her whenever she needed it :)
    27. Lively, goofball, sports nut
    28. No telling what they might say LOL. I would think they would say Im a fun guy to be around. Always thinking about others before myself, outgoing. Someone that just likes to have fun.
    29. Very much so. My family is what keeps me going.
    30. Yes, and pretty much all kinds. I dont think there is a pet out there that I couldnt be around or have.

    Only other comment is to the other guys that apply. Please do not disrespect Carri in any way because thats not what this is here for. If for some reason it does happen you could see yourself looking in from the outside if you know what I mean :D
  3. Mase

    1. Mason
    2. 25
    3. Kentucky
    4. 6'6
    5. 290
    6. brown with a red tint (really noticeably in the sun)
    7. blue
    8. big
    9. no
    10. steak
    11. A Camaro z28 :)
    12. Yes. Manager of a domino's pizza
    13. Be happy, be well off, live long
    14. Doing something better then what I'm doing now.
    15. Sometimes
    16. I can be.
    17. Smart, funny, a car girl
    18. Dinner, a nice drive, a good conversation.
    19. many
    20. not really. I love it but I can do with out if need be.
    21. the color.
    22. a little
    23. both
    24. yes
    25. the face. Got to have a nice face
    26. I wish I know a girl that way.
    27. funny, smart, big
    28. funny, smart, dependably
    29. yes
    30. yes, cats and dogs
  4. 95 Camaro Z28

    10 characters.......
  5. pmr253

    1. Mark
    2. 21
    3. North Carolina, but Arkansas is where I grew up.
    4. 5-10
    5. 164
    6. brown
    7. blue
    8. fit
    9. I run alot
    10. I like pretty much anything with chicken, but lately I am starting to love Chilean food.
    11. 94 Z vert
    12. I work on avionics for the Marines.
    13. I want to finish the rest of my engineering degree, I want to own a home by 28, and I want to work for myself.
    14. finishing up college, working with my brother in commercial ships.
    15. I treat people well and I honestly care, oh yea I can listen.
    16. not alway, but I make up for that in other ways.
    17. A girl that knows what she wants and dosen't need me for everything.
    18. Its different for each girl, I good sunset is always nice thou.
    19. I smoke.
    20. It is but I do alor of other things.
    21. The sound of a V8 under WOT
    22. Not any major engine mods, just waiting for the right time to do them.
    23. My car is simple no crazy decals, just black on black, its eventually going to be build up to be alittle faster.
    24. Everyone likes girls that like cars, but I don't think they like that much attention.
    25. Who she is. That is most important to me.
    26. I think its great if a girl knows about cars.
    27. Smart, energetic, caring
    28. They would say I'm fun to hang out with and I will help them out on anything.
    29. yes my twin and me are the best of friends.
    30. I like dogs the most, I like real dogs not the ones that have been bred into little barking mutts.
  6. z28camarocarri

    :) thanks guys. this is really interesting to read and get to know some of you Ive seen on the boards but never taken the time to get to know.

    you know i was thinking....you all might want to know more about me as well. So if you have anything you want to ask me.....please do so.

    Each one of you sound like you have very respectable qualities and are defenitly individuals. Glenn be 10 years younger and well....nevermind ;) also thank you for adding that note at the end. When I first got decided to have some fun and do this, I told pooper that I hoped no one thought badly of me or that i was only on here to "chase" guys, cuz thats far from what im here for.

    thanks again guys. :) keep em coming
  7. Phantompooper Staff Alumni

    How about you do one of these for anybody who's interested Carri?
  8. 95 Camaro Z28

    mayb u should throw up some picture/biography as incentives lol
  9. z28camarocarri

    a picture would scare everyone away.
  10. pmr253

    ha, we are not all that bad.
  11. z28camarocarri

    ok I will fill out what applies to me so you guys have alittle insight on me as well.

    1. Name: Carri
    2. Age: 20
    3. Location: Illinois
    4. Height: 5'7 1/2
    5. Weight: 174
    6. Hair color: light brown with blond (natural at that) highlights
    7. Eye color: hazel (and they change with my mood :) )
    8. body type?: meh i could afford to lose a few pounds
    9. do you work out?: yes, run 1/2 mile morning, walk mile in the evening, run 1/2 mile late at night, and do various other things :)
    10. favorite food?: chicken or pizza
    11. what do you drive?: 1997 Z28
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do? lol which job? I train horses, work at my dad's shop, detail cars, sell things for a company called vector, and i have another interview monday at Kinko's.
    13. What are your three main goals in life? graduate college with all three degrees im going for, succeed in everything i do, and live comfortably.
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 5 years, done with college and holding a steady job with no worries about finances, 10 years, have a family and be able to comfortably do my part financially
    15. are you a gentleman? How so?
    16. are you romantic? very much so :)
    17. whats your ideal girl?
    18. perfect date? Im not sure there is one....being with the right person is what makes it perfect, as long as we are both doing something we enjoy together and laughing, smiling, etc then its perfect.
    19. any bad habits? I bite my nails :(
    20. is your car important in your life? my car is my life currently
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol) its unique, no matter where i go people stare and comment, and the fact its fast and NO ONE expects it to be a girls car.
    22. is it modded? yes :)
    23. show or race? both? both
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars?
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl?
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars?
    27. describe yourself in 3 words. friendly, motivated, loyal
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like? they would most likely tell you that I will do anything for the well being of others, Im funny, I love to have a good time, and am a great friend
    29. is family important to you? very important to me. My mom is one of my best friends, my grandma who passed away 7 days before my b-day was another of my best friends. I have a 1 year old neice that always makes me smile :) family can not be replaced.
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds? definitely. I want my dog back :( I love all animals

    **any further comments please add here**
    Well as you all know im single and just looking to have a good time on here and see what all you car boys like :) I just like to have fun and figure no harm could be done by doing this. If there are any specific questions youd like to ask, please do so.
  12. Jpack

    Not an application, but a look at a married man.

    1. Name Jim
    2. Age 36
    3. LocationSugar Grove, IL
    4. Height6'1"
    5. Weight215
    6. Hair colorLight Brown
    7. Eye colorBlue
    8. body type?Tone
    9. do you work out?Somtimes, not regularly
    10. favorite food?Steak and Lobster
    11. what do you drive?94 Z, Astro, Excursion
    12. do you work? If yes, what do you do?Union SMW, Do H.V.A.C. test and Balance/Engineering
    13. What are your three main goals in life?To be sucessful, raise my children right and die happy
    14. where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?Semi Retired, living the dream
    15. are you a gentleman? How so?Ladies first and no matter what, they are always right. (learned this through 15 years of marriage)
    16. are you romantic? Not all the time, but the right times. Like to suprise and keep it so it doesn't become predictible
    17. whats your ideal girl? My wife. New it from day one. Dated and married 2 months to the day.
    18. perfect date? We don't get date night often having 4 kids, but when we do, dinner, drinks and some dancing
    19. any bad habits?I smoke, but never in my home
    20. is your car important in your life?Yes, but not that it would consume my life
    21. tell me your favorite part of your car? (not neccasarily a physical part, lol)I like the feeling of driving it around on a warm summer night with the tops off
    22. is it modded?Shhh, no, well maybe a little
    23. show or race? both? Show with a "little go"
    24. do you like a girl who likes cars?My wife is a complete car girl
    25. what is the most important thing to you when looking for a girl?Common ground. Have to be able to talk to eachother and enjoy eachothers company
    26. are you intimidated by a girl who has a faster car than you or knows as much or more than you about cars?Not really, in fact I will be buying a car for my wife to drive that is faster than mine within the next couple of months.
    27. describe yourself in 3 words.Funny, loving, father
    28. what would your friends say about you if i was to ask them what you're like?Stand up guy that would give you the shirt off his back. Helps everyone and asks nothing in return
    29. is family important to you?My family is everything to me. Would be lost without my wife and kids.
    30. do you like animals? if yes, what kinds?I am a dog kinda guy.
  13. z28camarocarri

    lol Jim youre funny.
  14. Jpack

    Well, I spoke the truth.
  15. z28camarocarri

    :) from what i know about you, yes you did. but your car is still slow ;) jk man
  16. Stubbs

    Ooo......the application for the males :) I like.

    I'm single ya know ;) Just kidding guys...I'm definitely not on here to find a guy, BUT you never know lol. This is the first time being in the "ladies lounge".

    You guys all sound so wonderful :D Jim...you sound the best by far ;) jk jk jk.
  17. Art Vandaley

    1. Matt
    2. 20
    3. Orlando, FL
    4. 5'9
    5. 215
    6. Brown
    7. Brown
    8. More to love
    9. Sometimes
    10. American
    11. 1999 Pontiac transmission AM
    12. Rental Car Agent
    13. Marriage, A faster Car, Better education
    14. On Z28.com
    15. Open the door for the ladies.
    16. Of course
    17. Smart, beautiful, same interests
    18. Someone very open
    19. Smoking
    20. Ummmm let me think.... YEAH
    21. When other people turn their head to look at it.
    22. Yes
    23. both
    24. Yes
    25. How funny she is.
    26. Naw, thats a good thing.
    27. Chubby, Funny, Dorky
    28. ummmm don't know
    29.Very much so
    30. Dogs
  18. War Department

    This is great....just great! Hahaha:D
  19. FANTA-Z Staff Alumni

    Hey you stole my line about the perfect date ;)
  20. z28camarocarri

    i didnt steal it....its how i feel too :) I honestly dont even care if money is spent or anything like that. Id rather go for a walk and spend time with the person over having an expensive meal and movie like so many people think is perfect...well for some it may be. but im not all into that flashing the pocket book to impress me kinda thing ;)
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